Correction system Flashcards
- hold offenders
- cannot make bail
- convicted of misdemeanor
- probation violators
- overcrowding
Prison success
Inmate perception
History of correction system
Florence Italy
1300 first prison active for 500 years separated degree of crime paid off through work or money
Correction systems
- us prisons house 1.3 million prisoners
- 55% of prisoners will return to prison
- recidivism
History : England
First prison had to pay for food blanket and cell
If not then freeze or starve to death
History : US
First jail in James City VA 17th century
First prison built by William Penn in PA
Walnut Street House
1790 Philadelphia
Birth of solitary confinement
Security- escapes only on opening day
Prisoners had own cell and no communication with anyone
Auburn system
Convict population grew NY built new prison in auburn Tier system of separate cells Inmates work and lived in group Solitary confinement section built Enforced silence Developed regiment
End of 19th century
Prisoners overcrowded
Single prisoner to a cell was ignored
Prison labor often sold
Parole was developed
20th century
Liberal thinking Striped uniforms replaced with grey Unison walk was discontinued Prison yards used for recreation Visitations and mail privileges given Start of specialized prisons(hardcore inmates) (salvageable inmates: rehabilitated)
Prisoner rights mvt
Freedom of religion and speech Medical care Due process Proper living conditions Violence increased Career opps Education to help get job
Types of prisons
Maximum security
Attica, Sing Sing, Alcatraz
Double walls guard towers barbed wires electric fences
Sense of impossible escape
Public living around prison sense of security
Medium security
Look like max but inside more relaxed
Nonviolent offenders
More visitors
More rehab
Min security
No armed guards No walls Least violent offenders Most trustworthy offenders White collar criminals Work release programs
Boot camp
First time offenders Military like atm Short incarceration Exercise Lower cost Positive inmates feedback
What do prisoners lose?
Liberty Property Heterosexual relationships Security Mail is censored or destroyed Family have to travel long for visits