Costal systems and landscapes Flashcards
A form of erosion where loose material ‘sandpapers’ the walls and floors of the river, cliff or glacier.
The upper beach closest to the land, including any cliffs or sand dunes.
Beach Morphology
The surface shape of the beach
Coastal recession
The retreat of a coastline due to erosion, sea-level rise or submergence.
Concordant coast
A coastline where bands of alternate geology run parallel to the coast.
Dalmation coast
A concordant coastline with several river valleys running perpendicular to the coast. They become flooded to produce long islands and long inlets.
DEFRA’s 1:1 cost-benefit analysis
the evaluation of a coastal town’s economic value compared to the coast of the management required.
Discordant coast
A coastline where bands of alternate geology run perpendicular to the shore
dynamic equilibrium
where a natural system tries to achieve a balance by making constant changes in response to a constantly changing system.
Emergent coast
A coastline that is advancing relative to the sea level at the time
global changes to sea levels
the lower part of the beach covered twice a day at high tide (the part of the beach that receives the most regular wave action)
freeze thaw
a form of physical sub-aerial weathering where water freezes in the cracks of a rock, expands and enlarges the crack, therefore weakens the rock
the structure and arrangement of a rock
glacial erosion
the removal of loose material by glacier ice, involving plucking, abrasion, crushing and basal meltwater