Core Faculty Flashcards
Planned additional Administrative Support in next 2 years
Clinical Education Coordinator (2023), Admissions Coordinator (2023), Director of Operations (2023), Student Records Coordinator (Student Affairs - 2024)
Current (2022) - Operations Coordinator = LaNesha Waller
How does the CI know what coursework the student has completed prior to the experience? Needs to accomplish during the clinical experience?
Provided in the Clinical Instructor Information Packet.
What is the process for determining if the program has a sufficient number and variety of sites?
Assessment of EXXAT reports on the type, location, specialty, setting, and number/experience of CIs… by DCE, Clinical Education Committee, and Oversight Committee (Directors meeting).
How do you know the CIs meet the program qualifications? How do you track this?
Information maintained in EXXAT: info from PTSE, Clinical Site form from the student after the rotation, Clinical Education Faculty feedback form, midterm conference evaluations
What is provided to the CIs, and when, regarding the clinical experience?
Student placement information with Clinical Instructor Information Packets with EXXAT orientation, CIET training, program information, curriculum information, key dates, course syllabus for applicable rotation, clinical education handbook,
Describe the process for placing students on clinical experiences.
WATCH VIDEO on CLIN ED Starts in admissions. As students accept our offer, the DCE begins to create list of cities/locations to begin aggregating sites. In Q1, DCE will send students a link to review all the available sites to review their information and complete a wish list in EXXAT.
How do the CIs/CCCEs provide feedback to the program on the effectiveness of the DCE and ADCE?
For each clinical placement, a survey is sent to the CI and CCCE to provide feedback on the effectiveness of the DCE. The PD will use this information in DCE performance evaluations.
What is the difference in the roles of the DCE and Assistant DCE?
We don’t currently have an ADCE. When/if one is hired to assist Dr. Harrison in clinical education, their roles will be defined based on their strengths to divvy up the responsibility of management of the clinical education needs of the students and program.
ADJ How do you determine if students are prepared to attend clinical experiences?
Adjuncts and Core faculty provide feedback to Lead Faculty regarding any student concerns. After every course, the primary lead faculty completes the clinical preparedness spreadsheet indicating if each student’s performance is ready, ready with concerns, or not ready to progress. If ready with concerns, an action plan is created in collaboration of the DSA, DCE, student, and coach… Finally, the DCE tracks students through Q1-4 and a faculty discussion on clinical readiness occurs at a committee of the whole meeting (full faculty meeting) prior to Q5 and Q7 clinicals.
ADJ What is the program curricular model?
What are the educational principles?
Model: Hybrid (Blended) systems-based model with emphasis on clinical reasoning
1. Faculty-Student Relationship
2. Student Responsibility
3. Active Learning and Engagement
4. Adaptive and Reflective Learning
5. Motivational and Relevant
6. Sequential Building Blocks
7. Practical Application
8. Assessment For Learning
ADJ Where will you have private conversations with students during lab immersions?
Faculty will have access to a board room that is in a different hallway from the conference rooms to provide some privacy. We also have access to 2 other smaller conference rooms that can be used for private conversations, as needed. In addition, faculty have access to private rooms and offices on campus (5 minute walk from the Marriott).
What happens if a student misses a lab immersion or part of a lab immersion?
Depends on the circumstances (excused (uncontrollable) vs unexcused absence). If at all possible, they will attend lab virtually. If they are able to get to lab and stay longer to make up content or assessments that could not be done virtually, that is preferred. If not, we try to match with faculty near by to meet up to review skills or complete assessments that could not be done virtually.
ADJ What information or data is collected/reviewed to ensure the curriculum is based upon contemporary practices?
See Curriculum Assessment Matrix - Data from: CI’s/CCCE’s and students on CIET, graduates (alumni) surveys, NPTE reports. Student evaluations of courses, post course analysis survey by core and associated faculty.
Internally - collect info on syllabi and from curriculum committee meetings.
- How are you trained to be a coach? 2. What are your responsibilities as a coach? 3. How are you evaluated on your effectiveness as a coach?
- Completion of orientation and onboarding checklist as well as the required professional development and coaching the coaches training activities.
