Cortex - adult orthopaedics spine and upper limb (hand) 5 Flashcards
What is Dupuytren’s contracture?
Connective tissue disorder where the specialized palmar fascia undergoes hyperplasia with normal fascial bands forming nodulesand cords progressing to contractures at the MCP and PIP joints.
What disorder is shown ?
Dupuytrens contracture
Describe the pathology of duputyrens contracture
- Involves proliferation of myofibroblast cells and the production of abnormal collagen (type 3 rather than type 1).
- Palpable nodules may be present
What fingers are most commonly affected by duputyrens contracture ?
Most commonly affect the ring and little fingers.
Describe the epidemiology of duputyrens contracture:
who is most commonly affected and its inheritance?
- Males (10:1)
- Can be familial (inherited in autosomal dominant manner)
- Can be seen in alcoholic cirrhosis and as a side effect of phenytoin therapy
- Can also occur with other fibromatoses including Peyronie’s disease, which affects the penis, and plantar fibromatosis affecting the feet (Ledderhose disease)
What is a useful test used to determine if a patient with dupuyrten’s contracture may benefit from surgery or not ?
- Hueston Table Top Test - the patient is asked to place their palm flat on the table. Failure to be able to do so is due to fixed flexion contracture at the MCPJs and is a quick screening tool for whether patients may benefit from surgical management
- A fixed flexion deformity > 30 degrees will cause the patient to fail the test
What is the treatmeant of duputyrens contracture ?
Mild contractors can be tolerated but
If interfering with function or affecting the PIPJ (this joint readily stiffens and cannot tolerate it) then surgery can be done
What are the surgical options for duputyrens contracture ?
Either removal of all diseased tissue (fasciectomy) or division of cords (fasciotomy).
The flexor tendons of the fingers are held close the the volar aspect of the phalangeal bones by what?
A system of annular (A) and cruciate (C) pulleys.
What is trigger finger ?
Tendonitis of a flexor tendon to a digit can result in nodular enlargement of the affected tendon, usually distal to a fascial pulley over the metacarpal neck
What are the signs/symptoms of trigger finger?
- Movement of the finger produces a clicking sensation, as this nodule catches on and then passes underneath the pulley.
- This can produce pain
- Finger may lock in a flexed position as the nodule passes under the pulley but can’t go back though on extension
Which fingers are msot commonly affected by trigger finger ?
Middle and ring finger
What is the treatment of trigger finger ?
1st line - NSAIDs and steroid injection
OA commonly affects the hands and wrists - what are the signs/symptoms seen ?
- DIPs will become painful, swollen and tender eventually affecting all fingers. Stiffness and bony thickening can be seen readily on examination (Heberden’s nodes). An associated dorsal ganglion cyst (known as a mucous cyst) may be present.
- PIPs can also be affected with OA and bony swelling (Bouchard’s nodes)
What is the treatment of OA of the hands and wrists ?
Mild to moderate OA may be treated with removal of osteophytes and excision of any mucous cyst.
For severe pain arthrodesis may be performed.