!!core two: Jewish Bioethics Flashcards
‘Pikauch Nefesh’ definition
To save ones life even to the extent of violating other commandments
‘Tzelem Elohim’ defintion
Scripture Reference Genesis 1:27 “So God created man in his own image..”
‘The Sanctity of Life’ definition
The human life is sacred and Jewish people have the duty of saving it whenever possible.
3 principals of Jewish Bioethics
1, Human life has infinite value,
- Aging, death and illness are a natural part of life
- Improvement of a patients quality of life is a constant commitment
A bioethical issue from a Jewish perspective. Abortion is the killing of an unborn fetus or embryo.
Abortion in Jewish belief.
Life according to Jewish people begins at ‘crowning’ where a child enters the mothers womb. It is known as ‘Nefesh’ meaning soul or spirit.
Abortion in Jewish belief
Abortion goes against the Jewish belief as
- Killing a foetus breaks something made in light of God’s image (Genesis 1:27)
- It is wrong to injure ones self
Orthodox perspective on Abortion.
While the child is of ‘Nefesh’, The Halacha endows this potential life based on the Mitzvot “Whoever sheds mans blood, by man is blood shall be shed” (Genesis 9:6)
Orthodox Jews strongly oppose Abortion .. It is a covenantal obligation to procreate - so to harm or kill the result of this procreation is to go against the will of God.
Circumstances where Abortion may be permissible
- There’s a direct effect to the mother
- Keeping the baby causes mental distress or illness
- Rape or Incest
- Genetic deformities (Down Syndrome)
Translates to “Good-Death”, defined as hasting death for those terminally ill.
-Active Euthanasia.. the deliberate killing of a person through lethal injection of morphine…
-Passive Euthanasia…. the removal of life sustaining methods (life support machine, medication etc).. allowing the natural process to take place.
Jewish perspective on Euthanasia
From a Jewish perspective, a sick person is seen as a “Gosses” (someone who is waiting to die, but still very much alive). Euthanasia is seen as alright for ending suffering but is ending a life that belongs to God.
Orthodox Jews to Euthanasia
Orthodox Jews follow the teaching that both active and passive Euthanasia is forbidden because even if the individual was a Gosses, Euthanasia is seen as suicide, in terms of murder.. ‘thou shalt not kill’, the commandments…
Conservative Jews to Euthanasia
Forbids Active Euthanasia (Lethal Injection) based of Halacha law. But permits Passive Euthanasia (restriction of medication).,. They see Active Euthanasia as murder but passive Euthanasia as natural..
Progressive Jews to Euthanasia
progressive Jews believe that a suffering person is no longer an image of God “…for in his own image God made humankind.” (Genesis 9:6) and can no longer live out what they were put on the earth to do.
Conservative Jews on Abortion
Abortion is justifiable if it poses a threat to the mother.
Progressive Jews on Abortion
Abortion is justifiable if it poses a threat to the mother or if it is a result of Rape or Incest.