Core Faculty Flashcards
Planned additional Administrative Support in next 2 years
Clinical Education Coordinator (2023), Admissions Coordinator (2023), Director of Operations (2023), Student Records Coordinator (Student Affairs - 2024)
Current (2022) - Operations Coordinator = LaNesha Waller
How does the CI know what coursework the student has completed prior to the experience? Needs to accomplish during the clinical experience?
Provided in the Clinical Instructor Information Packet.
What is the process for determining if the program has a sufficient number and variety of sites?
Assessment of EXXAT reports on the type, location, specialty, setting, and number/experience of CIs… by DCE, Clinical Education Committee, and Oversight Committee (Directors meeting).
How do you know the CIs meet the program qualifications? How do you track this?
Information maintained in EXXAT: info from PTSE, Clinical Site form from the student after the rotation, Clinical Education Faculty feedback form, midterm conference evaluations
What is provided to the CIs, and when, regarding the clinical experience?
Student placement information with Clinical Instructor Information Packets with EXXAT orientation, CIET training, program information, curriculum information, key dates, course syllabus for applicable rotation, clinical education handbook,
Describe the process for placing students on clinical experiences.
WATCH VIDEO on CLIN ED Starts in admissions. As students accept our offer, the DCE begins to create list of cities/locations to begin aggregating sites. In Q1, DCE will send students a link to review all the available sites to review their information and complete a wish list in EXXAT.
How do the CIs/CCCEs provide feedback to the program on the effectiveness of the DCE and ADCE?
For each clinical placement, a survey is sent to the CI and CCCE to provide feedback on the effectiveness of the DCE. The PD will use this information in DCE performance evaluations.
What is the difference in the roles of the DCE and Assistant DCE?
We don’t currently have an ADCE. When/if one is hired to assist Dr. Harrison in clinical education, their roles will be defined based on their strengths to divvy up the responsibility of management of the clinical education needs of the students and program.
ADJ How do you determine if students are prepared to attend clinical experiences?
Adjuncts and Core faculty provide feedback to Lead Faculty regarding any student concerns. After every course, the primary lead faculty completes the clinical preparedness spreadsheet indicating if each student’s performance is ready, ready with concerns, or not ready to progress. If ready with concerns, an action plan is created in collaboration of the DSA, DCE, student, and coach… Finally, the DCE tracks students through Q1-4 and a faculty discussion on clinical readiness occurs at a committee of the whole meeting (full faculty meeting) prior to Q5 and Q7 clinicals.
ADJ What is the program curricular model?
What are the educational principles?
Model: Hybrid (Blended) systems-based model with emphasis on clinical reasoning
1. Faculty-Student Relationship
2. Student Responsibility
3. Active Learning and Engagement
4. Adaptive and Reflective Learning
5. Motivational and Relevant
6. Sequential Building Blocks
7. Practical Application
8. Assessment For Learning
ADJ Where will you have private conversations with students during lab immersions?
Faculty will have access to a board room that is in a different hallway from the conference rooms to provide some privacy. We also have access to 2 other smaller conference rooms that can be used for private conversations, as needed. In addition, faculty have access to private rooms and offices on campus (5 minute walk from the Marriott).
What happens if a student misses a lab immersion or part of a lab immersion?
Depends on the circumstances (excused (uncontrollable) vs unexcused absence). If at all possible, they will attend lab virtually. If they are able to get to lab and stay longer to make up content or assessments that could not be done virtually, that is preferred. If not, we try to match with faculty near by to meet up to review skills or complete assessments that could not be done virtually.
ADJ What information or data is collected/reviewed to ensure the curriculum is based upon contemporary practices?
See Curriculum Assessment Matrix - Data from: CI’s/CCCE’s and students on CIET, graduates (alumni) surveys, NPTE reports. Student evaluations of courses, post course analysis survey by core and associated faculty.
Internally - collect info on syllabi and from curriculum committee meetings.
- How are you trained to be a coach? 2. What are your responsibilities as a coach? 3. How are you evaluated on your effectiveness as a coach?
- Completion of orientation and onboarding checklist as well as the required professional development and coaching the coaches training activities.
