Copyright Flashcards
The oldest known privilege in resect to printing technique was granted in (where?) [VENICE], (in which century?) [XV CENTURY].
[STATUTE OF ANNE] is known to be the first copyright act in Europe. It was enacted in England in ____ [1710].
Copyright’s subject matter can be described as _______ [INTANGIBLE], since the protection refers to intellectual effort and not its material representation.
[NON-EXCLUSIVITY] _______ of subject matter means that without normative instruments it is impossible to exclude others from using it.
[NON-RIVALRY] _____ of subject matter enables countless usage of one subject matter by many people a the same time.
Formalities in copyright law system:
are forbidden by the Berne Convention.
Copyright law relates to a protection over:
phonograms and broadcasting recordings,
Intellectual property law:
is protected under many international human rights conventions
Moral rights system in copyright law:
has evolved from the idealistic approach to copyright law
Copyright’s subject matter regarded as a fruit of intellectual labour of its creator is a concept introduced by:
natural rights theory
Economic justification of copyright is generally based on an idea that:
normative protection will function as incentive to create because the creator will be secured in order to recoup his/hers investments
The so-called ‘romantic authorship’ concept:
is particularly evident within civil law countries (continental Europe)
The basic normative framework to interpret international treaties is:
the Vienna Convention
Principle of territoriality in international private law means that:
rights and obligations of law’s subjects are limited within territory of particular state,
The principle of automatic protection in the Berne Convention means that:
the enjoyment and the exercise of rights must not depend or be made conditional on any formality
The Rome Convention:
is based on mostly similar rules like the Berne Convention however its subject matter are sound recordings and broadcasts
The author wrote a book in Spanish and then another author translated it to English. The result is a:
derivative work
In case of a work made for hire in common law, the employer:
is a first owner of copyright,
A corporate body:
may be an author in some common law countries (e.g. the UK)
In case of an unpredictable outcome of an algorithm’s operation whose authorship cannot be attributed to a human being (computer generated work) the author is:
in the UK, the person by whom the arrangements necessary for the creation of the work were undertaken.
The person whose contribution to the work is merely financial and organizational is:
a producer
In case of cinematographic work, according to EU directives the principal director is:
always an author
The three basic moral rights are:
the right of paternity, the right to integrity, the right of disclosure;
Moral rights first made their appearance in:
the early nineteenth century in French case law,
Moral rights protect:
the non-economic “moral” (personal) interest of the author.
Protection of moral interest is justified by the assumption that:
the work is an emanation of the author’s personality;
the work is an emanation of the author’s personality;
the right to withdraw a work if there is a change in the author’s beliefs;
The right against false attribution (the right of the person who is not really the author of a work and to whom authorship is falsely attributed) is:
not an author’s right.
An example of the infringement of the right to integrity is:
deleting an element of a photograph (e.g. the background);
An example of the infringement of the right of paternity is:
disclosing the name of an author of a work published anonymously or pseudonymously;
According to article 6 bis of the Berne Convention, member states shall grant the authors:
the right to integrity and the right of paternity;
Waiver of moral rights:
is not typical for traditional European approach;
Under the Berne Convention Contracting States:
are not under such obligation and they can protect it by other legal means, such as through an action for defamation, an action for passing off etC.
In traditional European approach the moral rights:
are inalienable, not inheritable and cannot be waived;
Moral rights are independent of author’s economic rights, which means that:
they remain with the author even after the transfer of his economic rights;
Under the Berne Convention the waiver of moral rights is: