Core Marketing Function, Value Surplus, 5Cs, SWOT, 4Ps Flashcards
What is a market?
Entities with complementary surpluses and deficits
Does presence of an exchange rate mean the exchange will actually take place?
No, there are political/legal/ethical reasons. 1. Exchange is costly. 2. Marketing make the exchange possible
Surpluses are
value offerings
Deficits are
unfulfilled goals
What does a market potential consist of?
entities that cannot fulfil their goals with the surplus resources they have.
When is a market realized?
When entities that have complementary surpluses and unfulfilled goals exchange with each other to bring everyone together to higher plane of utility.
Foundation of Marketing Success is
Customers share of value surplus = Sellers share of value surplus
Value Surplus
- Core reason why markets exist (markets fail when value surplus is negative
- Too high a price reduces customers share of VS increases firms share (Sellers Market)
- Too low a price increases customers share of VS, but reduces firms share or profit (Buyers Market)
Factors that affect Value Surplus
- Product quality
- Manufacturing capability, marketing efficiency
- Competition decreases Value Surplus
- High Value Surplus attracts competition
Barometer of Marketing Plans or Value Surplus Test
- Is the marketing activity
- increase VS or protect the VS - Bad marketing activities fail the Value Surplus test
What is Marketing
Activities that realize the market potential by trigger an exchange of products for resources by influencing (what, whom, how) All Parties Better Off
What does the Market Consist of?
Firm as the Core
Agents include: Investors, Vendor, Customer, Employee
Marketing Activities Consist of?
Advertising, selling, promoting, creating products, distributing them, finding an exchange rate
Exchange is the essence of marketing!
A society is
Essentially a marketplace and is the glued together by marketing activities
Two Perspectives to Marketing
- Econ System or Macro- How to optimize the output of the system.
- Organizational or Micro-How to trigger exchange in a profitable and satisfactory manner
What does the Micro consist of?
Organizational decisions to facilitate exchange so that the organizations profit and consumer society benefit
- Short hand for org decisions is STP
- Executional element of stp are the 4 P’s(Place, Product, Promotion, Price)
- Decided by the 5C’s (Company, Collaborators, Customers, Competitors, Climate) and SWOT analysis
Markets are
collection of entities with simultaneous complementary surpluses and deficits.