Cosmo Exam Flashcards
What is a comoving coordinate system?
Coordinate system where the grid lines expand with the objects of the universe.
What is a peculiar velocity
The small movement objects may have with respect to the comoving coordinate system. However, due to the homogeneity and isotropy of the universe, on average galaxies are at rest wrt comoving coordinate system.
What are comoving observers
Hypothetical observers expanding along with the coordinates.
What does isotropic mean
Same in all directions
What does homogeneity mean
Same at all points in space
What is the cosmological principle
The universe is both isotropic and homogenous on large scales
What is the scale factor
Describes the evolution of the universe
What is the expansion rate
The Hubble parameter å/a
Over what spatial scales in our universe is the cosmological principle approximately satisfied
Satisfied in the universe over spatial scales >~ 100Mpc
What is freeze out
When the abundance of any species(particle or radiation) departs from its value in thermal equilibrium. Freeze out occurs when the rate of interactions that keeps the species in thermal equilibrium decreases below the expansion rate of the universe. After freeze out, the comoving number density of the species remains constant, in the absence of any other subsequent interactions.
What is a hot relic
A species is said to be a hot relic if it freezes out when it is still relativistic
What is a cold relic
A species is said to be a cold relic if it freezes out when it is non relativistic
State the Sakharov conditions ( for matter to dominate in abundance over antimatter) with explanations
1) there must be reactions in which baryon number is not conserved in order to produce a matter/ anti matter imbalance in the first place
2) there must be reactions that violate charge parity symmetry. If CP violation does not occur, then any reactions that yield a net change in baryon number will be exactly offset by reactions that yield a net change in anti baryon number, producing equal quantities of matter and anti-matter.
3) there must be a departure from thermal equilibrium. If this does not happen, then by the principle of detailed balance in thermal equilibrium, any reaction that produces an excess of baryons will be exactly offset by its opposite reaction that reduces the number of baryons, thereby producing no net increase in the baryon number
Explain the term standard candle
A standard candle is an object that has a known luminosity, so that observations of the flux received from it can be used to deduce its distance
What is critical density
The critical density is the density required today to produce a flat universe with no cosmological constant.
What is the dependence of ρ_r on Z?
Proportional to (1+z)^4
What is the dependence of ρ_m on Z?
Proportional to (1+z)^3
Define angular diameter distance
d_A = D /θ
Where D is the physical size, diameter, of the object and θ is it’s observed angular size diameter in the sky.
Formula for redshift
z = (ν_e / ν_ο) - 1
a_o / a = (1+z)
Why does recombination become efficient when kT ~ 0.3 eV instead of 13.6eV
Hydrogen will remain almost completely ionised as long as there are sufficient number of ionising photons (i.e. E> 13.6eV). However, since the number density of baryons is vastly smaller than the number density of photons, there are enough high energy photons in the exponentially declining tail of the Plank distribution to keep the hydrogen ionised even when the average photon energy falls much below 13.6 eV. It is only when the photon energy falls to 0.3eV that the number of high energy photons in the tail of the distribution becomes too small to keep most of the hydrogen ionised and recombination becomes efficient.
Describe the cosmological constant problem.
What does inflation have to say about this problem
The cosmological constant problem expresses the problem with the small value of the observed cosmological constant when compared to its natural value. The natural scale is set by the plank mass.
Inflation has nothing to say about the cosmological constant problem.
(In an exam need to use numbers):
In natural units, the cosmological constant has an observed energy density of ΩΛ x ρcrit = 0.7 x 10^ -11 (eV)^4
The natural scale is set by the plank mass Epl ~ 10^28 eV -> the expected density is Epl^4 ~ 10^112 (eV)^4. Thus the ratio of the observed to expected value of the cosmological constant is ~ 10^-123.
Describe the flatness problem in the standard Big Bang cosmological model
The flatness problem describes the evolution of the curvature parameter with scale factor. For a radiation dominated case, we have Ω_k proportional to a^2, and for matter domination it is proportional to a. Both of these are increasing functions of a, hence if Ω_k is non zero, it will get larger at late times. Hence the curvature parameter must have been even smaller in the past. The flatness problem is how such a finely tuned initial value could have arisen.
What is w for radiation domination
w = 1/3
What is w for dust
What is the formula for the sound speed
C^2 = dp / dρ = p/ρ = wc^2
What 2D shapes satisfy homogeneity and isotropy
Flat space,
Hyperbolic paraboloid
How does the geometry depend on the factor k
k>0 three sphere at any given time, universe has positive curvature. (Triangles have more than 180 degrees, parallel lines will converge). Universe has finite volume at any one time.
k=0, flat manifold (Minkowksi with the extra factor of a^2 on the spatial part)
k < 0 negative curvature. 3D saddle shape. Triangle has less than 180 and parallel likes may cross and will diverge. Universe is infinitely large
In our FRW metric, what does the coordinate r represent
The radius in comoving length of a sphere centred at r = 0
What path does light travel in curved space
Light travels along geodesics of the manifold which are null, meaning ds=0
What is the definition of redshift
The wavelength of freely propagating photons increases with the expansion of the universe, proportional to the scale factor.