- Meet with students in coaching groups during orientation in person. Meeting 1:1 with students during week 2 and 4 every quarter. Then, as needed. Focus is being high-touch and using intrusive advising (part of development training) as needed for students at risk.
- Formally, during annual faculty performance review by PD. DSA would also provide feedback and training as needed.
How is student workload determined? How are students made aware of workload/rigor? How do you know if student workload is too much or too little?
Director of Curriculum tracks all of the student workload over each quarter in a spreadsheet filled out by lead faculty in each course. It has time of each video, synchronous sessions, estimated time to complete reading, assignments, and assessments for each class each week. It is aggregated over the entire quarter to ensure an even distribution of workload across the quarter.
What are all the things considered when assigning students to their coach? Do they remain with the same advisor throughout the program?
We use information collected during admissions and the peri-matriculation period. Personalities, tolerance of uncertainty, learning needs, study strategies, time management and organizational skills as well as geographic and social demographic information.
How do you provide remediation in didactic courses with a ratio of 1:50?
We have a coaching program, so if a student needs remediation, the lead faculty needs to communicate with both the student and coach.
More background: Our didactic courses use the associated faculty to assist with providing feedback to students. Any concerns regarding academic progression or failure of any assessment that requires remediation, needs to be communicated and managed by the primary lead faculty.
ADJ How are students made aware of what is required for each lab practical? For each skills check?
In the LMS, the expectations are listed in the assignment and rubric
What are the program and/or institution requirements for scholarly activity? What space are you provided for scholarly activity?
See SC Faculty Handbook “Complete scholarly activities as appropriate to School/Department. These activities may include research endeavors, publications, presentations, peer-review activities, and institution projects.”
DPT GOAL - Faculty Outcome 6a: Faculty demonstrate activity in scholarship to include teaching, application, engagement, discovery, or integration.
Level of Achievement - 100% of full-time core faculty will disseminate 1 product every 2 years.
ADJ How do you ensure students are practicing their skills correctly and safely at home?
Starts with orientation and review of student handbook. Then in each course,
1. We provide video and written instructions of the skills.
2. Allow for Q&A during synchronous sessions
3. We have video assignments (students demonstrate the skill and submit a video). Faculty use a rubric to provide feedback or a grade.
How does the program mission align with the institution mission?
Describe the PD(s) leadership style and how you know they are effective in their roles.
How and where is professional behavior covered in the curriculum? What are program expectations for professional behavior outside of clinical experiences?
Introduced in Professional Competencies I and threaded throughout all of the Patient Management courses across the curriculum then culminates in Professional competencies II prior to the Terminal Clinical Education courses
What happens to students who are not demonstrating professional behaviors during the didactic portion of the curriculum? During clinical experiences?
Faculty must document concerns in CampusVue and on the clinical preparedness spreadsheet. Their coach and DCE or DSA will develop an action plan with them. If unable to successfully complete the action plan, the student is subject to dismissal recommendation by the academic and profession committee which then goes to PD for final decision.
How do you ensure didactic content is aligned with clinical education experiences?
Annual curriculum and clinical education assessment reviews didactic content to align with clinical experiences. We ensure students do not attend any clinical experiences that they are not prepared for academically in both the clinical education & curriculum committees.
ADJ What type of skills check-offs can take place from the students home and how does that take place effectively?
Dependent on the course. Would have to be a skill that is safe to be completed with distant observation.
ADJ How do you know the equipment in your program represents current practice? How do you know it’s in good working order at the time of lab immersion?
PD solicits feedback from all Core faculty Feedback provided by all faculty with emphasis on core and adjunct faculty currently in clinical practice.
Operations coordinator tracks the purchase and maintenance of the equipment and will schedule yearly calibration/performance checks of equipment (modalities).
ADJ What is the process if you wanted to make a change to your course or to the curriculum?
Informally - feedback can be provided to the Dir of Curriculum before or after cross-campus collaboration with other lead faculty. Formally - suggestions provided on post-course analysis survey and/or during quarterly curriculum review meetings
What type of remediation can be provided to students who are struggling in some way during their clinical experiences?
DCE would put together an action plan with student, CI, and coach input or feedback.
Describe how your LMS course content is created. How and when is it updated?
