Core Modules 1-5: Concepts Flashcards
Polarized range
Contains both strong and weak hands w/o medium strength hands.
- 3betting ranges should also be polarized w/ weaker hands as a semi-bluff
- ranges will get more and more polarized as we get to the river
Merged range
Contains strong, medium, and weak hands
- all preflop range charts are considered merged
- the real value of a merged range is that it will keep your opponents guessing what you might/might not have
What are the four categories of hands?
1) Value bets: strong hands that we bet/raise to increase the pot b/c we’ll most likely win
2) Medium-strength: hands we check and/or call. Not good enough for value but too strong to fold
3) Bluffs/Semi-bluffs: hands disguised to look like value bets but we’re actually forcing a fold. Played in conjunction with (1) as it relates to draws, overcards
4) Weak-ass: we’re done, check/fold!
What is the purpose of these postflop categories during the hand?
With every new street and action we should rank and re-rank every hand in our range as it can change.
It simplifies strategic thinking by grouping them in these 4 categories which makes our decisions easier
What is the goal of Category 1?
Make the pot larger to get a big profit.
Don’t play them timidly b/c you’re scared of monsters under the bed, be aggressive. Yes you will get a cooler every now and then, that’s life, move on!
What is the goal of Category 2? How do we achieve this goal?
Keep the pot medium sized
- Best played as check-back or x/call on the flop
- Play less aggressively
- Play a medium-sized pot
- don’t play these hands aggressively as the pot will be bloated beyond what the hand is actually worth.
What is the goal of weak hands?
Weak hands drawing to a stronger one needs to be played aggressively early on.
Play them aggressively and make them think we’re strong.
Balances our range as we would also play our strong hands in much the same way and therefore tougher to read.
Capped Range
A range that contains medium strength hands at the very best and lacks anything really super strong. You’re capped, you can’t really go up any further.
What is the value of position?
We gain information (to observe) about our opponents’ range any time they bet/raise/call/check. This in turn allows us to play our own range effectively.
What does analyzing our opponent’s actions (bet/raise/call/check) allows us to figure out?
- what hands are the effective nuts
- what certain cards are good for our opponents, which will allow us to proceed passively if need be
- when to make those tight folds and loose raises
Equity needed to call:
1/2 pot bet
2/3 pot bet
1 pot bet
1/2: 25%
2/3: 30%
1 P: 33%
Absolute strength vs. Relative strength
Absolute Strength is the hand that is the BEST hand whereas Relative Strength means that while you may have a hand other Category 1 hands may beat you and you only have second/third best. Always look to relative strength to determine if you should call or fold.
You have TT, opponent has KK on a flop of 777. TT has relative strength but not absolute strength
Equity vs. Range. What happens when ranges become stronger?
As your opponent’s range becomes stronger your hands will decrease in equity. Example: JJ will have very good equity vs. 30% range but will decrease in equity vs. 10% range.