Core Study Info Flashcards
There are four (4) categories of technician certification:
Type I is?
Persons who maintain, service, repair, or dispose of small appliances must be certified as Type I technicians. A small appliance is defined as a pre-assembled unit, hermetically sealed and factory charged with 5 lbs. or less of refrigerant.Examples include equipment such as water coolers, window units, refrigerators, freezers, de-humidifiers, ice machines, and package terminal air conditioning.
There are four (4) categories of technician certification:
Type II is?
Persons who maintain, service, repair, or dispose of medium, high and very high pressure appliances containing more than 5 lbs. of refrigerant or if the installation of such equipment requires refrigerant charging, must be certified as Type II technicians. EPA Section 608 Preparatory Manual ©ESCO Institute 20185IntroductionHigh-pressure refrigerants have a pressure between 155 psig & 340 psig at a liquid phase temperature of 104°F and medium pressure refrigerants have a pressure between 30 psig & 155 psig at a liquid phase temperature of 104°F. Type II certification does not include small appliances or motor vehicle air conditioning (MVAC) systems.
There are four (4) categories of technician certification:
Type III is?
Persons who maintain, service, repair, or dispose of low-pressure appliances (centrifugals and chillers) must be certified as Type III technicians. Low-pressure refrigerants have pressures of 30 psig or lower at a liquid phase temperature of 104°F.
There are four (4) categories of technician certification:
Universal is?
To be certified as Universal, a technician must pass all four sections; Core, Type I, Type II, and Type III.
Ozone is how many oxygen atoms?
______is used as a very high-pressure refrigerant (R-744) with zero (0)ODP and a Global Warming Potential (GWP) of one(1). R-744 is used primarily in commercial and industrial process systems and does not require Section 608 certification for purchasing or servicing. Natural refrigerants such as R744 (carbon dioxide) that do not pose a threat to health or the environment according to EPA may be released back into the environment.
Carbon dioxide (CO2)
Hydrofluorocarbons, perfluorocarbons, sulfur hexafluoride, and nitrogen trifluoride are synthetic, powerful greenhouse gases that are emitted from a variety of industrial processes. Fluorinated gases such as CFCs, HCFCs and HFCs are referred to as high Global Warming Potential gases (“High GWP gases”).
Fluorinated gases
(Tetrafluoroethane) is an HFC with an ozone depletion potential (ODP) of zero (0) and global warming potential (GWP) 1,430 times greater than carbon dioxide. R-134a is a medium-range pressure refrigerant used in auto, domestic refrigeration and commercial industries.
(Hydrofluorocarbon) is a high-pressure, HFC refrigerant with an ODP of zero (0) and global warming potential (GWP) 2,090 times greater than carbon dioxide. R-410A is a near azeotrope refrigerant that does not fractionate during phase change in HVACR equipment. One disadvantage of R-410A is the operating pressure is approximately 50% higher than R-22 and cannot be considered as a replacement for retrofitting existing systems.
(Tetrafluoropropene) is a medium pressure, HFO refrigerant with an (ODP) of 0 and global warming potential (GWP) only 4 times greater than carbon dioxide.
_______ has grouped refrigerants by Class A (safest) or B, depending on their toxicity level to humans.
Flammability is indicated by a 1 (no flammability), 2 (low flammability), or 3 (high flammability).
Class I (OzoneDepleting Substances)
Class II (OzoneDepleting Substances)
Companies and or service technicians who violate Clean Air Act provisions may lose their certification, be required to appear in Federal Court and be fined up to $_____per day, per violation.
Technicians disposing of mid-sized appliances with 5-50 pounds of refrigerant must keep the following records:
•The location, date of recovery, and type of refrigerant recovered for each disposed appliance.•The quantity of refrigerant, by type, recovered from disposed appliances in each calendar month.•The quantity of refrigerant, and type, transferred for reclamation or destruction, the person / company to whom it was transferred, and the date of the transfer.
There are two basic types of recovery devices:
1)“System-dependent” which captures refrigerant with the assistance of components in the appliance from which refrigerant is being recovered. (Figure 4)2)”Self-contained” which has its own means to draw the refrigerant out of the appliance.
