Concept of Correlation
Pearson r
Spearman Rho
Graphic Representations of Correlation
a number that provides
us with an index of the strength of the relationship between two things.
coefficient of correlation
an expression of the degree and direction of correspondence between
two things.
expresses a linear relationship between two (and only
two) variables,
continuous in nature
reflects the degree of concomitant variation
between variable X and variable Y
numerical index that
expresses this relationship: It tells us the extent to which X and Y are “co-related.”
coefficient of correlation (r)
If asked to supply information about its magnitude, it would respond with a
number anywhere at all between
−1 and +1
If two variables simultaneously increase or simultaneously
decrease, then those two variables are
positively (or
directly) correlated.
when one variable increases while the other variable decreases
negative (or inverse) correlation
absolutely no relationship exists
between the two variables.
correlation is zero
third variety of perfect correlation; that
is, a perfect noncorrelation.
no correlation”
does not imply causation, but there is an implication of prediction.
if we know that there is a high correlation between X and Y…
able to predict—with various degrees of accuracy, depending on other factors—the value of
one of these variables if we know the value of the other.
known as the Pearson correlation coefficient and the Pearson product-moment
coefficient of correlation.
Karl Pearson
Pearson r
statistical tool
of choice when the relationship between the variables is linear
when the two variables
being correlated are continuous
calculate a Pearson r
r = Σ(X − X)(Y− Y)
√[Σ(X − X)2[Σ(Y − Y)2]
convert each raw score to a standard score and then multiply each pair of standard scores
simplified Pearson r
r = Σxy