Hiatal Hernia Repair
Position patient supine w/ footboard
Gain access, place liver retractor
Incise gastrohepatic ligament (watch for replaced L hepatic a off L gastric a)
- Continue until you can see R crus of diaphragm
- Bluntly mobilize esophagus circumferentially, taking care not to injure vagus nn.
o Watch for inferior phrenic vein when dissecting around the posterior esophagus
- Need to see both crura of diaphragm – with clear plane between esophagus and crura
- Put penrose around esophagus to aid retraction
- Perform mediastinal mobilization so you get at least 3cm of intra-abdominal esophagus
- Reapproximate crus with NONABSORBABLE suture +/- mesh for reinforcement
- Perform fundoplication based on manometry
** If 360 degree – take down short gastrics, perform “shoeshine maneuver” + make sure fundus of stomach is posterior to esophagus)
Fundoplication anteriorly with non-absorbable sutures (make sure 2-3 cm long, 1cm apart)
Make sure you have brought all contents down from chest
Resect hernia sac
Open Lichtenstein repair
o position supine, prep and drape in usual sterile fashion
o Make oblique incision 2 fingerbreadths above inguinal ligament
o Carry down through the external oblique (cut in direction of fibers, taking care not to damage ilioingunal nerve)
o Clean off shelving edge of inguinal ligament down to the pubic tuberacle
o Isolate cord structures from the hernia sac down to the inguinal ring
o reduce hernia sac and contents back into the abdomen
o use piece of split mesh and secure to pubic tubercle (cooper’s ligament)
inguinal ligament inferiorly(running) and internal oblique/transversus (conjoint
tendon) superiorly (interrupted)
o close external oblique fascia
Open Femoral Hernia Repair
o Incise inguinal floor –> convert femoral hernia into direct hernia
o Use interrupted silk sutures to approximate conjoint tendon to coopers
starting medially, down to lacunar ligament running laterally to close femoral
o Transition stitch – last stitch in cooper’s ligament that includes the inguinal ligament
o Continue to run conjoint tendon to inguinal ligament
o Close external oblique
Open LAR
Ask urology to place stents
Lithotomy, prep abdomen and perineum, trendelenberg
Mobilize sigmoid colon along white line of toldt, bluntly mobilize off abdominal wall
Make sure to ID the URETER
Mobilize left colon so it reaches to the pelvis without tension (may need to perform splenic flexure mobilization, making sure to stay close to colon to decrease the risk of splenic or pancreatic injury)
Score sigmoid mesentery medially from sigmoid to rectum along the superior
rectal a
Ligate superior rectal a
Elevate the rectum, which will show an areolar plane
Use energy device to free the rectum circumferentially, staying in a plane close to the rectum
Do your anterior dissection last
(holds rectum in place to help with posterior dissection)
dissect 2cm past tumor (can use endoscopy to ensure at right place if no tattoo)
use articulating stapler to divide the rectum distally and a linear stapler to divide colon proximally
pass off the specimen
perform an EEA anastomosis through rectum and perform a leak test
Left adrenalectomy
o Mobilize lateral attachments to the spleen
o Take down pancreas
o Identify inferior phrenic vessels as they trace down on top of adrenals
o Identify L adrenal vein on inferior-medial aspect of adrenal
o Use energy device to encircle adrenal and separate from surrounding Gerotas fascia and
peritoneal attachments (nothing distinct about arterial supply)
Right adrenalectomy
R supine position w/ bump on R side
o Mobilize hepatic flexure and triangular ligament of liver to point of inferior phrenic vessels
o Trace inferior phrenic vessels down to adrenals
o Secure adrenal vein as it enters IVC
o Use ligasure to encircle adrenal
Neck exploration for trauma
Incision along anterior boarder of SCM
Incise platysma
Retract SCM laterally
Identify IJ & divide facial vein
Open carotid sheath – deal w/ any vascular injury
Explore esophagus – ID w/ NGT/OGT
Look at trachea +/- bronch
Leave a drain
If injury to one side of esophagus/trachea, probably have injury to the other side
o Either do CL incision or endoscopy
o Use strap muscle to buttress
Set up to use a nerve stimulator
Supine, bump under shoulder, arms tucked
Collar incision
Raise subplatysmal flaps, retract superiorly & inferiorly
Separate strap muscles bluntly & place self-retaining retractor
Start at upper pole and bluntly separate avascular plane
o Carefully ID upper pole vessels & divide close to thyroid
