Costs Flashcards
What is generally included in costs?
CPR 44
Solicitors charges
Disbursements - court fees etc
Experts fees
Pre-action costs
Which section is costs in CPR?
CPR 44
What is the general rule of costs?
The unsuccessful party pays the successful partys costs.
However, this is only a starting point
What is the effect of costs an agreement order on multi-track?
A party is awarded its costs on the standard basis at trial and wil be able to recover the amount of its last approved or agreed budgeted costs.
When may the court depart for budgeted costs?
If persuaded that there is a good reason to do so - such as the costs of a phase were not incurred at all, or much less than budgeted
What is the procedure for determining costs in each track?
Small claims: legal costs are NOT recoverable, so costs payable are only to disbursements
Fast track: costs are summarily assessed
Multi-track : a DETAILED assessment of the costs
What are fixed costs?
CPR fix the amount of costs the party may recover from their opponent. This is SEPARATE from the arrangement between the party and their lawyers.
What are the advantages of fixed costs?
They know in advance how much will have to be paid to the other party should they lose the case.
What is the disadvantage of fixed costs?
They are less attractive to the successful party, as they are EXTREMELY unlikely to recover all their costs, ad will have to pay shortfall to solicitor.
What is a summary assessment?
This happens in the fast track
If costs are not fixed, a differnet process applies. This is the summary assessment.
The court determines the amount that is payable immediately, at the end of the hearing.
What is the general rule for summary assessment?
The court should, unless there is good reason not to do so, make a summary assessment of the costs:
At the conclusion of a fast track trial, and
At any other hearing that has not lasted more that’s one day
To assist the court, when must a statement of costs be filed and served - for summary judgement at fast track?
No less than 2 days before a fast track trial, and at least 24 hours before an interim hearing.
What is a detailed assessment?
If the court cannot make a summary assessment of costs, an order will be made for the detailed assessments of those costs.
What is a notice of commencement of detailed assessment?
This is a notice f the payments, with a bill of costs and evidence in support -such as receipts
Whe must a notice of commencement be served?
Within 3 months of the date of judgement or order
What are the following steps that must be taken, if the paying party wishes to challenge the bill in a multitrack caes?
Paying party has 21 days to serve points of dispute
Receiving party ahs 21 days to file reply
Receiving party must file a request for an as assessment hearing within 3 months of the expiry of the period for commencing detailed assessment proceedings
What must the court do, if the paying party challenges the bill of multi-track and the costs claimed are less than 75,000?
The court must undertake a provisional assessment where the judge decides what costs are allowable in the absence of the aprties
What happens if either party is unhappy with the provision assessment which occurs at multitrack when the paying party challenges the bill?
They may request an oral hearing within 21 days, it if the party fails to achieve an adjustment in their favour by at least 20% they will be ordered to pay the costs of the hearing.
What are inter-partes costs?
Term that means “between the parties”
As the claim professes towards trial, there may be hearings along the way to determine interim matters.
After each interim hearing, the question of costs must be considered.
What are the 2 issues for inte-partes costs?
Rule is that the loser pays the winners costs. However, esbtalshing the amount of costs that shoudl be paid is challenging and can lead to dispute
What are the 8 factors that are used in assessing the amount of costs?
Conduct of parties and efforts made
Value of any money/property involved
Importance of matter to the parties
Complexity of matter
Skill, effort, experts and responsibility involved
Time spent on the case
Place and circumstnaces in which works as done
Receiving partys last approved or agreed budget
What is the standard basis?
Costs must be proportionate to the matters in issue.
Reasonable relationship to the :
sums in issue,
The value of any non-monetary relief in issue,
complexity of litigation,
and any additional work.
Wider factors-s reputation, public importance
Costs that are disproportionate may be disallowed or reduced.
What are the 2 stages when determining costs on the standard basis?
The judge must go through the bill, line by line, scrutinising each point in turn. Any times that are unreasonably incurred or unreasonably in amount will be disallowed
The proportionality of the OVERALL figure then must be assessed by reference to the factors in Part 44.
If deemed to be proportionate, no further assessment needed.
If not, judge will then scrutinise various categories of costs:
- disclosure
- factual evidence
What is the indemnity basis?
They are awarded as a penalty, to reflect the courts DISPLEASURE with the manner in which teh party has behaved either pre-action and or during proceedings.
They must be reasonably incurred and reasonable in amount.
Who receives the benefit of doubt in indemnity basis?
The receiving party
What is the difference between standard and indemnity?
It does NOT have to be proportionate to matters in indemnity.
There is no test of proportionality on teh indemnity basis
Any doubts are resolved in favour of the recieving party in indemnity basis
What power does hte court have when the losing party is unable to pay costs?
Discretionary power to make an order than a NON-PARTY meets the costs.
Part 46
How common is it that a non-party pays the costs of litigation?
VERY exceptional, and court would have to be satisfied that the non-party was the REAL party interest in the litigation, or they were responsible for bringing the proceedings .
What is the order that the court can make for security of costs?
Discretionary power to make an order for security of costs if it is satisfied it is JSUT to make such an order, AND
One or more of the conditions I n Part 25 apply
What are the Part 25 conditions?
These are conditions in CPR, about security of costs
What are the 3 part 25 conditions?
Claimants resident outside 2005 Hague convention state: resident OUTSIDE the UK and Hague COnvention.