(The expansion is very much like climbing out of a potential well, so it is plausible that photons lose energy as they propagate)
How does the energy density scale with a for PHOTONs
What else does this apply to
Density decreases proportionally to L^3 ie a^-3
The energy per particle is proportional to the frequency. this scales as wavelength^-1 hence the total energy density scales as
If the first term dominated in E^2 = p^2c^2 + m^2c^4, the particles behave like photons (radiation). Also applies to high speed particles
What is the dependence of a on z
a/a_o = 1/(1+z)
What is the density parameter
The ratio of actual density to the critical density
How does the density of non relativistic matter scale with a
How does the density of radiation scale with a
How do we define the total density parameter
Ω_tot = Ωm + Ωr + ΩΛ = 1 -Ωk
Describe which density terms dominated at each stage in the history and future of the universe
Due to the different powers in (1+z) higher powers dominate further back in time.
Further and further back in time Ωr and Ωm dominates over ΩΛ and Ωk hence the universe will look geometrically flat with no cosmological constant.
The furtherest back is radiation dominated. Then we move to matter domination. We expect k and Λ to dominate eventually if they are nonzero. (We think Ωk is zero).
We are experiencing the change from matter domination to Λ domination now.
What is an open universe
Ωk > 0
What is an empty universe
no matter, no radiation, no cosmological constant.
Milne universe.
We find a scales as t^-1.
This corresponds to the far future evolution of any open universe, where the matter and radiation densities have diluted so much as to become negligible. As long as there is no cosmological constant.
What does a flat matter dominated universe correspond to
Early times for a universe with non relativistic matter, but not so early that radiation dominates.
This is the Einstein de Sitter Universe.
What is a closed universe
Ωk < 0
What can we learn from our cosmological models
All universes start out looking like a flat universe, but diverge depending upon the total density. (I.e. the sign of k).
k = 0 case does not asymptote to a constant value of H, but it grows more slowly than the open case. If you normalise the 3 cases to the same expansion rate at some particular time, the open universe is older than the flat universe, which is older than the closed universe.
Describe the principle of causality
Information cannot travel faster than the speed of light. Hence causality cannot act faster than the speed of light. An event can only be causally connected to something within its lightcone.
How do you define χ_H
What is r_H
This is the comoving distance to the horizon at comoving coordinate value r_H. The comoving distance to the sphere along t=constant surface, defined by coordinate r_H.
r_H does not correspond to a distance along the manifold. It is a coordinate.
χ_H = integral (c/a(t)) wrt dt from 0 to t
How do we convert a comoving coordinate to a proper distance
We multiply by the scale factor a(t)
Define luminosity distance
Flux F = L / (4π (d_L)^2)
dL can only depend on redshift once we have fixed the spacetime
Define the equation of state parameter w
p/ (ρc^2)
Relation between the density and pressure
What is the relationship between temperature and redshift
The effect of redshifting upon a black body is a blackbody at the new temperature
T(z) = (1+z) To
What is the number of degrees of freedom for fermions
What are interactions between particle species governed by
- Interaction rates, which may depend on the temperature, particle masses and cross sections
- particle masses which determine the equilibrium abundances
When is something in temperature equilibrium with photons
When kT >> mc^2, the particle acts as radiation. If the interaction with photons is sufficiently strong, it can interconvert with photons and will have the same temperature.
What is the mean free path
The mean free path is the mean distance traveled before an interaction
λ ~ v/Γ ~ c / Γ
What is the mean time between interactions
What is the maximum distance between particles in causal contact
The calculation of the horizon distance ~ ct ~ cH
When are interactions unable to maintain thermal equilibrium
Since the distance where particles are in causal contact is ~ c/H we expect when λ >> d_H we expect that interactions will be unable to maintain thermal equilibrium
If H >> Γ it will not remain in thermal equilibrium
What is some evidence that interactions are no longer in equilibrium
• different particle species have different temperatures
• there is considerably more matter than antimatter
•there are nucleons rather than quarks
• there are atoms rather than ions
• there is structure rather than a smooth featureless gas at a single temperature
Why does the CMB have a higher temperature than the neutrino background
Neutrinos interact very weakly and hence came out of equilibrium far before the electrons and positrons, before they could annihilate into other light particles. Hence the total neutrino plus antineutrino density is higher than that of electrons plus positrons. However, when the electron/ positron pairs annihilated, they produced photons. Hence there was considerable extra energy dumped onto the photon background.
