Core Vocabulary (Theme A) Flashcards
What is the Spanish term for ‘change’?
cambio (m)
Refers to the act of changing or the currency exchange.
What does ‘persona (f)’ mean in English?
‘Persona’ is a feminine noun in Spanish.
What is the English translation of ‘campamento (m)’?
Refers to a place for camping.
What is ‘piscina (f)’ in English?
swimming pool
A place for swimming, typically filled with water.
Translate ‘campo (m)’ into English.
Refers to rural, non-urban areas.
What does ‘plan (m)’ mean?
plan (future)
Refers to a proposed course of action.
What is the meaning of ‘casa de huéspedes (f)’?
guest house
A house offering accommodations for guests.
What is the English term for ‘castillo de arena (m)’?
A structure made of sand, typically built on a beach.
What does ‘plano (m) de la ciudad’ refer to?
street map
A detailed representation of streets in a city.
Translate ‘playa (f)’ into English.
A landform along the shoreline of an ocean, sea, lake, or river.
What is ‘chalet (m)’ in English?
A type of single-story house.
What does ‘postal (f)’ mean?
A card for sending messages by mail.
What does ‘completa (adj)’ signify?
booked up, fully booked
Indicates that no more reservations are available.
What is the meaning of ‘potable (adj)’?
Refers to water that is safe to drink.
Fill in the blank: ‘con _______’ means ‘in advance’.
Often used to indicate prior arrangements.
What is the Spanish term for ‘price’?
precio (m)
Refers to the amount of money required for something.
What does ‘conocer (v)’ mean?
to make the acquaintance of, to meet
Used when meeting someone for the first time.
What is the English translation of ‘quedarse (v)’?
to stay
Refers to remaining in a place.
Translate ‘quince días (m)’ into English.
Refers to a period of two weeks.
What does ‘costa (f)’ mean?
the seaside
The land along the edge of the sea.
What is the meaning of ‘dar la bienvenida (v)’?
to welcome
A phrase used to greet someone arriving.
What does ‘deshacer las maletas (v)’ mean?
to unpack
Refers to removing items from luggage.
Translate ‘describir (v)’ into English.
to describe
To give a detailed account of something.
What is the Spanish term for ‘bank holiday’?
día festivo (m)
A public holiday when banks and many businesses are closed.
What does ‘divertido/a’ mean?
Describes something that is enjoyable or entertaining.
What is the meaning of ‘ducha (f)’?
A device for washing the body with water.
What does ‘encender (v)’ mean?
to turn/switch on
Refers to activating an electrical device.
What is ‘entrada (f)’ in English?
entry ticket
A ticket that allows entry to an event or location.
What does ‘enviar (v)’ mean?
to send
To dispatch something to a destination.
Translate ‘época (f)’ into English.
Refers to a length of time characterized by particular events.
What is the English translation of ‘esqui acuático (m)’?
A recreational activity where individuals are pulled on water skis.
What does ‘estación de autobuses/trenes (f)’ refer to?
bus/train station
A facility where buses or trains pick up and drop off passengers.
What is ‘recepción (f)’ in English?
The area where guests are greeted in a hotel or office.
What does ‘reservar (v)’ mean?
to book
To arrange for someone to have a place in advance.
What is the Spanish term for ‘sleeping bag’?
saco (m) de dormir
A portable bedding item for sleeping outdoors.
What does ‘sala (f) de juegos’ mean?
games room
A room designated for playing games.
What is the meaning of ‘salida (f)’?
The act of leaving a place.
What does ‘salir (v)’ mean?
to leave
To go away from a place.
Translate ‘tabla de windsurf (f)’ into English.
windsurfing board
A board used for the sport of windsurfing.
What does ‘tomar el sol (v)’ mean?
to sunbathe
The act of sitting or lying in the sun to tan.
What is the English translation of ‘turista (m/f)’?
A person who travels for pleasure.
What does ‘vacaciones (de invierno) (f)’ mean?
(winter) holidays
A break from work or school during the winter season.
What is the meaning of ‘ver (v)’?
to see
To perceive with the eyes.
What is ‘verano (m)’ in English?
The warmest season of the year.
What does ‘visitor (v)’ mean?
to visit (a place)
To go to a location to see it.
Translate ‘vista (f)’ into English.
The visual perception of a scene.
What is ‘estancia (f)’ in English?
The period of remaining in a place.
What does ‘excursión (f)’ mean?
excursion, day trip
A short journey or trip, often for leisure.
Translate ‘folleto (m)’ into English.
A printed piece of paper that provides information.
What does ‘formulario (m)’ refer to?
form (to fill in)
A document with spaces for information to be entered.
What is the Spanish term for ‘sunglasses’?
gafas de sol (f)
Eyewear designed to protect the eyes from sunlight.