Using harmonic scalpel or harmonic, separate thyroid from surrounding tissues, bringing
anteriorly and medially
o Divide inferior thyroid vessels and middle thyroid vein
Identify RLN in tracheoesophageal groove and protect throughout dissection
Continue dissection medially, incise ligament of berry, separate thyroid from larynx & trachea
Duodenal perforation
Upper midline laparotomy, evacuate contamination and irrigate abdomen
ID perforation & debride necrotic tissue
Take biopsies for H.pyori culture/cancer
Loosely reapproximate edges of hole with 3.0 PDS, leaving tails long and place tongue of
omentum over, tying down with long ends
Leave drain
Treat w/ PPI, amoxicillin 1000mg BID (or metronidazole500mg BID), clarithromycin 500mg
BID until you get H.Pylori results
If patient already on PPIs, consider doing truncal vagotomy
o Markedly reduces cholinergic stimulation and gastric acid secretion
o Also denervates the pylorus, so need pyloroplasty or antrectomy to ensure drainage
Truncal vagotomy
Left hepatic lobe lifted superiorly and laterally
o Divide triangular ligament to expose hiatus
o Dissect esophagus circumferentially
o Identify and dissect anterior and posterior branches of vagus
o Place proximal and distal clips 2cm apart on nerve and resect section
Send to pathology to confirm
o Perform cruroplasty as needed to prevent hiatal hernia
o Place NGT
Bleeding duodenal ulcer
Upper midline incision
Can use EGD to find ulcer or just
make incision over D1
Place sutures superior and inferior to bleeding ulcer (and medially to prevent backbleeding)
o Make sure not to place too deep so you don’t injure CBD
o Protect by placing red rubber catheter into ampulla or watch for bile before closing
If patient has refractory disease, extend incision superiorly through pylorus
o Perform pyloroplasty by closing transversely
o Perform vagotomy at conclusion of the case
Distal gastrectomy
o Perform Kocher Maneuver
o Divide gastrocolic ligament to enter lesser sac
o Divide stomach halfway up greater curvature
-Ligate and divide R gastroepiploic vessels near GDA
-Incise gastrohepatic ligament
o Divide R gastric artery at level of pylorus
o Divide duodenum & stomach with a stapling device
o Oversew duodenal stump to minimize bowout
o Reconstruct with B1 or B2
o Leave drains
Total gastrectomy
Midline laparotomy and full exploration.
o Mobilize GE junction and esophagus, taking a margin of diaphragmatic crura.
(Look for accessory left hepatic artery when dividing the gastrohepatic ligament)
o Separate the omentum and lesser sac lining en bloc from the transverse colon.
o Divide the short gastric vessels, and skeletonize the celiac, splenic, and common
hepatic arteries, taking their lymph nodes.
o Ligate left and right gastric and gastroepiploic arteries at their bases.
o Divide esophagus, stomach, and jejunum.
o Reconstruction with esophagojejunostomy and jejunojejunostomy.
Sleeve gastrectomy
Mobilization of the greater curvature of the stomach
Proximal and complete mobilization of the fundus with exposure of the left crus
Evaluation of the hiatus and hiatal hernia repair PRN
Assessment and lysis of retrogastric adhesions
Passage of the bougie with placement along the lesser curvature of the stomach
Longitudinal gastrectomy using a linear cutting stapler
Removal of the specimen
Radical cholecystectomy
If there is no peritoneal disease, proceed
Take 3-4cm of normal surrounding liver in a non-anatomic fashion
Perform regional lymphadenectomy
o Choledochal, hilar, peri-portal and high peripancreatic lymph nodes
If previous lap chole –> excise all port sites full thickness
CBD stone
Flush with saline
1ml glucagon, flush again & repeat cholangiogram
Transcystic CBD exploration
o Place wire under fluoroscopy, balloon dilate cystic duct, place sheath
o Place flexible choledochoscope, retrieve stone via basket
Convert to open, Kocherize duodenum, try to milk stones back
o If still stuck, make choledochotomy just past cystic duct comes off CBD via scope
Transduodenal sphincteroplasty via lateral duodenotomy (D2)
o Close transversely & leave drain
complete cholecystectomy
o Last resort if can’t get stone out, choledochojejunostomy
Inguinal lymphadenectomy
Frog-leg patient
Slight S-shaped incision from ASIS to below femoral triangle
Raise flaps until you can identify nodal tissue surrounding femoral vessels
o Boundaries: superior – inguinal ligament, medial – adductor longus, lateral- sartorius
Deep dissection
o Divide inguinal ligament
o Mobilize peritoneum (place superiorly)
o Mobilize fatty tissue around the iliacs