Claimant is an impecuious company : reason to believe that the claimant will be unable to pay the defendants costs.
Claimant has taken steps to make enforcement difficult : defendant must demonstrate that the claimant has taken steps with their assets so that the order wil be difficult to enforce.
What must he court be satisfied about to make an order of security of costs?
JUSTNESS of the order
What are the 5 factors to consider the justness of a security of costs order?
The strength of the claim adn defence
Claimants ability to provide security
Clauses of the claimants impecuniosity
Property within the jurisdiction
Timing of application
What is the procedure for an. Order of security of cost?
Defendant should write to claimant first and ask for security voluntarily.
If not, then defendant submit notice of application to the court with a witness statement in support.
What is a part 36 offer?
A party may make an offer to settle in any way they choose, and the court will take this into account when deciding the issue of costs.
However ,under part 36, there are implications and penalties if you make the WRONG decision, and rejects an offer that the court deemed suitable. This puts PRESSURE
What are the formalities of a part 36 offer?
Be in writing
Make clear that it is pursuant to Part 36
Specify a period of not less than 21 days during which, if offer is accepted, the defendant will pay claimant costs (relevant period)
State whether it relates to the HWOLE claim, or part of it.
What is Day 21 and Day 22 in part 36 claims?
The offer of acceptance is required within 21 days. Therefore, day 21 is the offer before. Day 22 is what happens if they have not accepted this.
What does “without prejudice save as to costs” means in Part 36?
It means the trial judge will NOT be made aware of the offer until the case has been decided - both liability and quantum.
Only when issue of costs falls to be dealt with, will the offers be produced t the judge.
What is the effect of acceptance of a part 36 offer within the 21 days? Relevant period
If D makes an offer and this is accepted by claimant within the relevant period, the sum must be paid to claimant within 14 days.
IF NOT, claimant can enter judgement.
Claimant is entitled ot their costs of proceedings UP to the date on which the notice of acceptance is served on teh defendnat.
If the parties cannot agree costs, Jude will assess on standard basis.
What is the effect of late acceptance of part 36 offer
If the claimant accepts a defendants offer after the relevant period has expired and the parties cannot agree costs, the court will order:
- D pays claimant costs up to the date on which the relavtn period expired
- the. Claimant pays the D costs thereafter until the date of acceptance
If there DEFENDANT accepts the claimants offer late, the D will be ordered to pay claimants costs of proceedings, UP to the dat. Eof acceptance.
What will the judge take into account when making penalties for non-acceptance of party 36?
Terms of the part 36 offer
When it was made
Their conduct
If it was a genuine attempt to settle proceedings
What are the 3 outcomes if the claimant makes a part 36 offer?
Win at tria and be awarded a sum that EQUALS or BEATS their own offer
Win at case, but obtain judgement that is LESS than thier own offer
What happens if the claimant wins at trail and equals or beats their own offer?
This means the final judgement is BETTER than the part 36 offer.
Penalties on teh D will be high.
What is the additional amount which is added if the claimant wins at trial and beats the part 36 offer?
Damages up t o 500,000, D must may additional amount of 10%
Damages in EXCESS of 500,000 and up to 1 ml, 10% on first 500,000 and 5% up to max of 75,000 additional
Enhanced interest on damages - not exceeding 10% above base rate.
What are the indemnity basis on teh defendant if the claimant wins and beats their offer?
Indemnity basis from Day 22 onwards. This results in claimant being a ble to recover more costs.
What is the interest on indemnity costs?
May be as high as 10% above base rate. Sanction runs from Day 22
What happens if the claimant WINS at trial, but does NOT beat their own offer?
Damages are LOWER than ther own prat 36 offer.
No extra penalty is imposed, as neither did anything wrong.
Party 36 has NO EFFECT
What happens to the Parat 36 if the claimant LOSES at trial?
Part 36 has no effect.
Claimant expected to pay defendant s csots on a standard basis in the USUAL WAY.
What are the 3 options that could happen as a consequence of DEFENDANTS offer of part 36?
Claimant WINS at trail and beats D part 36 offer
Claimant WINS at trial but failed to beat D. Offer
Claimant LOSES at trial
what happens if the claimant wins at trail, and BEATS the Defendants part 36 offer?
It was clear that they were justified in their refusal of the offer because it was too low, therefore no effect.
Defendant will be ordered to pay teh amount of judgement plus interests, and claimants costs on standard basis as usual
What happens if the claimant wins at trail, but fails to beat the defendants part 36 offer?
If damages are either equal or less than the offer.
Court will make an order that PUNISHES the claimant, for continuing the claim when they shoudl have accepted the offer. Wasted time and money
Usually, defendant would haev to pay all costs. But because of this, claimant is expected to :
Pay defendants csots on the standard basis from teh date of EXPIRY of relevant period (day 22) until judgement, PLUS
Interest on those csots, usually 1/2% above base rate.
What happens if the claimant LOSES at trial after rejecting a defendants offer?
Claimant would be ordered eat pay winners costs, as well as penalise for rejecting offer, and expected to pay interest on rate.
What are the new part 36 updates?
Climate winds at Triton beats own part 36 offer, indemnity cost replaced with a 35% uplift on fixed costs
Claimant wins at trial and beats defendants part 36 offer, defendant pays, and hard interest on fixed costs payable at a rate, not exceeding 10%