What does ‘gastar (v)’ mean?
to spend
To use money to purchase goods or services.
What is the meaning of ‘gratis (adj)’?
Refers to something that does not cost money.
What does ‘guía turistica (f)’ mean?
tourist guide
A person or book that provides information for tourists.
What is the Spanish term for ‘family name’?
apellido (m)
The surname or last name of an individual.
What does ‘ladrón/ona (m/f)’ mean?
A person who steals.
What is the meaning of ‘arreglar (v)’?
to fix
To repair something that is broken.
What does ‘atención al cliente (f)’ refer to?
call centre
A centralized office used for receiving or transmitting a large volume of requests by telephone.
What is ‘llamada de emergencia (f)’ in English?
emergency call
A call made to request urgent assistance.
What does ‘biblioteca (f)’ mean?
(lending) library
A place where books are available for borrowing.
What is the meaning of ‘llamar por teléfono (v)’?
to make a phone call
The act of contacting someone via telephone.
What does ‘llamarse (v)’ mean?
to be called
Refers to how someone identifies themselves by name.
Translate ‘bolsa (f)’ into English.
A container used for carrying items.
What does ‘mandar (v)’ mean?
to send, to order
To dispatch something or request an action.
What is ‘bombero/a (m/f)’ in English?
A person who extinguishes fires.
What does ‘marcar un número (v)’ mean?
to dial a number
The action of inputting a phone number to make a call.
What is the Spanish term for ‘postbox’?
buzón (m)
A box where mail is placed for collection.
What does ‘no cuelgue, por favor’ mean?
don’t put the phone down, please
A polite request to remain on the line.
What is ‘cabina (telefónica) (f)’ in English?
telephone box
A small structure containing a telephone.
What does ‘cartero (m)’ mean?
A person who delivers mail.
What is the meaning of ‘casa de cambio (f)’?
money changing office
A place where currency exchange occurs.
What does ‘comisaría (f)’ refer to?
police station
A building where police officers work.
What is ‘Correos (m)’ in English?
Spanish postal service
The national postal service in Spain.
What does ‘no funciona’ mean?
doesn’t work
Used to indicate that something is malfunctioning.
What is the Spanish term for ‘name’?
nombre (m)
Refers to an individual’s first name.
What does ‘oficina de objetos perdidos (f)’ mean?
lost property office
A place where lost items are reported and claimed.
What is the meaning of ‘cortar (v)’?
to cut
The action of dividing something into parts.
What does ‘corte (de pelo) (m)’ mean?
The act of trimming hair.
What is ‘cuenta (f)’ in English?
A statement of charges for goods or services.
What does ‘dar las gracias (v)’ mean?
to give thanks
Expressing gratitude.
What is the meaning of ‘devolver (v)’?
to return, take back
The act of giving something back.
What does ‘dinero (m)’ mean?
Currency used for transactions.
What is the meaning of ‘encontrar (v)’?
to find
To discover the location of something.
What does ‘encontrarse (v)’ mean?
to meet with someone
Refers to having a meeting or encounter.
What is the Spanish term for ‘to send’?
enviar (v)
To dispatch or transmit something.
What does ‘error (m)’ mean?
An incorrect action or belief.
What is ‘fontanero/a (m/f)’ in English?
A tradesperson who installs and repairs pipes.
What does ‘formulario (m)’ refer to?
printed form
A document with spaces for information.
What does ‘funcionar (v)’ mean?
to work
To operate correctly.
What is the meaning of ‘olvidar (v)’?
to forget
To fail to remember something.
What does ‘peluquero/a (m/f)’ mean?
A person who cuts and styles hair.
What is the Spanish term for ‘to lose’?
perder (v)
To be unable to find something.
What does ‘pérdida (f)’ mean?
The state of being deprived of something.
What is the meaning of ‘perdón’?
An expression of apology.
What does ‘por favor’ mean?
A polite request.
What is the Spanish term for ‘complaint’?
queja (f)
A statement expressing dissatisfaction.
What does ‘querer (v)’ mean?
to want
To have a desire for something.
What is the meaning of ‘recibir (v)’?
to receive
To get something given or sent.
What does ‘recibo (m)’ mean?
A document acknowledging payment.
What does ‘rellenar (v)’ mean?
to fill in (a form)
The act of entering information into a document.
What is the Spanish term for ‘theft, robbery’?
robo (m)
The act of stealing.
What does ‘sello (m)’ mean?
A small piece of paper used for mailing.
What is the meaning of ‘gracias’?
An expression of gratitude.
What does ‘guardia (m/f)’ mean?
A person responsible for protecting a place.
What is ‘información (f)’ in English?
Data or knowledge communicated.