o Protect with muscle flap (sartorius flap)
Divide at proximal insertion site and rotatme medially
Lay drain for both
SMA embolectomy for acute mesenteric ischemia
Ex-lap, elevate transverse colon, follow middle colic a. down to SMA
Palpate for pulse at base of transverse colon & expose SMA
Take down ligament of treitz & open peritoneum over the artery
Get proximal & distal control w/ vessel loops
heparinize patient (80u/kg)
Make transverse arterotomy
Use #3-2Fr balloon and perform embolectomy distally & proximally
Make sure you have good back bleeding and close enterotomy transversely w/ interrupted prolene
Examine bowel for necrosis, palpate/doppler at antimesenteric border
Place abthera & re-examine 24h later
Zenkers diverticulectomy
L neck incision, dissect medial to carotid sheath, make sure not to injure RLN
Identify diverticulum
Place large bougie (60F)
Perform stapled diverticulectomy if >2 cm (if <2 cm PEXY)
Perform 2-3cm myotomy on cricopharyngeus muscle
Leave drain, close in layers
Sub-xiphoid window
Incision just over and extending below the xyphoid process
Blunt dissection to dissect under xypoid and sternum, at angle 45 degrees after 1st few cms
Resect xyphoid in most cases
Feel heart against fingers, grab pericardium w/ toothed pickup or allis clamp
Incise with mets
If blood comes out, do median sternotomy (likely heart injury)
If clear – done, washout and close
Whipple procedure
I always start with a diagnostic laparoscopy first to look for any lesions. If there’s no lesions, I would proceed with a vertical midline incision, place a bookwalter to facilitate exposure, takedown the hepatic flexure, kocherize the duodenum all the way to the IVC, at which point I would divide the stomach. I would then perform a portal dissection by starting with a dome-down approach for a cholecystectomy, down towards the triad and ducts. I would then ligate the GDA, make a tunnel behind the pancreatic neck making sure not to injure the SMA or SMV, and divide the pancreatic neck with a stapler. I would then perform a proximal division of the jejunum, remove the specimen and make the first anastomosis which is a pancreaticojejunostomy, which I would do over a stent. I would then perform a choledochojejunostomy, followed by a gastrojejunostomy. I would leave drains by the anastomoses and finish the operation.
Ruptured AAA
prep from neck to knees (do not induce until prepped and anesthesia ready)
ex-lap, get supraceliac control
o open gastrohepatic ligament and push esophagus laterally (left)
eviscerate bowel and pack to the right outer abdomen
o further mobilize mesentery from peritoneum to get additional visualization
open retroperitoneum & ID left renal vein
o lift L renal vein to help identify renal arteries
o move aortic clamp down to infrarenal location
dissect out both iliac arteries and clamp
o heparinize patient w/ 80u/kg
open aneurysm sac – evacuate out all old clot
perform anastomosis using 3-0 prolene (proximal and then distal)
Re-implant SMA if there is poor back-bleeding and patient is stable enough
o Don’t re-implant if pulsatile or thrombosed
Close aneurysm sac over graft
Check for distal pulses & close
Enter abdomen, place self-retaining retractor
Identify CBD
Create roux-n-y
End to side choledochojejunostomy
o Interrupted5-0 PDS sutures
Leave drain
Transhiatal Esophagectomy
Completely mobilize stomach preserving right gastric and right gastroepiploic arteries
Perform kocher maneuver and pyloromyotomy (extramucosal)
Place penrose around esophagus at GE junction & elevate up out of the chest
Use clips and cautery to take all small vascular branches as far into the mediastinum as
Use hand to bluntly dissect around anterior and lateral aspects of the esophagus as high as
Make L neck incision at the anterior boarder of the SCM
o Get behind the carotid sheath and encircle esophagus with penrose
o Staple off the esophagus
Using a kissing hands technique – mobilize superior aspect of the esophagus until it is
completely freed from the mediastinum
o Remove specimen through the abdomen
Inspect mediastinum for bleeding and pack as needed
Transect stomach ~5cm distal to GE junction making sure you have good margins for cancer
Transpose gastric conduit through mediastinum into L neck
Perform side to side stapled cervical esophagogastric anastomosis
Place penrose drain next to anastomosis and close
Place J tube for feeding
Get post-op CXR to make sure no PTX
Resuscitative thoracotomy
Splash betadine prep; L arm up
Enter chest in 4-5 th intercostal space from sternum to table
Place retractor
