CORNEA Flashcards
3 Mechanisms of dry eye
1) inflammation 2) tear film instability 3) tear hyperosmolarity
Superior papillary reaction
1) Allergic: VKC, AKC, GPC
2) Infectious: bacterial (trachoma)
3) Inflammatory: floppy eyelid, SLK, blepharitis
4) Trauma: toxic keratopathy, mucus fishing
5) Masquerade: Sebaceous cell or other
1) congenital
2) acquired
- inflammatory: SJS, OCP, chronic blepharitis
- infectious: trachoma
- trauma: chemical burn
drugs that inhibit wound healing
- topical anesthetic
- trifluridine
- B blockers
- CAIs
- infection - staph blepharitis, trachoma, phylectenulosis, HSV keratitis
- degeneration - pterygium, pingleculum
- inflammatory - rosacea, SLK
- Allergy - AKC, VKC,
- trauma - CL wear
- congenital eye abnormalities- aniridia
Dry eye - Aqueous deficient vs evaporative
- Aqueous deficient
- Sjogrens - primary or secondary (RA, SLE, scleroderma)
- Non sjogrens - lacrimal deficieny (GVHD, immune reaction after radiation, lymphoma, amyloid, sarcoid), lacrimal gland obstruction, reflex block (surgery, CL, topical anes, parkinsons), systemic drugs (diuretics, anti psych, antihistamines, anticholinergic)
- Evaporative
- intrinsic - MG deficient, lid abnormality, low blink rate, accutane
- extrinsic- vit a def, preservatives and other topical drugs, CL wear, ocular surface disease
Conj granuloma
- sarcoid
- FB
Non suppurative stromal keratitis (interstitial keratitis)
- Infection
- bacterial- congenital and acquired syphilis, lyme, TB, leprosy, chlamydia (LGV and trachoma)
- viral- HSV, VZV, EBV, mumps
- parasite - acanthamoeba, onchoceriasis
- Inflammation
- reactive arthritis
- coagns
- sarcoid
- CL
- prosthesis related
Parinaud Oculoglanduar syndrome
- afipia
- actinomyces
- bartonella
- coccidiomycosis
- syphilis
- sporotrichosis
- tularemia
- TB
- ricketsia
crystalline keratopathy
- infectious
- strep viridans, other bacteria and fungus
- systemic diseases
- lymphoproliferative- MM and monoclonal gammopathy
- cystinosis
- gout
- lipid disorders- LCAT, fish eye, tangier, secondary lipid
- dystrophies
- macular dystrophy
- granular dystrophy
- lattice dystrophy
- schnyder dystrophy and bietti dystrophy
- infectious
- HSV - central ulceration with blubs
- VZV - smaller without central ulceration (negative staining) or terminal blubs
- adenovirus
- acanthamoeba
- Inflammatory
- Systemic
- medications causing whorl keratopathy
- fabry
- tyrosinemia
- Iatrogenic/trauma
- epi healing line
- soft CL wear
- neurotrophic K
- topical medications (antiviral and b blocker)
- Epi deposits (iron lines, systemic meds and fabrys)
Necrotizing keratitis
- infectious
- viral- HSV
- bacteria-
- fungal
- parasite- acanthamoeba
- Systemic - RA, Wegners, PAN, SLE, relapsing polychondritis
- Trauma
- anes abuse
- retained FB
Follicular conjunctivitis
- Chronic infectious
- viral- trachoma, chlamydia, moraxella, molluscum, parinauds
- drugs- brimonidine, pilo, HA, sulfa, antivirals
- Acute
- viral- adenovirus, hemorrhagic conjunctivitis, newcastle, chlamydia, HSV, EBV
- drops- brimonidine
Corneal Anesthesia
- Congenital
- riley day, goldenhar, moebius
- Systemic
- diabetes, leprosy, hypolipoproteinemias, prev radiation
- Local
- toxicity with topical meds- anes, NSAIDS, B blkers, CAIs, BAK, viroptic)
- Dystrophies
- damage to CN V - surgery, Lasik
- chronic CL wear
- Neurological
- Aneurysm
- MS
- Tumour
- idopathic
- medications- topiramate pamidronate
- inflammatory
- sjogrens
- RA
- gout
- rosacea
- infectious
- syphilis
- TB
- lyme
Posterior embryotoxin
- A-R
- Alagille
- ichythosis
- velocardiofacial
- idiopathic or normal finding
- Idiopathic
- Trauma
- chemical burns and radiation
- Iatrogenic
- local- surgery, radiation and radiotherapy, CL use, topical meds- MMC, pilo, B blocker, antibiotics
- systemic- hydroxyurea, GVHD
- Autoimmune
- Eye disease
- neoplasia, neurotrophic keratitis, infections (trachoma) atopy, peripheral K ulcers
- Congenital and hereditary
- aniridia, sclerocornea, MEN, xeroderma pigmentosum
Cicatrizing conjunctivitis
- Infectious
- trachoma, adenovirus, corynebacterium, streptococcal
- Allergic
