Coronary Heart Disease Flashcards
drivers with coronary heart disease must be medically stable. From whom should you obtain medical clearance regarding the patient?
Treating provider, usually cardiologist or cardiac surgeon for post-CABG
What symptoms do you have to specifically make sure a patient on cardiovascular medication is not experiencing?
-Orthostatic hypotension
Driver should be knowledgeable about medications; free from side effects the compromise driving ability; and compliant with the treatment plan.
The presence of risk factors for coronary heart disease does not mean the driver will develop CHD, only that there is an _________ risk. However, the absence of risk factors does not mean that the driver will not have CHD event.
When is a driver considered high risk for CHD?
Whenever one or more of the following conditions is present:
-peripheral vascular disease
-Framingham risk score predicting a 20% CHD event risk over the next 10 years
-over 45 years old with multiple risk factors
Suppose the driver has no known CHD, low risk, and is asymptomatic and healthy. Can you certify; how often would you recertify?
-If the Framingham risk score is less than 10, certify if asymptomatic
-recertify biennially
-decision to not certify should not be based solely on the presence of multiple risk factors
Suppose the driver has no known CHD, is asymptomatic but high risk. Under what circumstances can you certify? How often must the patient be re-examined?
-Certify if asymptomatic
-re-examined annually
-recertify annually
-needs close physician follow-up and aggressive comprehensive risk management
Suppose the driver has no known CHD, is asymptomatic but high risk. Under what circumstances is the driver ineligible to be certified? How often must the patient be re-examined?
-Don’t certify if exercise tolerance test is abnormal
-don’t certify if ischemic changes are on the EKG
Suppose the driver has multiple CHD risk factors. Can you certify this driver?
-Can certify for maximum of one year if you believe the medical condition does not endanger health and safety of the driver in public
-multiple risk factors do not automatically disqualify a driver
-annual medical exam suggested
Suppose the driver has multiple CHD risk factors. When are you unable certify that this driver?
-Do not certify if you believe the medical condition endangers the health and safety of the driver in public
Which drivers need an ETT every two years?
Drivers who are post MI, post angioplasty, or who have stable angina pectoris need an ETT every two years
Which drivers need an ETT every five years?
Every year post-CABG surgery, starting at five years.
Which drivers should be referred for radionuclide stress testing or echocardiography myocardial imaging?
-Driver has an unsatisfactory exercise tolerance test result
-significant EKG changes
sometimes, the medical insurer will not pay for these tests because they say they aren’t medically necessary. This puts the driver in the DOT examiner in a difficult position.
What is the major predictor of CHD?
Left ventricular function.
Additional prognostic indicators:
-coexisting vascular disease
-angina pectoris
-dysrhythmia or arrhythmia
-general health
-severity of CHD
When is the greatest risk for mortality after acute MI?
-First few months after the event
-most post MI deaths are sudden deaths
When can a post myocardial infarction patient return to work?
-When there is no exercise-induced myocardial ischemia and no left ventricular dysfunction
What is the minimum required left ventricular ejection fraction?
Must be greater than or equal to 40%
-echo (cardiac ultrasound) is used to assess ejection fraction
-radionuclide imaging can be used if more precise ejection fraction measurements are needed
-in-hospital post MI echo results are adequate for purposes of DOT evaluation
What numbers are required to say that a driver has satisfactory post MI exercise tolerance test results?
-Heart rate is greater than 85% of the predicted maximum heart rate unless on beta blockers
-no significant ST segment depression
-no ventricular dysrhythmia
-SBP rise is greater than 20 mmHg without angina
-workload capacity > 6 METs
When all the criteria that a driver who has had an MI must meet in order to return to work?
-more than two months post MI
-no myocardial imaging ischemic changes
-satisfactory exercise tolerance test, meaning greater than six metabolic equivalents
-tolerates medication
-examine approval from cardiologist
-must have an annual exam
-must have biennial exercise tolerance test
-can be certified for one year
A post-MI driver reports angina at rest or change in anginal pattern within three months of the exam. Can they be certified?
No. Pt must be asymptomatic.
A post-MI driver is complying with the medication. They say sometimes medicines make them sleepy or dizzy. They scored > 6 METS on their ETT, are 4 months post MI, and have no ischemic changes on EKG. Can they be certified?
No. Patient must be tolerating their cardiovascular therapy. Even if they mean all the other criteria, they still have to also be able to tolerate the medications.
What causes angina pectoris?
