Core Concepts Flashcards
What is the imperative command to edit a pod?
e.g. a Pod named po1
kubectl edit po po1
What is the apiVersion of ReplicaSet
What is the purpose of ReplicaSet?
To maintain a stable set of replica Pods running at any given time.
In the ReplicaSet spec, what are three required keys
What is the definition to match a label in a ReplicaSet selector?
(e.g. a label named foo with value bar)
foo: bar
What is the imperative command to scale a ReplicaSet?
e.g. a ReplicaSet named rs1 to 7 replicas
kubectl scale –replicas=7 rs rs1
What is the imperative command to scale a ReplicaSet based on a definition file?
(e.g. a definition file named rs1.yaml, scaled to 8 replicas)
kubectl scale –replicas=8 -f rs1.yaml
What is the imperative command to retrieve a list of ReplicaSets?
kubectl get rs
What is the imperative command to create a resource from a definition file?
(e.g. a definition file named def1.yaml)
kubectl apply -f def1.yaml
What is the purpose of the Deployment resource?
A Deployment provides declarative updates for Pods and ReplicaSets.
The Deployment Controller changes the actual state to the desired state (described by the deployment definition) at a controlled rate
What is the apiVersion of Deployment?
In the Deployment spec, what are three required keys?
(same as replicaset)
What is the imperative command to get all Deployments in your cluster ?
kubectl get deploy -A
What is the purpose of a Namespace?
Kubernetes supports multiple virtual clusters backed by the same physical cluster. These virtual clusters are called namespaces.
What is the imperative command to get all namespaces?
kubectl get ns
What is the apiVersion of namespace?
What is the definition file for creating a namespace named ‘foo’?
apiVersion: v1
kind: Namespace
name: foo
What is the imperative command for creating a namespace
e.g. a Namespace named foo
kubectl create ns foo
What is the imperative command to set the default namespace for the current context?
(e.g. a Namespace named foo)
kubectl config set-context $(kubectl config current-context) –namespace=foo