Sharply take down inferior pulmonary ligament (just enough to get lung to elevate)
o Don’t hit inferior pulmonary vein
Grab pericardium and incise with scissors (anterior to phrenic nerve)
Deliver heart out of pericardium and do open cardiac massage
Chase ribs down toward spine and open pleura
Use fingers to dissect around aorta (place NGT to ID esophagus) & clamp
Lower ext fasciotomy
Lateral incision (releases anterior and lateral compartments)
o 2cm posterior to tibial edge (between fibula and tibia)
o Identify septum separating anterior and lateral compartments and incise fascia
o Incise less in lateral compartment to avoid injury to superficial peroneal nerve
Medial incision (releases deep posterior and superficial posterior compartments
o 2cm posterior (medial) to tibia
o Incise fascia
o retract gastrocnemius posteriorly and take down attachments of soleus to posterior tibia
Open bassini repair
- Oblique incision 2 finger breadths above inguinal ligament, down to external oblique
- Incise external oblique, identify and preserve ilioinguinal nerve
- Encircle cord w/ penros and separate sac
- Open sac and assess bowel viability - can either resect if possible through this or perform
lower midline laparotomy - No mesh, so after returning contents perform primary repair with 2-0 proline by sewing
conjoint tendon to inguinal ligament (can do relaxing incision above conjoint tendon if too much tension) - Closure of external oblique aponeurosis, SubQ, and skin
sublay ventral hernia repair
Sublay ventral hernia repair
1. Peritoneal entry and complete adhesiolysis
2. Retromuscular dissection by incising posterior rectus sheath
3. Reconstruction of posterior sheath and dissection lateral to develop space for mesh
4. Mesh placement - polypropylene, leave drains above mesh
5. Reconstruction of anterior layer and closure
Laparoscopic ventral hernia repair
- LUQ Hasson entry w/ 12mm trocar placement, additional 2 5mm trocars on ipsilateral
abdomen - Adhesiolysis and reduction of hernia contents with minimal thermal use to avoid missed
hollow viscus injury - Mesh placement w/ 4cm fascial overlap, Parietex mesh, anti-adhesion barrier down
- Mesh fixation via trans-fascial sutures in 4 spots and circumferential tacs
- Remove trocars under direct vision and close 12mm trocar fascia with figure of 8 suture
Component separation
- Midline laparotomy
- Remove all prosthetic material and address any bowel issues
- Elevate lipocutaneous flaps 2cm lateral to linea semilunaris (lateral edge of rectus)
- Incise external oblique fascia and separate internal and external oblique muscles to 3-4cm
above costal margin and to inguinal ligament inferiorly - Release posterior rectus sheath by incising 1cm lateral to linea alba
- Develop retro muscular plane to lineament semilunaris but preserving neurovascular bundles
of Rectus - Place appropriately sized (large usually) biologic mesh underlay below muscle and above
posterior sheath, place drains over mesh to improve incorporation - Reapproximate midline fascia w/ interrupted figure of 8 sutures (2-0 or 0 PDS, can also do
vicryl) - Remove excess/devascularized skin and close subQ/flaps over drains
CBD exploration
- Conver to open and perform cholangiogram through cystic duct or CBD hole
- Kocherize duodenum and trace cystic duct to CBD then place 2 stay sutures of 5-0 PDS at
ends of planned ductotomy - Make 2cm dichotomy and flush duct with saline via red rubber, then choledochoscope
proximally and distally - Pass size 4 Fogarty or basket in both directions and then close over adequate sized T tube,
closing ductotomy around T tube w/ interrupted 5-0 PDS - Completion IOC and leave drain and close
Distal pancreatectomy + splenectomy
Vaccinate preop
1. Midline incision and enter lesser sac, completely divide short gastrics
2. Mobilize peritoneal attachments to spleen (splenorenal, splenocolic and splenophrenic)
3. Dissect distal pancreas and spleen away from transverse colon and identify plane/tunnel
between IMV and pancreas at level of Treitz
4. Ligate splenic artery, then splenic vein away from SMV confluence both with vascular stapler
5. Transect pancreas with stapler (TA Green) at SMV/Splenic confluence
6. Leave drain and close
Ensure wall 6mm thick
1. Upper midline and then anterior gastrotomy approx 5cm
2. Aspiration of cyst for cultures and cytology, then entry into pseudocyst with cautery
3. Explore cavity and debride/evacuate everything
4. Anastomosis of at least 5cm w/ locking 2-0 PDS suture
5. Close gastrotomy in 2 layers, leave NGT and drain and close