Current LMS content is a duplicate of the Knoxville Blue printed courses. Core faculty have access to the “sandbox” and work with instructional designers to make proposed changes. The Atlanta and Knoxville faculty will work together on review and updating of all content over the next 2 years and will then enter a cadence of review every 3 years.
Describe the level of autonomy you have in teaching your courses
Course objectives and assessments are mapped to program assessment and therefore cannot change without discussion and approval from Director of Curriculum. However, feedback on both are solicited in formally in the post course analysis survey. Prior to course, any changes the faculty would like make (content, videos, resources, learning activities) must be documented on the quarter course workload document for review by Dir of Curriculum who manages overall student workload each quarter.
ADJ What is your role in formal curriculum assessment? When is curriculum assessment formally discussed?
Both informal and formal feedback solicited of all faculty. Core - Lead instructor completes post course analysis survey with input from all faculty (including adjuncts) involved with course and student evaluation/feedback results. Discussed formally at end of quarter curriculum meetings, Annual curricular review meeting, and Annual Strategic Planning Meeting
ADJ What is the role of the lab assistant? How do you know they are prepared for each lab immersion?
P&P MANUAL section 4.11.3 Associated and Clinical Faculty Involvement
ADJ What is the formal evaluation process for associated faculty? How is their professional development plan determined?
POLICY & PROC MANUAL sections 4.16 and 4.17
ADJ How do faculty contribute to ensuring the curriculum is based upon contemporary practices?
Review of all course content and assessments in post-course analysis survey with feedback/input from lead faculty and adjuncts (associated faculty)
How are you evaluated on your performance/effectiveness? How is your professional development plan determined?
What is the policy for student dismissal from the program? For readmittance?
ADJ Describe the lab space(s) and how it accommodates 100 students. How was the student: faculty ratio determined?
We use the Atlanta Marriott Northeast Conference Center rooms. There is over 5,000 sq ft of lab space reserved with additional rooms for storage during labs and work space for faculty and private space for conversations with faculty and students.
What input do you provide for determining the program budget? How is the budget is determined each year?
Input requested by PD on program or faculty needs for equipment, space, resources, tools, software, professional development, administrative support…
PD aggregates all of that information and develops a budget that is reviewed and approved by Campus President and later by the Board of Directors
What is your experience in creating content for your LMS? How are you evaluated on the content you create?
Annual Faculty performance reviews occur that include evaluation of teaching
Describe your home office.
ADJ Describe how technology is used during lab immersions. What happens if it fails?
We will call for support (Marriott staff or Jimmy (SC IT))
Meanwhile - show must go on with the lab tech contingency plan 1. All slides or videos that will be shown in lab immersions are posted on Canvas for easy student accessibility on their devices.
2. Faculty will be prepped on the material and able to do the demonstrations in small groups of 8-12.
- What do you do on clinical midterm visits? 2. How are you trained to do this? 3. How do you know you are performing midterm visits correctly and thoroughly?
1. Complete the midterm clinical conf call form
2. We are provided the Clin Ed Handbook and Policy and Procedure Manual. The DCE provides written instructions, and video instructions with mock demo
3. Assessment and feedback from the DCE.
What input do you provide to strategic planning for the program and when? What is the current strategic plan?
- Yearly you will provide input via surveys on Program culture, goals, outcomes, curriculum, admissions, assessment, budget, equipment or program needs.
Describe the process for reviewing and revising the program policies and procedures. How are students made aware of any changes?
Yearly the program handbooks and policies and procedures manuals are reviewed, revised, and redistributed to respective faculty and students. The date is on the front cover to ensure reference to the most recent version.
ADJ What happens if a student fails a lab practical? How will they have time for remediation and retakes?
If a student fails a practical, they must complete remediation and a retake prior to the end of the quarter to progress in the program. They must consult with lead faculty of the course to identify necessary remediation and complete prior to completion of the one (1) retake that is allowed
If a student can be readmitted without repeating the courses passed, how do you know they have retained the previous information and are prepared to continue in the program?
A learning contract or plan would be put in place to optimize student success. Exam or assessment would be completed. Students will be allowed to audit any of the DPT courses previously taken.
Who are the IT support team?
