Cosmological Argument Flashcards
Is the cosmological argument inductive or deductive?
Is the cosmological argument a priori or a posteriori and what is the arguments basis?
A posteriori - based on our experience that all things in the universe are contingent.
Is the Kalam argument inductive or deductive?
Who are the key scholars of the Kalam Argument?
Al Ghazali (Islamic scholar) in the 11th century
William Lane Craig pioneers modern Kalam
State the Kalam argument
P1 Whatever begins to exist has a cause for existence.
P2 The universe began to exist
P3 Therefore, the universe has a cause.
P4 The universe has a cause which must be God as he is the only thing greater than the universe.
C Therefore, as the universe exists, God exists too.
What are some problems of the Kalam argument?
It supposes a cause (God) can logically exist without a cause, which seems illogical and contradictory.
The Big Bang could be the cause without a cause, not God.
What does Leibniz contribute to the cosmological argument?
Sufficient reason
How does the idea of sufficient reason suggest God exists?
Nothing takes place without a total explanation.
Sufficient reason for the universe must go back to something that has necessary existence, is non-contingent, and is outside of our world.
If everything has a cause, the universe must have a cause too…God.
What does Aquinas contribute to the cosmological argument?
Aquinas’ first 3 ways are cosmological prove Gods existence as His existence is not self-evident.
What is Aquinas’ first way?
Motion - Things only move/change when an external force is applied onto it. We can’t have an infinite regress of ‘movers’ so there must be a prime mover who is unmoved.
What is Aquinas’ second way?
Causation - All things have a cause, nothing can cause itself. For the first cause to cause itself, it must exist before it existed and this can only be God to prevent infinite regress.
What is Aquinas’ third way?
Contingency - God must exist as the universe is contingent and relies on a non-contingent something…a necessary being.
What is infinite regress?
Going back in time forever to find the start.
Why does Aquinas reject infinite regress?
It is illogical, there must be a start.
What are the strengths of Aquinas’ 3 ways?
Not arguing for a Christian God, just God.
Proved by science - the Big Bang.
Supported by Ockham’s razor when it rejects infinite regress.