- AKC, SJS, blepharoconjunctivitis
- Autoimmune
- OCP, sarcoidosis, lupus, scleroderma, GVHD, linear IgA dermatosis
- Miscellaneous
- roseacea
- chemical burns
- trauma
- drugs - timolol, epinephrine, AT, echothiopate
- radiation
- neoplasia
When to culture and use fortified drops
- culture:
- infiltrates extend onto middle of K
- infiltrates extend to deep stroma
- infiltrates > 2mm
- history of fungal, amebic, mycobacterial infection
- blood, chocolate, sabourauds, thioglycolate broth
- Fortified
- large/vision threatening/in vis axis
- prior abx failure
- suspect MRSA
- Ocular
- microbial - bacterial, viral, acanthamoeba, fungal
- mooren ulcer
- traumatic or post surgical
- terrien marginal degeneration
- exposure keratopathy
- roseacea
- Systemic
- microbial - bacterial, viral, helminthiasis
- inflammatory - RA, SLE, Wegners, PAN, behcets, sarcoid, UC, relapsing polychondritis
- neoplastic
Conj Vascularity Tortuosity and Hyperemia
- inflammation- infection, allergy, toxicity, neoplasia
- direct irritation - FB, aberrant lashes
- reflex response
- systemic or topical vasodilators
- autonomic dysfunction- horners
- vascular engorement
- trauma
- associated disease- rosacea, fabry, htn, dm, sickle, MM, polycythemia vera
- hereditary - ataxia tel
- superior
- CL related
- FB under upper eyelid
- Floppy eyelid
- interpalpebral
- Dry eye
- neurotropic keratopathy
- UV burn
- inferior
- blepharitis
- exposure keratopathy
- topical drug toxicity
- conjunctivitis
- trichiasis
- entropion/ectropion
RCE Etiologies
- anterior corneal dystrophy- EBMD, RBC, TBD, Meesman
- previous trauma
- stromal corneal dystrophy
- corneal degeneration - band, salzman
- laser eye, PKP,
Exposure keratopathy
- Structural
- eye lid deformity
- proptosis
- floppy eyelid syndrome
- after ptosis repair
- Neurological
- poor blink due to parkinsons
- seventh CN palsy
- altered mental status
Band K
- Local
- inflammation - uveitis, IK
- trauma or surgery
- phthisis bulbi
- silicone oil
- mercury fumes
- corneal dystrophy
- myotonic dystrophy
- longstanding glaucoma
- Systemic
- hypercalcemia- hyperparathyroidism, renal failure, sarcoidosis, MM, pagets, vit D toxicty, milk alkali syndrome
- hyperphosphatemia
- gout
- infectious
- bacteria: syphilis, TB, leprosy, pseudomonas, cat scratch, nocardia
- viral- HZV
- fungal
- inflammatory
- CTD: RA, SLE, seronegative spondyloarthropathies - inflam bowel, ank spond
- vasculitis: GCA, wegner, PAN
- trauma
- gout
Work up: CBC, ESR, ANA, anti DNA antibodies, RF, ANCA, urinanalysis, serum uric acid, syphilis, CXR, sarcoidosis
Pre auricular LN
Bacterial: Parinaud’s, chlamydia / gonorrhea, trachoma
Viral: EKC, primary HSV, id cellulitis / dacryoadenitis, acute hemorrhagic conjunctivitis (enterovirus, pneumococcus)
Neoplastic of conj, K
hyperacute conjunctivitis
N. gonorrhea
N. meningitidis
hemophilus aegyptius
enteric G-ve bacilli
S. aureus
Filamentary keratitis
- infection- HSV, VZV
- trauma - abrasion, toxicity with medications, recurrent erosion, retained FB, post surgical, CL use
- local causes- SLK, patching, dry eye (sjogrens, anticholinergic medications, GPC, ptosis, neurogenic cornea, K exposure (7th CN palsy)
- Systemic diseases- DM
keratinization of conj epi
- infection- trachoma
- inflammatory- OCP, erythema multiforme, SLK
- vit A def
- trauma- radiation, mechanical/chemical
Hyphema DDX
adults- clotting abnormalities, herpetic disease, rubeosis, ris hamangioma
children- JXG, RB, leukemia
- vascular anomaly- rubeosis, vascular tufts, vascular pupillary membranes
- Inflammatory- HZV, Fuch’s
- vascular erosion- JXG, iris nevus / melanoma
- hematologic- anticoagulants, thrombocytopenia
- late surgical- UGH
salmon patch
- Lyphmoid - lymphoid, lymphoma
- deposits- amyloid
- tumours -dacryoadenoma, amelanotic nevus, amelanotic malanoma, lymphangioma, capillary hemangioma
subconj heme
- Ocular
Conjunctival, orbital, or cranial trauma
Acute viral or bacterial conjunctivitis
Pterygium, pinguecula
- Systemic
Sudden venous congestion (Valsalva maneuver)
Vascular fragility
Thrombocytopenia and impaired clotting
