What is a Corporation
A corporation is a legal entity separate from its owners, thus shielding the owners and managers from personal liability for the actions of the corporation.
What is “de jure Corporation”
A corporation that meets all the mandatory statutory requirements, including having at least one incorporator who signs and the articles of incorporation with the secretary of state
What do the articles of Incorporation MUST include?
I nitial Agent’s name for the corporation.
S treet Address - for the corporation’s registered office
Corporation’s Name
Authorized number of shares
N ame and address of each incorporator
What is “A de facto Corporation” ?
Exists when there is actual use of corporation power and a good faith, but there is a unsuccessful attempt to incorporate under a valid incorporation statute.
What is a Corporation by Stoppel?
A person who deals with a business entity believing it is a corporation, or one who incorrectly holds the business out as a corporation, may be estopped from denying corporation status. This applies on a case by case basis and only in contracts, NOT torts.
What is “Piercing the Corporate Veil” ?
Even if a corporation is properly formed, the court may still hold the shareholders, officers and managers personally liable for the actions of the corporation because the corporation is abusing its legislative privilege of conducting business in the corporate form.
Under what circumstances, can the corporate veil be pierced?
Alter ego: Where the shareholders fail to treat the corporation as a separate entity, but more like an alter ego where corporate formalities are ignored and/or personal funds are commingled.
Undercapitalization: Where the shareholders’ monetary investment at the time of formation is insufficient to cover foreseeable liabilities; some courts in close corporations look at future debts if foreseeable.
Fraud: Where a corporation is formed to commit fraud or as a mechanism for the shareholders to hide behind to avoid existing obligations.
Estoppel: Where a shareholder represents that he will be personally liable for corporate debts.
What is the Effect of piercing the corporate veil?
Active shareholders
will have personal joint and several liability.
What is the Deep Rock Doctrine?
When a corporation is insolvent,
third-party creditors may be paid off before shareholder creditors, thus subordinating the shareholder claims.
What is the purpose of a corporation ?
It is presumed that a corporation is formed for any LAWFUL BUSINESS PURPOSE unless the articles defined a limited, specific purpose.
Define Ultra Vires Acts
When a corporation acts outside of the stated business purpose, it is acting ultra vires.
What is the difference between Debt and Equity securities?
Debt Securities: A debt security represents a creditor-debtor relationship with the corporation, whereby the corporation has borrowed funds from an “outside creditor” and promises to repay the creditor. A debt security holder has no ownership interest in the corporation. Lenders do not acquire an ownership interest in the corporation. Debts may be secured (a bond) or unsecured (a debenture).
Equity Securities: An equity security is an instrument representing an investment in the corporation whereby its holder becomes a part owner of the business. Equity securities are shares of the corporation, and the investor is called a shareholder.
What is a stock subscription agreement?
A contract where a subscriber makes a written promise agreeing to buy a specified number of shares of stock.
What authorizes the quantity of shares to be sold?
The articles of incorporation authorize the number of shares available to be sold. Shares that are sold are issued and outstanding. Shares that have yet to be sold are authorized but unissued.
What is a promoter and what are their liabilities?
A promoter is an individual that acts on behalf of the corporation that is not yet formed. A promoter usually enters into contracts with 3rd parties, thus a promoter is personally liable for all pre-incorporation contracts until there is a novation replacing the promoter’s liability with that of the corporation or there is an agreement between the parties that expressly states the promoter is not liable.
Are corporations liable or bounded to pre-incorporation contracts?
Corporations are generally not liable for pre-incorporation contracts EXCEPT when the corporation expressly adopts the contract or accepts the benefits of the contracts (note that the promoter is also still liable unless there has been a novation).
What are the duties of the promoters?
Promoters owe fiduciaries duties to the corporation and those investing in it. Promotes duties are of fair disclosure and good faith. Promotes are not allowed to keep secret profit from transactions entered on behalf of the corporation. Promotes’ liabilities will rise under the following circumstances, i) breach of fiduciary duty, ii) fraud of misrepresentation, or iii) obtaining unpaid stock.
What do the Directors do, and when do they get elected?
All corporations must have at least one director, or more if they wish. The board of directors are in charge of the management of the business related to the financial and business dealings of the corporation.
The first board of directors is elected at the first anual meeting, and each year thereafter unless terms staggered.