-Deficit and oxygen supply to the heart muscle in relation to the demand for oxygen
-condition is progressive
-can be stable or unstable
-presence of angina means at least one coronary vessel has hemodynamically significant narrowing
Suppose the patient has angina. What constitutes satisfactory stable angina exercise tolerance test results?
-Heart rate is greater than 85% of the predicted maximum heart rate unless on beta blockers
-no significant ST segment depression or ST segment elevation
-no ventricular dysrhythmia
-SBP rise is greater than 20 mmHg without angina
-workload capacity > 6 METs
Compare stable angina to unstable angina with regards to what causes symptoms.
Stable angina: provoked by four specific things
-ecstasy (sex)
-extreme weather
Unstable angina: doesn’t have to be provoked in order for the patient have symptoms. Patient has decreased response to medication.
Compare stable angina to unstable angina with regards to frequency of symptoms.
Stable angina: predictable pattern. Patient is usually able to identify what things will cause them to get symptomatic.
Lower risk for adverse clinical outcomes compared to other CHD
Unstable angina: chest pain occurs even at rest. Duration of chest pain is longer than with stable angina.
______ angina means there’s usually significant narrowing in at least one coronary artery.
______ angina has an unpredictable course.
How is stable angina treated?
Rest, medications, revascularization
How is unstable angina treated?
Medications and revascularization
Do not certify a driver who has had unstable angina pectoris car occurring within the past ______ months.
Presence of unstable angina means patient is at risk for what additional cardiovascular events?
-congestive cardiac failure
Patient with stable angina cannot be certified until they have a minimum of _____ months with no rest angina and no change in angina pattern.
You can certify patient was stable angina for what period of time? What are the criteria they must meet in order to become certified?
-One year
-angina is truly stable; no change in angina pattern or angina at rest in the past three months
- asymptomatic
-tolerates medication and treatment
-satisfactory exercise tolerance test
-examine approval from a cardiologist
In order for patient with stable angina to be certified, they must have evaluation from a_______ .
Cardiovascular specialist
How often must a driver who has stable angina have an exercise tolerance test? How often must the driver have a medical exam?
-ETT must occur every two years
-must have imaging stress test if ETT is inconclusive
-requires an annual medical exam
If a driver with stable angina is certified, how often must the driver have a medical exam?
For what period of time can a patient with stable angina be certified?
Certify for one year
How often must a patient with stable angina who is certified have an exercise tolerance test?
-Biennially (every two years)
-obtain imaging stress test if exercise tolerance test is inconclusive
What affects prognosis of patient with heart failure?
Prognosis depends on underlying disease; driving risks are independent of underlying disease
-can be caused by ischemia
-if not caused by ischemia, hypertension is the most common cause
____________ is the most frequent diagnosis of individuals with heart failure who present with systolic dysfunction, but have no evidence of significant underlying coronary artery disease.
idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy
Heart failure is a major cause of ________ dysfunction.
Heart failure accounts for _______ % of cases of sudden death.
If driver is diagnosed with heart failure, what constitutes satisfactory exercise tolerance test results?
-Heart rate more than 85% of maximum heart rate unless on beta blockers
-no significant ST segment depression
-no ventricular dysrhythmia
-SBP rise greater than 20 mmHg without angina
-workload capacity greater than six metabolic equivalents
What criteria must the patient with heart failure meet in order to be certified?
-Asymptomatic stable
-ejection fraction 40% or greater
-etiology confirmed - you have to identify what is causing the heart failure; it cannot be a case of heart failure of unknown cause
-treatment is safe, adequate, effective
-metabolic equivalent of six or greater
Under what circumstances might a driver with heart failure whose ejection fraction is less than 40% be recertified?
If the driver has an ejection fraction less than 40% but they are asymptomatic, they can be recertified if yearly evaluation shows improvement.
What kind of medical monitoring and follow-up is required for a driver who has a diagnosis of heart failure?
-Must have annual evaluation and clearance from cardiovascular specialist
-annual evaluation from the cardiologist must include:
* Echocardiogram
* Holter monitor
-annual medical exam
Percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) is also called what?
Percutaneous transluminal coronary arthroplasty (PTCA)
What is the basic procedure of PCI (Percutaneous coronary intervention), also called PTCA (Percutaneous transluminal coronary arthroplasty)?
-Catheter passes through the skin into the femoral artery or some other artery
-catheter is threaded into the coronary arteries
-operator takes a look at arteries
-clots are cleared by inflating a balloon, inserting a stent, or using a rotor
What constitutes satisfactory post PCI exercise tolerance test results?