Jimmy Mathews, Senior IT Support at the Atlanta campus
There is a Team of IT and IDT at South College that supports our program remotely. IT and IDT Team Leader: Jason Pietropaulo, Director of Instructional Design and Technology
ADJ What admin/staff is dedicated to the DPT program?
LaNesha Waller, Operations Coordinator
ADJ Who are the Core Faculty?
Current Faculty:
Christina Odeh, PD;
Sarah Harrison, Dir Clin Ed;
Brynn Rooney, Dir Curriculum;
Monique Flemings, Dir Admissions;
Kevin MacPherson, MSK Lead;
Ross Marinas, Dir Outcomes Assessment;
(Feb start) Patrick Berner,
(March start) Tiffany Fondren, Ellen Hillegass;
(April start) Andrea Ecsedy, Alex Siyufy
(May start) Tatiana Bobbio, Dir Research, Christine Salmon, Dir Stu Affairs, Royce Aldea
(June start) George Shaw
(September start) Beth Buttrey
As a coach, how many students are you responsible for? Will you have the same students for 2 years? What if there is a conflict between an advisor and student?
Each coach will be assigned up to 10 students per cohort for the entire 2 years. The DSA and PD will manage any conflict between a coach and their coachee to resolve the conflict. In the rare instance in which a conflict cannot be resolved, a new coach pairing can be assigned.
ADJ How many times can a student retake a lab practical? When must retakes be completed in order to progress in the program?
If a student fails a lab practical, they may retake it 1x by the end of the quarter (when grades are due) in order for them to progress in the program.
When is lab open outside of class hours for student practice and how are students made aware of these hours?
What is the policy for supervision by faculty during open lab hours?
The hours of open labs will be posted in each canvas course every quarter. During the 8-weeks of distance education, supervised open lab hours will be offered on campus as well as virtually. Students that want to study on-campus, will contact the operations coordinator to request a room/space if lab space is needed. Otherwise, there are student study areas available on the 2nd and 3rd floors. During lab immersions, the Marriott lab space is dedicated to the DPT program. Students will have access to the space for practice before and after labs. If students are practicing skills that require supervision, they will communicate with lead faculty in their course to coordinate supervised open labs.
How do you ensure the student has all required clinical experiences including interprofessional interactions, supervision of the PTA, and “other” experiences? How is this monitored?
The DCE is able to pull a report from EXAAT and will track the clinical education course objectives as well as the program requirements for all students.
How does the faculty determine the assessment(s) for each course objective?
The assessments for each course objective are mapped in the curriculum matrix, listed in the syllabus, and will be integrated into the canvas course.
How do you know the CIs meet the program qualifications? How do you track this?
Information obtained from CCCE, CI information sheet provided by student, Core Faculty midterm conference form, and PTSE. All tracked in EXXAT by DCE.
How does the CI know what coursework the student has completed prior to the experience? Needs to accomplish during the clinical experience?
Provided in the Clinical Instructor Information Packet.
Which policies and procedures differ from the institution policies and procedures?
Standard 3G -
- Admissions procedures,
- Admissions requirements,
- Transfer credits,
- Grading policies,
- Graduation requirements
- Technical Standards
ADJ Describe how students prepare for, and complete skills check-offs.
Students will be provided a list of skills that require competency in each course, instructions on how they will be assessed, and a rubric.
What is the rationale for having courses run concurrently with clinical experiences?
Courses selected to run concurrently have salience in clinical practice. For example, in Q5, when students will likely be in an inpatient experience, in pharmacology the students will discuss cases and medications they encounter and the impact on PT practice or clinical decision-making. In Q7, the Business Management Course runs concurrent and there will be a discussion on topics such as ethics in billing and business practices. These are opportunities to discuss (without breaking HIPAA laws) cases or experiences they are having in the clinic with their peers and faculty.
How and where is interprofessional interactions covered in the didactic portion of the curriculum? Supervision of PTAs and other support staff?
Threaded across the curriculum introduced in Q1 in Professional Competencies I, and threaded throughout the patient management courses in Q2-6 (MSK, Neuro, CVP, Pathological Gait, & Complex Pts) and finally in Q7 during Professional Competencies II. In addition, students participate in simulated patient scenarios that incorporate the PTA in Q3, and IPE in Q4 & 5.
