Corps, Agency, Partnerships Flashcards
Corporation Definition
A distinct legal entity that can conduct business in its own right by buying, selling, and holding property or by suing or being sued, and by lasting forever
- limited liability
- promote investment
- governed by state laws
Liable for pre-corp contracts unless
- Novation: agreement btw promoter, corp, TP where corp substituted
- Adoption (express/implied)
Articles of Incorp
- Name
- Agents and address
- incorporators and addresses
- duration
- purpose
Ultra Vires
Acting beyond scope of narrowly stated purpose
- shareholder enjoin action
- corp take action against directors
- state can enjoin
Incorp Timing
Sec of State
- Accepts the Fee
- Files
De Facto Corp
Treated as corp if organizers
- GF effort to comply with process
- no actual knowledge of defect
Veil Piercing
Court may “pierce the veil” of limited liability to avoid fraud or unfairness
- Alter Ego (fail formalities)
- Undercap (insufficient funds for liabilities)
- Fraud
Preferred Stock
Preference over common
- Dividends (payments to shareholders)
- Liquidation
Stock Concepts
1) Authorized (Max # can sell)
2) Issued (# sold from authorized pool)
3) Outstanding (SH possession)
4) Treasury (reacquired)
Stock Subscriptions
Ask people in advance to buy stock, before corp formed
- irrevocable for six months
Preemptive Rights
Right to acquire stock to maintain percentage of ownership any time new shares are issued
Default: No unless negotiated or included in Articles
Unlawful Dividends
Directors who vote to authorize an unlawful dividend are personally liable, jointly and severally, to the corporation for the amount in excess of the lawful amount
Defense: GF reliance on financial statements
Shareholder Meetings
Notice: 10 to 60 days
- waived by attending
Special: Notice must include purpose
Record Date
Used to determine which shareholders eligible
- fixed by directors
- 10-70 days before meeting
Only shareholder owning on record date are entitled to vote
Authorize other to vote shares in accordance to SH wishes
- in writing
- signed by SH as of record date
- sent to secretary
- state authorization
- cannot be valid for more than 11 months, unless otherwise stated