core 120 Flashcards
A country tries to dominate another country, cultural exchange, conflict
acquiring control over another country, and expansion of European powers.
a person who emphasizes their country, formation of states
social darwinism
survival of the fittest, natural selection, influence on racism
improves the genetic quality of a human social movement in the 20th century, public policies
Sir Francis Galton
He was a British statistician, who was the pioneer of eugenics
IQ Testing
designed to measure human intelligence
Anti-Miscegenation Laws
prohibited interracial marriage, Segregation
Educational Tracking
students are divided into different classes based on their ability or achievement, Influence on Educational Policy
history of humanity through class struggle and economic factors, Influence on Political Movements
land ownership that gave land to vassals in exchange for service to a lord, Social Structure
operation for profit in a competitive marketplace, industrial revolution
exchanges are owned by the community or the state, political movements.
The ultimate goal of communism is to establish a system where all individuals share resources
mutual defense alliance
agreement between two or more countries to provide support of an armed attack, Formation of Key Alliances
emphasizes the importance of a strong military , World War I:
assasination of archduke franz ferdinand
The assassination set off a chain of events that led to the declaration of war