What is a wimp
Weakly interacting massive particle, which might be dark matter. They are massive, stable particles that interact weakly with normal matter. They behave like cold relics.
Roughly how did the universe go from being an ionised plasma to a neutral gas of mostly hydrogen
The early universe was hot enough kT >> 13.6eV to keep the universe ionised, and therefore for the thermal bath of photon to remain tightly coupled to the ions because of Thomson scattering. When the universe cooled sufficiently electrons and photons could recombine to form neutral hydrogen, which also frees the photons from their interactions with matter. - CMB.
Describe the last scattering surface
A consequence of the interactions freezing out is that photons, once tightly coupled to the ionised plasma (which is opaque due to Thompson scattering) are able to stream freely through the now neutral, hence transparent, hydrogen gas. Thus we see the photons as if frees from a cloud, this is the last scattering surface, and if forms the cosmic microwave background. Further away, higher redshift, it is opaque, nearer is transparent.
What are the 3 distinct hydrogen events
•Recombination: the equilibrium ionisation fraction X goes from nearly one to nearly zero
• last scatterings the freeze out of e^- γ Thompson scattering, the decoupling of photons from the baryons
• the freeze in of residual ionisation at a higher value than equilibrium i.e. the freeze out of the recombination reaction
What is Big Bang by nucelosynthesis
Synthesis of light nuclei from the initial primordial mixture of protons and neutrinos.
At early times, protons, neutrons and light nuclei such as deuterium, tritium and Helium are in equilibrium. As the universe expands and cools, different nuclear reactions freeze out, leaving us with relic abundances of the stable nuclei.
BBN complications
- we have to track the abundance of not just one end product, but several different nuclei
- neutrons are unstable when not in a nucleus, with a half life of about 11 minutes.
- several of the possible end states have binding energies that are small or comparable to kT, hence freeze out can be delayed.
Why do we expect most nucleons to end up in helium equilibrium.
4He is the most strongly bound light nucleus. There is a lack of stable nuclei at all mass 5 or 8 makes it very difficult to get higher-mass nuclei beyond helium.
Why is it difficult to make deuterium
How does this lead to the deuterium bottleneck
The equilibrium deuterium fraction is controlled by an equation similar to the Saha equation, with factors of (kT/mpc^2)^3/2 η << 1
The large baryon to photon ratio keeps the reaction pn-> dγ from proceeding forward. (I.e. The photons dissociate the deuterium) well below the binding energy. The deuterium fraction remains small until kT ~ 0.1MeV.
Even at this point the reaction rate / H > 1 for kT > 0.05 MeV.
Only a very small number of deuterium nuclei are formed from the baryons therefore there’s a very low rate of the dd interactions. We never make it to equilibrium abundances of helium.
What happens after 0.05 MeV to protons
We can form deutrium and both of the pathways proceeds. There is a rapid burning of almost all of the remaining protons and neutrons into helium.
What is the Coulomb barrier
There are no stable elements with A=5 and A=8 so we cannot synthesise elements beyond helium by adding just a single nucleon. To create heavier elements, we must fuse several light nuclei together, but each would have a positive charge, hence the reaction rates are strongly suppressed by the Coulomb barrier.
What is the dependence on lithium abundance with η
Lithium is very easy to destroy via collisions with protons. So increasing η actually decreases final lithium abundance, until the beryillium pathway opens up, and then the lithium abundance increases with η since beryillium inverse beta decays via electron capture to 7Li.
How can we aim to resolve the cosmological constant problem
• first - Λ =0 but there is another physical mechanism, dark energy, which can provide an energy density with w = -1, not a true vacuum energy. A scalar field can provide this.
Inflation is thought to be driven by a scalar field however the energy scales of inflation. And dark energy are so different that nobody can come up with a single mechanism for producing both epochs of w=-1
• another possibility is that the properties of the vacuum depend on the details of the fundamental theory, e.g. string theory. There are a huge number of ways to compacting down to the 3+1 dimensions and the cosmological constant could be different in each of them. We then use the anthropic argument to find the cosmological constant. With greater values the universe would look much greater than it does today. I.e no structure formation. The universe would have started exhibiting accelerated expansion before the structures would form. -> we couldn’t observe the cosmological constant if it were much larger -> we should observe the largest possible value of Λ consistent with structure formation
Describe the horizon problem
The largest distance that physics ought to be able to act is the horizon size. Any two patches of the CMB more than a couple of degrees apart should not have been in causal contact. Why are they then the same temperature? Why is the matter density roughly similar?
The physical scale of a galaxy grows along with the scale factor, scales as t^2/3 (MD) or t^1/2 (RD). But the horizon scale grows as t. Today the scale is inside the horizon. However at some point, we must have had the size being bigger than the horizon. The time of equality is horizon crossing. Due to causality, we expect that the structures can only grow when they are inside the horizon.