The sale of CFC and HCFC refrigerants has been restricted to certified technicians since?
November 14, 1994
The sale of HFC and HFO refrigerants are restricted to certified technicians as of ____
January 1, 2018
Only technicians certified under Section 609 of the Clean Air Act (Motor Vehicle Air Conditioning) are allowed to purchase refrigerants in containers smaller than
20 lbs
CFCs or HCFCs can be used for servicing a system that uses the refrigerant after the phaseout. CFCs or HCFCs cannot be used in
new equipment
The Significant New Alternatives Policy program (SNAP) identifies and evaluates substitute refrigerants.
EPA’s classifications of decisions on alternative substitutes may be listed as:•Acceptable•Acceptable subject to use conditions•Acceptable subject to narrowed use limits•Unacceptable alternatives
The oils used with HFC and HFO HVACR systems are
When retrofitting HCFC systems, ______ type oil is commonly used as it can tolerate a small percentage of other types of oil
polyolester (POE)
when leak testing an HFC system, use ______ with only a trace amount of refrigerant vapor. In order to avoid contamination use the same refrigerant as the system charge. This is not considered to be a refrigerant that must be recovered.
pressurized nitrogen
There are several refrigerant blends commonly in use. Some blends are called ternary, which means they are a three-part blend. HCFC-22 and HCFC ternary blends are used with a
synthetic alkylbenzene lubricant
mixture acts like a single component refrigerant over its entire temperature/pressure range. An azeotrope does not have a temperature glide
azeotropic mixture
blend behaves like a mixture of the individual components with predictable properties based on combinations of the original refrigerant’s properties. Temperature glide refers to the range of boiling or condensing temperature points that a refrigerant blend might experience at a specific pressure. Refrigerant fractionation can occur from a continuous leak due to the difference in pressures from the combined refrigerants.
zeotropic blend
The R-400 series of refrigerants are _______ ______that can leak from a system at uneven rates due to different vapor pressures which can effect the percentage of each refrigerant remaining in the system. The proper charging method for R-400 series blended refrigerants is to weigh the refrigerant into the high side of the system as a liquid. When adding refrigerant to an undercharged system, liquid refrigerant is throttled into the low side with the system operating.
zeotropic blends
Zeotropic blends use ____ _____ _____ _____to indicate condensing and evaporation temperatures on a pressure temperature saturation chart. Bubble point is used when charging by condenser subcooling and Dew point is used for charging by suction or evaporator superheat. The relationship of pressures and temperatures are based on the refrigerant’s temperature glide. Temperature glide can range a few tenths of a degree to 12 degrees or more.
Bubble and Dew points
It is important NOT to mix different refrigerants in the same recovery tank because the mixture may be
impossible to reclaim
In order to determine the general area of a leak, use an electronic or ultrasonic leak detector after pressurizing the system with nitrogen and a trace amount of refrigerant. Once the general area of the leak is located, the use of ___ ___ will aid in pinpointing the leak. Finding and repairing leaks in a system will conserve refrigerant for future use.
soap bubbles
When leak testing any flammable hydrocarbon or ___ ___ install a fresh filter-drier and complete a standing-pressure leak check at the maximum system pressure before evacuating to 500 microns or lower.
HFO refrigerant
The reason for dehydrating a refrigeration system is to remove ___ ___ ___ ___ and it is important to follow proper dehydration procedures. If moisture is allowed to remain in an operating refrigeration system, hydrochloric and hydrofluoric acids may form. Evacuation of a system is the suggested method of dehydration. It is not possible to over evacuate a system. Most manufacturers require an evacuation to 500 microns or lower which can be measured with a micron gauge
water and water vapor
To determine the safe pressure for leak testing, check the ___ ___ ___ for the maximum low-side test pressure value.
equipment data plate
NEVER expose refrigerants to open flames or glowing hot metal surfaces. At high temperatures, refrigerants decompose and form acids. Hydrochloric acid is formed if the refrigerant contains chlorine and ___ ___ is formed if the refrigerant contains fluorine. If oxygen is also present, it is possible to form ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
hydrofluoric acid
carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide and phosgene gas
Before shipping any used refrigerant cylinders, check that the cylinder meets DOT standards. Complete the shippingpaperwork including the ___ ___ ___ of each refrigerant, and properly label the cylinder with the ___ ___ ___ of refrigerant before it is returned for reclaiming.
number of cylinders
type and amount
Each cylinder must be marked with a ___ ___ ___ indicating it is either a non-flammable or flammable gas.