-Heart rate more than 85% of maximum heart rate unless on beta blockers
-no significant ST segment depression or elevation
-no ventricular dysrhythmia
-SBP rise greater than 20 mmHg without angina
-workload capacity greater than six metabolic equivalents
What is the recommended waiting period for certification after the patient has had PCI?
-Recertify after one week post PCI if the procedure was done for stable angina
-procedure was done for MI or unstable angina, you can’t certify until patient completes the waiting period for the underlying condition that led to PCI.
What all the criteria that a driver who has had an MI must meet in order to return to work?
-more than two months post MI
-no myocardial imaging ischemic changes
-satisfactory exercise tolerance test, meaning greater than six metabolic equivalents
-tolerates medication
-examine approval from cardiologist
-must have an annual exam
-must have biennial exercise tolerance test
-can be certified for one year
A driver who is post-MI must wait at least ____ months before returning to work.
Do not certify a driver who has had unstable angina pectoris car occurring within the past ______ months.
If a driver who received PCI is certified, how frequently must they be re-examined?
Must have an annual medical exam
What criteria must a driver who has had PCI meet in order to become certified?
-Must be at least one week post PCI what if the procedure was done for stable angina; must complete the waiting period for underlying condition when PCI was done for MI or unstable angina
-annual medical exam
negative exercise tolerance test 3 to 6 months post PCI and every other year
-no injury, such as bruising, hematoma, swelling at the vascular insertion site
-tolerates medication
-drivers been examined and approved by cardiologist
Can you certify driver who had PCI three weeks ago if they still have bruising, hematoma, swelling, or other injury the vascular insertion site?
How often must a driver who has had PCI receive exercise tolerance testing?
-Must complete this 3 to 6 months post PCI and every other year
-may recertify the driver as long as the exercise tolerance test results are negative
-do not certify if the patient has a positive exercise tolerance test 3 to 6 months post PCI or when they complete the required every other year exercise tolerance testing
What is the initial certification after a driver has had PCI/angioplasty ?
Six months; after six months have passed, the driver must come for follow-up exam
-Certify for up to one year ONCE THE DRIVER HAS A SATISFACTORY stress test
Driver who has had angioplasty must have ETT between ____ months and ___ years after angioplasty. ETT results must be brought to the ____ month follow up exam.
Driver must have exercise tolerance testing between six months and three years after angioplasty. Must result to the six-month follow-up exam.
If ETT results are good after PCI, for how long can the driver be certified? How often size tolerance testing need to be repeated?
-Certify for up to one year ONCE THE DRIVER HAS A SATISFACTORY stress test
-repeat exercise tolerance testing every two years
-requires annual evaluation and clearance from cardiovascular specialist and an annual exam
What might post-PCI angina suggests is happening? What studies need to be done?
-driver needs reevaluation with stress imaging study or repeat angiography
What is coronary artery bypass grafting, or CABG ?
-Clot in the coronary artery is bypassed by grafting a vessel from somewhere else in the body, frequently the saphenous vein or the left internal mammary artery
-CABG patients have a high risk of reocclusion, but have less risk of sudden death compared to those who are treated medically
When can most patients who have had CABG return to work?
When the sternum is healed
Patient must be at least three months post CABG before they can be certified
For which patient is CABG the preferred treatment?
-Extensive atherosclerosis with left ventricular dysfunction or debilitating angina
-multi-vessel coronary heart disease
-narrowing of the proximal left main coronary artery or the left main coronary artery
Describe satisfactory post CABG exercise tolerance testing results.
-Heart rate more than 85% of maximum heart rate unless on beta blockers
-no significant ST segment depression or elevation
-no ventricular dysrhythmia
-SBP rise greater than 20 mmHg without angina
-workload capacity greater than six metabolic equivalents
What is the minimum waiting period for certification after CABG?
Three months
For what period of time can you certify a post CABG driver who meets requirements?
-One year
How often must a post-CABG driver have a medical exam?
What requirements must the post CABG driver meet in order to become certified?
-At least three months post CABG
-ejection fraction equal to or greater than 40%
-sternal wound healed
-tolerates medications and has no orthostatic symptoms
-examined and approved by treating cardiologist
maximal certification period is one year
There is a high rate of long-term reocclusion. Therefore, how frequently must a patient who has had CABG have an exercise tolerance test?
-ETT must be done yearly once the driver is five or more years post CABG
-must also do radionuclide stress testing or myocardial imaging if:
* stress test results are unsatisfactory
* dysrhythmia
* abnormal EKG
-annual medical exam
Which regulation describes a cardiovascular standard?
49 CFR 391.41 (b) (4)