Corporate finance and risk management Flashcards
What is Corporate Finance about?
Damodaran (1997): Corporate finance covers any decisions made by
firms which have financial implications. Thus, there is a corporate financial
aspect to almost every action taken by a firm, no matter which functional
area claims responsibility for it
Owners =
• Shareholders don’t directly own the firm’s real assets (e.g. plants)
• They possess the firm’s real assets indirectly via financial assets
(i.e. shares of the company)
Board of
- Board of directors is elected by the firm’s shareholders
- Board of directors appoints senior management of the firm
Types of
Public Company:
• Shares traded on public markets (e.g. SIX)
• Multiple market listings possible
• Example: CS Group listed on SIX and NYSE
Private Company:
• Shares not traded publicly
• Examples: IKEA, AMAG
of Corporations
- Liability of owners limited to invested funds
- Lifespan not tied to the owner (potentially infinite life)
- Ease of ownership transferal
- Ease of raising capital
of Corporations
• Corporations face the problem of double taxation
• Costs related to set-up and regulation (e.g. filing of reports)
• Issues associated with the separation of ownership and control
(agency problems)
Corporations in
• Aktiengesellschaft (AG): Swiss equivalent to US corporations
(corp.) and public limited companies (plc) in the UK
• Swiss corporate law is primarily set out in the Swiss Code of
Obligations (CO) (Obligationenrecht/OR)
Most large companies have 3 top-level financial managers:
Chief financial officer:
Responsible for financial policy and corporate planning.
responsible for Cash management, raising capital and banking relationships.
responsible for preparation of financial statement, accounting and taxes.
Investment Decisions
How to spend money?
- Build a new plant
- Run a large-scale advertising campaign
- Carry out R&D for a new drug
Financing Decisions
How to raise money?
- Borrow from a bank
- Use retained cash flows
- Sell additional shares of stock or issue bonds
Payout Decisions
How much to transfer to
- Reinvestment versus payout to shareholders
- Different payout options
Market Value
• Market value measures what investors are willing to pay today in
order to receive a stream of risky cash flows in the future
• Forward looking: MV depends on expected future cash flows
• Stocks and bonds represent claims on the firm’s future cash flows
• In efficient markets the market price represents the best estimation
for the market value.
Book Value
- Book value is determined based on accounting rules
- Backward looking
- Difference of a firm’s MV over BV is called “Going Concern Value”
Maximization of
firm value is NOT
profit maximization
• Market values are driven by expectations about future cash flows
• Profit ≠ cash flow! Possible to report profits without generating cash
• Example: If sales are on credit, a company may report (accounting)
profits without generating cash flows
Present Value
• Present value of cash flow CF received in one period from now
• The expression 1/(1+r) is called discount factor; r is the discount rate
Opportunity Cost
of Capital
• r denotes the rate of return which investors demand for streams of
cash flows with similar risk characteristics
• r therefore is the return investors expect to earn when investing in
alternative investment opportunities with comparable risk
• r is called “opportunity cost of capital” or “hurdle rate” of a project
Present Value: Generalization
Present Value of a Cash Flow Stream
Growing Perpetuity
Growing Annuity
The Key: Systematic and Unsystematic Risk
Different risk factors are relevant for a single share, but only systematic risk factors are relevant from a market perspective.
Only systematic risk factor are relevant for firm (and project) valuation. The unsystematic risk factors can be diversified and disappear in a portfolio context.
What is this Beta about?
Definition: Beta (β) is a sensitivity measure which shows how the return of a single share develops in relation to the development of the market return. It quantifies the amount of systematic market risk which is taken by the investor when investing in that specific share.