corruption in the world of the play Flashcards
what quote shows racism in the world of the old south (streetcar)
-couldn’t be e get a colored girl to do it
-they’re something like irish aren’t they…only not so highbrow
what quote shows upper class snobbery from blanche
-he’s common
-what are you doing in a place like this
-i’m compiling a notebook of quaint little words and phrases i’ve picked up here
what quote shows how stanley married above his class and drags stella down (in comparison to antonio who is raised by the duchess)
you thought i was common. how right you was baby i was common as dirt… i pulled you down off them columns
what quote shows the corruption of court leaders in malfi
court is like a common fountain…poison’t near the head death and diseases through the whole land spread
what would english renaissance audience think based on stereotypes
that the roman catholic italian setting was associated with stereotypes of “sophisticated corruption”
what does micheal billington say about the corruption
a portrait of a world in chaos
what quotes show the machiavellian world where immoral people succeed
plum trees that grow crooked over standing pools
crows pies and caterpillars feed on them
what quote shows stella’s willingness to turn a blind eye to stanley’s behaviour
[her eyes go blind with tenderness]
- shows social acceptance of a misogynistic world
what quote shows mitches assertion of power over blanche
[fumbling to embrace her] what i been missing all summer
-possessive nature and entitlement
what does one critic say about the threat of masculinity in streetcar
the powerfully frightening threat of masculinity
what quote shows stanley’s eagerness to feel power and control over blanche
yes! i hope you like it!… ticket back to laurel! on the greyhound! tuesday!
-eagerness to hurt blanche and feel control
what quote shows boslas giving in to ferdinand a corruption
i am your creature
-dehumanises himself for male validation (could link to leaky roof speech (ask me how))
what quote shows the corrupt nature of mes control over women in jacobean period
she’s a young widow i would not have her marry again
-feels he controls her since he is male she is female
what does the young widow not have her mary again quote link to
contrasts scene six in SND “you need somebody and i need somebody too could it be you and me blanche”
-mitch finds out she’s a widow but doesn’t care contrasting views from 1940s vs jacobean
what quote shows how bosola deals with the threat of a powerful women
i do suspect there hath been some sorcery used on the duchess
-blames her power and control on witchcraft
what does the quote ‘have you ever heard of the napoleonic code’ show
represents societal norms of male superiority and cultural misogyny
(it’s a code that’s a by product of french colonisation that gave the man control over all his wife’s assets)
what themes does stanley as a new american man show
sexual dominion and violence as their means to express their anxieties over power and their place in the hierarchy
a quote showing stanley asserting his position of authority through casual female abuse
loud whack of his hand against her thigh
points talking about stanley’s abuse of power
-physically stronger than stella and also is the provider so she has little option other than to stay with him
-uses his power to cause physical harm against stella and also blanche
what does the quote ‘the men laugh’ show
men find amusement in violence against women
they are the ones with the power to stop stanley but instead they encourage this behaviour
what quote shows male abuse of power urged by incestual thoughts
compare a wedding night to “the entrance into some prison” trying to control their sisters sexual desires in addition to portraying sex as criminal