Cortex lesions Flashcards
Loss of learned and rehearsed movements. Lesion in the premotor area –> MOTOR ASSOCIATION AREA
Motor association area
Large muscles for planned movements.
Lesion in the pre central gyrus
UMN disease
Cant Process touch and pressure
Tactile Agnosia –> Lesion in the somatosensory association area
Cant recognize objects in your hand
Astereognosis Lesion in the somatosensory area
Decreased sound perception in the right ear
Lesion in Left Transverse Temporal Gyri
Can hear sounds but can’t interpret them
Acoustic verbal agnosia –> Lesion in the auditory association area
What does Wernicke’s area do ?
Critical for understanding language
Dorsal Lateral Pre-frontal cortex
Attention and motor response to stimulus
Ventral Medial of Pre-frontal cortex
regulates emotions
What is the frontal association area responsible for ?
Personality. Deliberate decision making, adapting behavior, and determines morality.
Right posterior parietal cortex
Attention to space
Left Posterior Parietal cortex
Attention to time
Overall function of the parietal association cortex
Attention and awareness to self and extra personal space.
Complete neglect to the left side ( Not shaved, not dressed, won’t eat left plate)
Contralateral neglect- Lesion in the non dominant parietal cortex
Inability to recognize and identify objects. The patient can still see them and process but can not link the object to the name.
Agnosia. Lesion in the temporal association area
What does the temporal association area do ?
Medial surface- links visual stimuli with recognition.
Lateral surface- links language pattern with recognition.
Inability to communicate in speech, writing, or any production / interpretation of symbols or ideas.
Inability to speak because of damage to the pharynx
Links brocas and wernicke’s areas
Arcuate faciluous
What allows motor learning and empathy ?
The Mirror Neuron System
Inability to repet words
Conduction aphasia
Can comprehend but produces confluent speech with low syntax and grammar.
Productive aphasia –> Broca aphasia