Systemic febrile illness
Ocular surface neovascularization
K scarring
- Superior- SLK, trachoma, VKC
- Central - disciform keratitis, keratoconus (hydrops), Fuchs, BK, lipid keratopathy, band keratopathy
- Inferior - neurotrophic, keratopathy, exposure keratopathy, marginal keratitis
- Diffuse- IK, trauma, SJS, OCP, trachoma
Mutton fat KP
- Autoimmune
- Sarcoidosis
- SO
- MS
- Infectious
- Syphilis
- Lyme disease
- Tuberculosis
- Herpes zoster
- toxo
- leprosy
- Coccidioidomycosis
- Brucellosis
- Idiopathic
qualities of lesion concerning for malignancy
- elevated
- feeder vessel
- pigmented
- fixed to underlying tissues
ALWAYS do DFE and palpation of lymphadenopathy
Excision with 4 mm margins, no touch technique, K epi use alcohol assisted epi curettage with surgical blade and avoid violation of BM (natural barrier to tumour extension into K stroma), after removed use clean instruments in order to reduce change of seeding, may need conj autograft or AMN transplant with possible stem cell transplant
should refer to dermatologist for skin evaluation
signs of dysplasia of sessile papilloma
- leukoplakia/keratinization
- symblepharon
- inflammation
- invasion
Poor prognostic indicators for conj melanoma
- eyelid margin involvement
- thickness > 1.8mm
- invasion to deeper tissues
- lymphatic invasion
- mixed cell type
- palpebral conj/caruncle/fornix involvement
- pagetoid spread
- residual involvement
indications for treatment of AKC
- pain
- progressive cicatrization
Four signs of toxic keratopathy
- vortex keratopathy
- peripheral K infiltrates
- follicular conjunctivitis
causes of secondary localized amyloidosis
- infectious
- IK
- trachoma
- leprosy
- syphilis
- inflammation
- uveitis
- degeneration
- KC
- trauma
- CL wear
- trichiasis
Salzmann nodular degeneration
- Phylectenulosis
- trachoma
- IK
- measles
- blepharitis
- trichiasis
- trauma
systemic conditions associated with dry eye
- autoimmune
- primary and secondary sjogrens
- infiltrative
- lymphoma/amyloidosis/sarcoidosis
- infectious
- trachoma/HIV
- neuropathic
- parkinsons/alzheimers/cranial neuropathies/MS
- endocrine
- androgen deficiency
- miscellaneous
Path of SLK
Treatment of SLK
- hyperproliferation
- acanthosis
- loss of goblet cells
- keratinization
topical anti inflammatory, large BCL punctal occlusion, cautery to super bulbar conj, resection of bulbar conj, topical cyclosprine, autologous serum drops, amniotic membrane, conj fixation sutures
Describe the three drops used in CIN
Interferon-α2b (IFNα2b)
- cytokine produced by immune cells to combat microbes and viruses
- mechanism of action is thought to be related to its antiproliferative, cytotoxic, and antigenic properties
- It may be injected subconjunctively or used topically as an eye drop.
- 1 million IU/mL QID
- well tolerated, difficult to obtain
Topical MMC
- antimetabolite that alkylates DNA and disrupts the production of RNA
- 0.02% or 0.04% QID - lower concentration is usually prescribed continuously for two weeks whereas, the higher concentration may be used for a week followed by 1 week off treatment
- ocular pain, possible limbal stem cell loss, and other ocular surface toxicity
- Punctal plug occlusion is advised to decrease the risk of punctual stenosis
5- fluorouracil (5-FU)
- blocks DNA synthesis by acting as a pyrimidine analog after incorporation into RNA
- 1% QID
- Others prescribe it for 4 to 5 days every month; however, this dosing is associated with a higher recurrence rate
- mild ocular irritation and occasional conjunctivitis
Nummular keratitis
Blue sclera
- Congenital -
- Osteogenesis imperfecta type 1
- ehlers danlos type VI
- ocular melanosis
- Acquired
- scleral thinning from RA etc
- minocycline staining
keratoconus associations
- Marfan’s
- mitral valve prolapse
- Ehler-Danlos
- vernal
- eye rubbing
- Floppy eye lid
Kaiser fleisher ring
- Wilsons
- copper IOFB
- primary biliary cirrhosis
- chronic active hepatitis
- exogenous chalcosis
- progressive intrahepatic cholestasis of childhood
- multiple myeloma
- pulmonary carcinoma
- monoclonal gammopathies
- chronic lymphocytic leukemia