COSO ERM Flashcards
Does the ERM of a more risk-aggressive entity demand greater integration than a more risk-averse entity?
Yes. Accepting more risk requires greater integration of the ERM function into the entity’s structure and processes compared to a more risk-averse entity. This is because the ERM unit in a risk-aggressive entity must monitor risk information more quickly and nimbly than a risk-averse entity. Monitoring risk information quickly requires greater integration.
What is Enterprise Risk Management?
Culture, capabilities, and practices to create, preserve and realize value.
ERM is integrated and linked to what two things?
Integrated w/ strategy setting (plan) and linked to organization performance (outcomes). Both forward & backward looking.
What is risk?
Uncertain event that will influence whether an organization achieves its strategic business goals. Neutral event.
What is entity culture?
Organization’s culture is way people in organization think and behave.
Why is ERM important?
- Expanding Opportunities.
- Identifying and managing entity-wide risk.
- Increase positive & reduce negative outcomes.
- Reduce performance variability.
- Better deploying assets better.
- Increasing enterprise resilience.
The ERM component that includes email, board meeting minutes, and reports as important elements is?
Information, communication, and reporting.
Communication is the continual, iterative process of obtaining and sharing information to facilitate and enhance ERM. This function includes reporting on the organization’s risk, culture, and performance.
What are the five components of COSO’s risk management framework?
- Governance and Culture
- Strategy and Objective-Setting
- Performance
- Review and Revision
- Information, Communication, and Reporting
According to COSO ERM framework, what are some examples that will impede the independence of a board member?
- Having a current business or contractual relationship with the organization.
- Serving on the board with a major competitor.
- Long-term service on board with current organization.
Regarding COSO ERM framework, provide an example least likely to impede the independence of a board member.
A former financial statement auditor with no business or contractual relationship with the entity.
What is the role of management board and governing board in dual board of directors’ structure?
Management board will oversee operations while governing board will oversee strategy.
What is the best way to describe a risk-aware organization?
The organizational culture is closely linked to the organization’s strategy, objectives, and business context.
Why is hypocrisy of management an important threat to accountability in an organization’s ERM practice?
Hypocrisy is a threat because it deals with setting a tone at the top of talking and acting consistent with organizational values.
Describe risk floor (minimum) and risk ceiling (maximum).
A risk floor is a statement of the minimum amount of risk that an entity desires. A risk ceiling is a statement of the maximum amount of risk that an entity desires.
Is risk appetite acceptable in words or in numbers?
Both. Words is acceptable (low) as well as numbers (<3 per year).
Define risk appetite.
Risk appetite is the amount of risk an organization accepts in pursuit of a strategy and value.
Define risk tolerance.
Sets the boundaries of acceptable performance.
In ERM, what focuses on the development of strategies and goals?
Risk Appetite.