Core Concepts INTRO Flashcards
What is social contract theory?
A theory that posits individuals consent, either explicitly or implicitly, to form a society and accept certain moral and political obligations.
Define social atomism.
The view that society is made up of individuals acting independently rather than through collective groups.
What is liberalism?
A political philosophy that emphasizes individual rights, freedom, and equality before the law.
Differentiate between positive and negative conceptions of liberty.
Positive liberty is the freedom to achieve one’s potential, while negative liberty is freedom from interference by others.
What are formal and substantial conceptions of liberty?
Formal liberty refers to the legal rights individuals have, while substantial liberty pertains to the actual capacity to act on those rights.
What is the distinction between natural and conventional rights?
Natural rights are inherent and universal, while conventional rights are established by societal norms and laws.
What is the role of property in political philosophy?
Property is often viewed as a fundamental right and essential for individual autonomy and economic stability.
What is the relationship between law and autonomy?
Law can both enable and restrict individual autonomy, shaping the boundaries within which individuals exercise their freedoms.
True or False: Law and morality are always aligned.
Fill in the blank: The _______ is a foundational document of liberal political philosophy authored by John Locke.
Second Treatise of Government
Who presented the challenge known as Glaucon’s challenge?
What metaphor is used in Plato’s Republic VI to describe governance?
Ship of state
What is the significance of Rousseau’s ‘The Social Contract’?
It explores the idea of collective sovereignty and the legitimacy of political authority.
What is Glaucon’s Challenge?
A philosophical challenge presented by Glaucon in Plato’s work.
What does the Ship of State represent?
An allegory used by Plato to describe governance and society.