What is the relic particle problem?
GUT (grand unified theory) combines the strong and electroweak forces, the theory has a very massive electromagnetic monopole. We expect the monopole to be formed with a number density of about one monopole per horizon volume at some temp T_GUT. Hence the physical number density of monopoles scales as H^3_GUT = T^2_GUT /m_pl
If we calculate the present day mass density parameter of monopoles, we find it is much bigger than 1, since Ω ~ 1, this is not possible.
It is said that the relics would over close the universe, they would cause the universe to close and collapse again on very short timescales.
Describe the idea of inflation
A period of accelerated expansion takes a very small volume of the early universe and blows it up so much and so quickly that any in homogeneities or curvature in this volume are smoothed out and the density of non relativistic particles is diluted. At the same time any quantum fluctuations are blown up to macroscopic size, providing the seeds for large scale structure.
How does inflation solve various problems?
The accelerating expansion means that the Hubble scale remains constant, but comoving scales increase much more rapidly. The true horizon scale is now much larger than the Hubble length, thus accelerating expansion should be able to solve the horizon problem.
It can solve the flatness problem as it means the value of Ω_k gets driven closer and closer to zero while acceleration is occurring.
It solves the relic monopole problem, it dilutes the number of massive relic particles in a given physical volume much faster than ordinary decelerating expansion.
What is reheating
Expanding the universe cools the universe down proportional to the scale factor. Therefore we must find a mechanism for reheating. We need to find a way to make the universe radiation dominated after the period of accelerated expansion.
Timeline for inflation
At very early times the universe is radiation dominated. At late time the universe is Λ dominated.
At the very early universe, we are inflation dominated. At the GUT scale t ~ 10^-34, the transition causes inflation to start. Lasting till 10^-32s. During which H is approximately constant, causing exponential expansion. We then need to reheat the universe to a high temperature which converts the entire energy density into radiation particles, vastly increasing the energy density of the universe.
What is the slow roll regime
When the scalar field is sitting on the approximately flat part of the potential, we say it is in the slow roll regime.
What are the values in the concordance universe
Ω_k = 0
Ω_m ~ 0.3
Ω_r ~ 10^-5
Ω_Λ ~ 0.7
Define the meaning of particle horizon
Proper distance to the comoving position at that time of a point on there light cone at time t->0. The furthest point from which a light ray could have reached an observer at time t, measured in present day proper units.
What is the approximate number of baryons in the universe for every photon? What are the important measurements and theoretical ideas that have gone into the determination of these two numbers
There are roughly one billion photons for every baryon . The photon density comes from the temperature of the CMB and the measurement that it is a black body. The baryon density comes from measurements of the primordial abundance and the theory of the Big Bang nucleosynthesis.
Explain the link between H recombination and Thomson scattering of photons off electrons. Why does the H recombination reaction freeze out at the same time as the CMBR is formed
Due to Thompson scattering, the thermal bath of photons remains tightly coupled to the ions. Hence, when CMBR is formed, the photons are not tightly coupled to the ionised plasma, they stream freely. This is the surface of last scattering.
Compare the evolution of the scale factor in these three cases
The scale factor for a closed universe rises to a maximum value and then symmetrically falls back to zero.
The flat universe acts as the critical case and rises smoothly heading to infinity asymptotically.
An open universe scale factor rises more rapidly again, heading to infinity.
How have type 1a supernova been used to constrain the properties of dark energy
They act as standardisable candles that with a single free parameter describing brightness-decay time can be used as standard candles
Given a population of standard candles distributed at different redshifts, one could measure the distance redshift relation dL
From dL one could in principle measure cosmological parameters Ho ΩΛ Ωm and w for dark energy
How does H depend on T for a radiation dom universe flat
H ~ T^2/mp
What is the weak interaction scale
σ ~ G_F^2 T^2
G_F = α_W/M_W
What is a standard ruler
An object of known physical size, by measuring angular size we can determine it’s distance from Earth
What is the copernican principle
we do not live in a special place or time
Plank units
G^-1/2 = Mpl
tpl = l_pl = G^1/2
In natural units
How is string theory used to solve the cosmological constant problem
In string theory, there are a huge number of ways to compactify down to 3+1 dimensions, and the cosmological constant could be different in each of them. We use the anthropic argument to find the cosmological constant. The theory predicts greater values of Λ than observed. However, with these greater values, it would be difficult to form galaxies, the universe would start exhibiting accelerated expansion before the structures could form. Hence we wouldn’t be here to observe the cosmological constant if it were much larger. Thus the prediction is that we should observe the largest possible value of Λ consistent with structure formation.
Definition of surface brightness
Flux per solid angle