DOT classification tag
CFC - Trichlorofluoromethane - 1 (Base)
4000 gwp Air-conditioning Chillers (Phased Out) -
Low A1
CFC - Dichlorodifluoromethane - 110900 GWP - Automotive, Domestic, Commercial (Phased Out) - Medium - A1
HCFC - Monochlorodifluoromethane - .0551810 GWP -
Air-conditioning - High - A1
HCFC - Dichlorotrifluoroethane - 0.01276 GWP - Commercial Chillers - Low - B1
CFC - HCFC Monohloropentafluoroethane / Monohlorodifluoromethane - .2834657 GWP - Low-temperature Commercial - High - A1
HFC - Tetrafluoroethane - 01430 GWP - Automotive, Domestic, Commercial - Medium - A1
HFC - Pentafluoroethane, Trifluoroethane, Tetrafluoroethane - 03920 GWP - Medium and low-temperature commercial and industrial - High - A1
HFC - Difluoromethane, Pentafluoroethane, Tetrafluoroethane - 01770 GDP - Air-conditioning R-22 retrofit - High - A1
HFC - Difluoromethane, Pentafluoroethane - 02090 GDP - Air-conditioning - High - A1
HFC - Pentafluoroethane, Trifluoroethane, Isobutane - 03143 GWP - Retrofit for medium & low temp., R-22,R-407C, R-502 & other HCFC blends - High - A1
HC - Ethane, Propane, Butane, Isobutane - 00 GDP - Domestic Refrigerators & Freezers, Vending machines, & Self contained Commercial Refrigerators & Freezers - High - A3
HC - Ethane - 06 GWP -Manufacturing - Very High - A3
HC - Propane - 03 GWP - Commercial & Industrial Process Refrigeration - High -A3
HC - Isobutane - 03 GWP - Domestic Small Appliances, Commercial & Industrial Process Refrigeration - Medium - A3
Carbon Dioxide - 01 GWP - (Base)Commercial & Industrial Process Refrigeration - Very High - A1
Ammonia - 00 GWP - Air-conditioning, Commercial & Industrial Process Refrigeration - High - B
HFO - Hydrogen, Fluorine, Carbon - 04 GWP - Automotive - Medium - A2L
HFO - Hydrogen, Fluorine, Carbon - 06GWP - New Chillers, heat pumps, and vending - Medium - A2L
HFO - Hydrogen, Fluorine, Carbon - 01 GDP - New Chillers & Foam blowing - Low - A2L
The sale of regulated refrigerants such as CFCs, HCFCs, HFCs ___ ___ is restricted to certified technicians.
and HFOs
When using recovery equipment manufactured after ___ ___ it must be able to recover 90% of the refrigerant when the compressor in the appliance is functioning, or 80% of the refrigerant when the appliance’s compressor is not functioning. Evacuating the appliance to four inches of mercury vacuum is low enough to satisfy the rules.
November 15, 1993
an HC, is approved as a substitute refrigerant for new household refrigerators, freezers, and combination refrigeration/freezers. R-600a cannot be used for retrofitting a small appliance.
Isobutane (R-600a)
has its own means of pumping and removing refrigerant from an appliance and is capable of reaching the required recovery levels whether or not the appliance compressor is operable.
Self-contained (active) recovery equipment
equipment pumps the refrigerant into a recovery tank. Before operating a self-contained recovery machine, make sure that the tank inlet valve is open, and that the recovery tank does not contain excessive non–condensables (air)
Self-contained recovery
All refrigerant recovery equipment should be checked for oil level and refrigerant leaks on a ___ ___ and replace filters as required
daily basis