Cosmology Flashcards
What is the course about?
Survey of observable Universe-Hubble’s law
Key properties of CMBR
Derivations of the equations that describe cosmic evolution
Distinguish different cosmological models
Describe possible future destiny
The cosmological constant and the accelerating universe
History of the Universe
Big Bang model-success, shortcomings and inflation, (cosmological constant)
The evidence for dark matter
Origin and structures (galaxies and clusters) maybe look into how this relates to temp fluctuations in CMBR.
What is the standard distance measurement in cosmology?
Mpc - 1 million parsecs = 3.26 light years = 9.463 x 10^15m
1 Mpc = 3.086 x 10^22m
How are galaxies treated in cosmology
As point like objects.
What is the mass of a typical galaxy?
10^10 solar masses to 10^11 solar masses.
How many galaxies are there in the observable universe?
10^11 galaxies approx.
What is the typical separation In a galaxy cluster?
1 Mpc.
What is the typical scale of a supercluster of galaxies?
What is a typical scale of a void between these superclusters?
Over what scale is the universe considered smooth?
> 100 Mpc - structures bigger than this do not seem to observable.
What is the observable universe?
Limited by the finite speed of c and the age of the universe.
Approx 5Gpc~10^26m
What is the apparent hierarchical structure of the universe?
Stars>Galaxies>Clusters>Superclusters>Observable universe.
What is Doppler shift?
Lambda o/ lambda em = 1+v/c
Z (redshift) = v/c = (L obs/ L em) - 1
How do we measure redshift of galaxies?
Compare the emission line Lyman alpha (n=1-n=2) transition of the Hydrogen atom. Rest wavelength of 121.6nm. Far uv.
How did Hubble arrive at his law?
Compared z’s of cepheid variables(standard candles) with distance.
What is Hubble’s law?
v = Ho x d
Or d = cz/Ho-(when v
How is the Ho defined in terms of the Hubble parameter in the standard cosmological model?
Where Ho = 100h km/s/Mpc- the h allows all the uncertainties in Ho to be confined to the h. Where 0.60