- Meet with students in coaching groups during orientation in person. Meeting 1:1 with students during week 2 and 4 every quarter. Then, as needed. Focus is being high-touch and using intrusive advising (part of development training) as needed for students at risk.
- Formally, during annual faculty performance review by PD. DSA would also provide feedback and training as needed.
How is student workload determined? How are students made aware of workload/rigor? How do you know if student workload is too much or too little?
Director of Curriculum tracks all of the student workload over each quarter in a spreadsheet filled out by lead faculty in each course. It has time of each video, synchronous sessions, estimated time to complete reading, assignments, and assessments for each class each week. It is aggregated over the entire quarter to ensure an even distribution of workload across the quarter.
What are all the things considered when assigning students to their coach? Do they remain with the same advisor throughout the program?
We use information collected during admissions and the peri-matriculation period. Personalities, tolerance of uncertainty, learning needs, study strategies, time management and organizational skills as well as geographic and social demographic information.
How do you provide remediation in didactic courses with a ratio of 1:50?
We have a coaching program, so if a student needs remediation, the lead faculty needs to communicate with both the student and coach.
More background: Our didactic courses use the associated faculty to assist with providing feedback to students. Any concerns regarding academic progression or failure of any assessment that requires remediation, needs to be communicated and managed by the primary lead faculty.
ADJ How are students made aware of what is required for each lab practical? For each skills check?
In the LMS, the expectations are listed in the assignment and rubric
What are the program and/or institution requirements for scholarly activity? What space are you provided for scholarly activity?
See SC Faculty Handbook “Complete scholarly activities as appropriate to School/Department. These activities may include research endeavors, publications, presentations, peer-review activities, and institution projects.”
DPT GOAL - Faculty Outcome 6a: Faculty demonstrate activity in scholarship to include teaching, application, engagement, discovery, or integration.
Level of Achievement - 100% of full-time core faculty will disseminate 1 product every 2 years.
ADJ How do you ensure students are practicing their skills correctly and safely at home?
Starts with orientation and review of student handbook. Then in each course,
1. We provide video and written instructions of the skills.
2. Allow for Q&A during synchronous sessions
3. We have video assignments (students demonstrate the skill and submit a video). Faculty use a rubric to provide feedback or a grade.
How does the program mission align with the institution mission?
Describe the PD(s) leadership style and how you know they are effective in their roles.
How and where is professional behavior covered in the curriculum? What are program expectations for professional behavior outside of clinical experiences?
Introduced in Professional Competencies I and threaded throughout all of the Patient Management courses across the curriculum then culminates in Professional competencies II prior to the Terminal Clinical Education courses
What happens to students who are not demonstrating professional behaviors during the didactic portion of the curriculum? During clinical experiences?
Faculty must document concerns in CampusVue and on the clinical preparedness spreadsheet. Their coach and DCE or DSA will develop an action plan with them. If unable to successfully complete the action plan, the student is subject to dismissal recommendation by the academic and profession committee which then goes to PD for final decision.
How do you ensure didactic content is aligned with clinical education experiences?
Annual curriculum and clinical education assessment reviews didactic content to align with clinical experiences. We ensure students do not attend any clinical experiences that they are not prepared for academically in both the clinical education & curriculum committees.
ADJ What type of skills check-offs can take place from the students home and how does that take place effectively?
Dependent on the course. Would have to be a skill that is safe to be completed with distant observation.
ADJ How do you know the equipment in your program represents current practice? How do you know it’s in good working order at the time of lab immersion?
PD solicits feedback from all Core faculty Feedback provided by all faculty with emphasis on core and adjunct faculty currently in clinical practice.
Operations coordinator tracks the purchase and maintenance of the equipment and will schedule yearly calibration/performance checks of equipment (modalities).
ADJ What is the process if you wanted to make a change to your course or to the curriculum?
Informally - feedback can be provided to the Dir of Curriculum before or after cross-campus collaboration with other lead faculty. Formally - suggestions provided on post-course analysis survey and/or during quarterly curriculum review meetings
What type of remediation can be provided to students who are struggling in some way during their clinical experiences?
DCE would put together an action plan with student, CI, and coach input or feedback.