Corynebacterium diphtheriae. Corynebacterium genus and the diphtheroids Flashcards
General Features of Corynebacterium diphtheria
Gram +
Rod with “club-shaped” appearance in microscope
Metachromic (volutin) granules- storage of polyphosphate inside bacteria is a characteristic feature
Habitat- skin, mucosa of nose and throat (only human pathogen)
Biochemical properties of Corynebacterium diphtheria
Catalase + and Saccharose -
Pathogenesis of Corynebacterium diphtheria
Transmitted by respiratory droplets (aerosol)
Diphtheria Toxin- AB type toxin, composed of 2 Subunits: A = Active, B = Binding to receptor (only the toxin enters the blood, not the bacteria)
The toxins are adding ADP-ribose to eEF2
The ADP-ribose is inhibiting elongation (eEF2), thus inhibit protein synthesis
Inhibition of protein synthesis leads to cell death, which leads to the formation of pseudomembranes- made by a fluid that clot and enmesh leukocytes, fibrin, necrotic epithelial cell, cell debris and C. diphtheria, which adhere to the underlying tissue but can be pulled, causing bleeding
Clinical Features (Diphtheria) of Corynebacterium diphtheria
Localized damage result from exotoxin production (bacteria always remains local):
Exudative pharyngitis with thick pseudomembranes that can spread to the larynx / trachea causing lymphadenopathy (“bull-neck” sign). If breaks off can cause airway obstruction (suffocation)
Systemic complications if the exotoxin spread to distant organs (toxemia):
Deep skin lesions (so called “skin diphtheria”)
Cardiac Effects: Myocarditis, arrhythmias, heart block and eventually heart failure
Neural Effects: (both motor and sensory nerves)
Demyelination- myelin fiber degeneration
Temporary paralysis of arms, legs or eye muscles, slurred speech, double vision
Diagnosis of Corynebacterium diphtheria
Neisser staining- volutin granules become dark blue (A.K.A. polyphosphate, Babes-Ernst or energy granules), cytoplasm appears light which seen as “matchsticks” or “Chinese-letters” under microscope
Löffler medium- ivory-color appearance, made of clotted bovine serum, egg and heart extract. Rapidly growing with strong volutin granules formation (selective for C. diphtheria only)
Tellurite (Clauberg) medium- glycerin, blood, cysteine and tellurite (selective for the whole genus). Corynebacterium reduce tellurite forming grey to black colored colonies with garlic smell
Elek Test (to detect toxin)- Filter paper with antitoxin is submerged in medium with different strains. Lines of precipitation are seen where antitoxin and toxin of bacteria of interest are meeting
Römer Test- culture from Löffler medium is injected into Guinea pigs, one of which received anti-toxin
Treatment of Corynebacterium diphtheria
Antitoxin (passive immunization) with Penicillin, Erythromycin or Aminoglycosides
Artificial ventilation (i.e. intubating) in case of airway obstruction
Prevention of Corynebacterium diphtheria
DTP Vaccination (active immunization)- toxoid of diphtheria (i.e. attenuated toxin)
C. ulcerans
Diphtheria-like disease (production of the same toxin), can cause tonsillitis.
C. pyogenes
Ulcerating skin lesions.