How does the program know what is needed for inventory or needs to be restocked?
We have a spreadsheet that is organized by quarter and by course. This has lab supplies that will be tracked by LaNesha, Operations Coordinator (OC). Currently, all supplies for Year 1 is on order. Once the orders begin arriving, they will be cross checked for item and quantity by the PD and OC. For all orders in the future, LaNesha will keep track of the # of supplies left at the end of each lab (prior to going back into storage, if applicable). She will contact primary lead faculty minimum of 1 quarter in advance to confirm the needed lab supplies for each course. Lab supplies for restocking are ordered 3 months in advance of lab to ensure receipt well in advance.
Describe security during lab immersions including during open lab times.
There is 24/7 premises video security that provides after-hours security.
How are students made aware of what to do and where to go in case of emergency on campus and during lab immersions?
South College has a Safety Manual that is updated yearly. It is distributed to students and employees. It can also be found on the student services website:
How do you ensure equipment is in good working order?
LaNesha (Operations Coordinator) makes sure equipment is in good working order, the equipment will be checked yearly. LaNesha is responsible for scheduling calibrations and equipment checks to ensure it is in good working order. If repairs or replacements are necessary, the Ops Coord will work with PD to get approvals.
Who will set up and tear down the lab immersion spaces? How do they know what equipment to bring and where to put it?
LaNesha (Ops Coord) will coordinate movers to get equipment from the storage facility and take to lab for set up. A floor plan has been developed and will be used as a guide or blueprint to set up the equipment in the lab immersion space. Both Dr. Odeh and LaNesha will work together to oversee the process.
How are students informed about the costs associated with the DPT program?
Prospective and enrolled students are provided this information in the South College Catalog and on the DPT website under the Additional Information section with hyperlink to “Estimated Program Costs”. Students are also connected with the Financial Aid Office
Describe the process for prospective students seeking admission into the PT program (from point of initial contact through enrollment).
Dir of Admissions, Ops, or PD communicate with student upon initial contact (depends on how/who student contacts). They are encouraged to reach out with any questions they might have. Dir of ADM is available via phone, text, or email. She does 1:1 sessions as well as monthly informational and Q&A sessions with prospective students and faculty.
PTCAS application and SC supplemental applications need to be completed and verified that they meet criteria. Virtual Interview completed via KiraTalent. AC committee member assigned review: different groups assigned to 1. review/score interview 2. review application and fill in rubric. This minimizes bias. AC and PD will review applicants. Dir of Adm recommends offer, PD approves, Dir of Adm sends offer letter and, once accepted, enrollment information once offer is accepted.
What is the process for selecting who is accepted into the program and how is objectivity maintained throughout this process?
PTCAS and Dynamic Forms are monitored for completed applications. Once prospective students are confirmed to have completed/processed applications, a minimum requirements checklist is completed to ensure the student is eligible for admissions. If eligible, they are invited to KiraTalent for an interview. Once the interview is complete, 2 AC members are assigned to score the interview while another AC member is assigned to review their PTCAS and supplemental applications and complete the admissions rubric. Dir of Admissions, AC, and PD review results for final recommendations and approval.
Who participates in orientation and what is covered? How do you know orientation was effective?
SC Orientation will begin virtually (April and May) and be completed in-person (in June). Students, staff, and Core faculty will participate. Covered: A&P boot camp (virtual), SC orientation of policies and procedures, DPT expectations, supports and student handbook reviewed in detail, MEDS, and student success tips, strategies, and resources provided.
Effectiveness determined with assessments: student, graduate, and faculty surveys and feedback, tracking of student performance, and review of best practices
What is your workload? What do you do if your workload is not meeting your needs?
Workload was emailed to you - reach out if you don’t know. If not meeting your needs, communicate with PD to discussion options for change.
Describe the requirement for how often a coach needs to meet with the students. How is this tracked?
- At orientation in groups
- 2-week and 4-week 1:1 calls
- All student coaching sessions must be documented in CampusVue.
What does the program provide students to support mental health?
Contact Department of Student Services at South College for counseling services available through the College.
ADJ Describe your faculty onboarding activities.
WATCH VIDEO and describe - there is a checklist to complete and 4 steps prior to being allowed to lead a course.