Corporations Flashcards
What does incorporator do?
1) Execute certificate
2) Delivery it to dept of State
3) Hold the organizational meeting
How many incorporators are needed and who can qualify
At least 1 adult human
Certificate/Articles of Incorporation
Contract between corporation and SH and corporation and state
Info needed in certificate (7 things)
1) Name - must contain corporation, incorporated, or limited
2) Address- county in NY of the office of incorporation
3) Designate secretary of state for service of process
4) Name and address of each incorporator
5) Statement of duration (lack of statement means perpetual duration)
6) Corporate purpose- can be general
7) Capital structure
Ultra vires actions by corporation
Going beyond the purpose indicated in certificate. Nowadays they are valid but SH can seek injunction and responsible managers are liable to corp. for ultra vires losses
What must be in the certificate about the corp’s stock?
1) Authorized stock
2) Number of shares per class
3) Info on par value, rights, preferences, and limitations of each class
4) Info on any series of preferred shares
What is effect of Department of State filing certificate?
Conclusive evidence of valid formation
What happens at organizational meeting?
Adopt bylaws and elect initial directors?
What political contributions can a corporation make?
No more than $5000 per year per candidate or organization
Can a corporation guarantee a loan not in furtherance of corporate business?
Yes, if approved by 2/3rds of the shares entitled to vote
Requirements for de facto corporation
1) There is a relevant incorporation statute
2) Parties made a good faith effort to comply with it
3) Business is being run as a corporation
Are bylaws necessary?
If bylaws are inconsistent with certificate, ______ controls
Who can amend or repeal bylaws or adopt new ones?
Can BOD ever amend, repeal or adopt new bylaws?
Only if certificate or SH bylaw allows it
Who is liable on a pre-incorporation contract?
Corporation only if it adopts the contract.
Promoter- unless k clearly says otherwise, he is liable until there is a novation
How can corporation adopt a pre-incorporation contract?
1) Express adoption by board action
2) Implied adoption by knowingly accepting a benefit of the contract
Secret profit rule
Sale to corp. of property acquired before becoming promoter- Profit= price paid minus FMV
Sale to corp. of property acquired after becoming promoter- Profit= price paid by corp minus price paid by promoter
How does a foreign corporation qualify?
Apply to SecState and designate SecState as agent for service of process. Must provide info from certificate and notice of good standing at home
Ramifications for foreign corporation doing business in NY without first qualifying
Cannot sue in NY until it qualifies and pays fees, taxes, penalties, and interest
Issuance of stock occurs where
Corp. sells its own stock
Written, signed offer to buy stock from a corp
Revocation of subscriptions
Pre-incorporation- Irrevocable for 3 months absent agreement otherwise or all subscribers let you revoke
Post-incorp- Revocable until accepted by the corp
What happens if corp accepts offer and subscriber defaults on payment?
If paid less than half purchase price and fails to pay rest within 30 days on demand, corp can keep the money and cancel the shares (if paid half or more, corp must try to resell stock)
Forms of consideration for stock issuance
1) Money
2) Tangible or intangible property
3) Services already performed for the corp
4) Binding obligation to pay money or property
5) Binding obligation to perform future services with agreed value
What if corp issued stock for no consideration?
Called unpaid stock and it’s all water
Can a corp issue par value stock to acquire property?
Yes, if the property is worth the par value amount. Board must not commit fraud
Watered stock
Stock sold below par value.
Who is liable for water?
Directors if they knowingly authorized the issuance
Buyer (we presume he knows it was water)
Third party buyer - only liable if knows it’s water
Pre-emptive rights
Right of an existing shareholder to maintain percentage of ownership by buying stock whenever there is a new issuance of common stock for money
Do pre-emptive rights automatically exist?
No. Must be stated in the certificate
Number of directors is set where
In bylaws or by SH act or by the board if SH bylaw allows it
After incorporation, who elects directors?
SH at annual meeting
When can shareholders remove a director
For cause, or without cause if certificate or bylaws permit it
When can the board remove a director?
For cause, only if certificate or shareholder bylaws permit it
Who selects a director to fill a vacancy?
Board unless director was removed by shareholders without cause
Two ways in which the board can take a valid act
1) Unanimous written consent
2) A meeting
Where must meeting be held?
Notice requirements for board meetings
1) Regular meetings- Not required if time/place set in bylaws
2) Special meeting- Notice required. Must state time and place
What if notice not given where required?
Action taken at meeting is void unless director waives the notice defect (a) in signed writing or (b) by attending the meeting without objection