C.O.P.S. Flashcards
Sudden or jerky movement, when necessary, for starting or stopping.
Hesitates unnecessarily
Control- fair
Brakes in turn
Control - fair
Reduces speen at open intersection less than safe limit
Control - fair
Fails to slow when necessary
Control - fair
Less than 1/3 of steering wheel between hands
Control - fair
Clutch released when speen is 10 to 20 mph inclusive
Control - fair
Foot on clutch when not shifting (riding clutch)
Control - fair
Adjusts cloting or other distraction while drive (without taking eyes off drive)
Control - fair
Does not depress clutch to start
Control - fair
Runs too long in 1st or 2nd gear
Control - fair
Takes 1/3 longer to perform maneuver than average
Control - fair.
Drives 10mph under the legal traffic stream unless conditions warrant
Control - fair
Drives 10mph under the legal traffic stream unless conditions warrant
Control - fair
Brake test- car swerves 12 inches or less due to driver error
Control - fair
Foot slips off brake pedal
Control - fair
Brake released before car stops
Control - fair
Backing 10 to 20 mph inclusive
Control - fair
Maneuvers inside parking space to position car for parking
Control - fair
Stops unnecessarily
Control - bad
Hurries unnecessarily
Control - bad
Coasts around turn
Control - bad
Stalls engine
Control - bad
Does not reduce unsafe speed at open intersection
Control - bad
Does not make 2nd stop when needed
Control - bad
Seat too far back to permit good brake pedal pressure
Control - bad
Unnecessary one handed steering
Control - bad
Clutch downhill or around two or more turns
Control - bad
Races engine
Control- bad
Brake test - car swerves more than 12 inches due to driver error
Control - bad
Necessary to pump brake because of driver strength
Control - bad
Missess brake
Control - bad
Backing over 20mph
Control - bad
Backs twice 2 parking attempts
Control - bad
Bumps other cars or standards sharply
Control - bad
Steat too low for proper view over steering
Control - bad
Jerky engine engagement on two or more occasions
Control - bad
Clashes gears
Control - bad
Takes eyes off road to talk or make adjustments for more than one second
Control - bad
Parking brake not released
Control - bad
Attempts start in wrong gear
Control - bad
Shifts from forward to reverse unintentionally
Control - bad
Takes 1/2 longer to perform than average
Control - bad
Fails to stop when necessary but not required by traffic control
Control - bad
Drives more than 10mph under the legal traffic stream unless conditions warrant
Control - bad
Car rolls back or brake is held with foot.
Control - bad
Rolls back more than 12 inches
Control - bad
Parking brake not released for start
Control - bad
Makes unnecessary stop at intersection
Control - bad
Shifts gears while turning
Control - bad
Speed violation (too slow or too fast)
Control - fail
Vehicle turns sideways due to driver error
Control - fail
Scrapes paint or damages vehicles, runs over standards
Control - fail
Rolls back across street or intersection
Control - fail
Fails to stop completely (brake test)
Control - fail
Uses mirros to look back when backing or leaving a parking position
Obervation - fair
Runs past corner where he should turn
Observation- fair
Does not follow test instructions
Observation - fair
Does not check mirrors
- mid block
- about 100 ft from intersection when needed
- frequently on open road
Observation- fair
Checks mirror 80 feet or less from intersection
Observation- fair
Follows too close for existing traffic conditions
Observation- bad
Cuts in too close after passing another vehicle
Observation - bad
Does not look in all directions for the approach of conflicting traffic (on any maneuvers)
Observation- bad
Looks in mirror more than 2 seconds
Observation - bad
Accident prevended only by warning from examiner
Observation - fail
Crosses over or straddles lanes on the right sidd of the roadway, going forward or backing
Position - fair
Bumps or scrapes curb lightly
Position- fair
Does not get completely into the proper lane 100 ft from an intersection
Position - fair
Does not center vehicle in lane going forward or backing
Position - fair
Stops on stop line or vehicle blcoks pedestrian
Position - fair
Car not left on center of parking space
Position - fair
Stop made 4 to 7 ft behind waiting vehicle
Position- fair
Straddles single center stripe except when passing
Position - bad
Bumps or scrapes curb sharply
Position- bad
Does not get into propper lane 50 ft from an intersetion for a turn
Position- bad
Changes lanes unnecessarily
Position- bad
Crowds other vehicles to get into lane position
Position- bad
Turns into wrong lane (on right half of roadway) right turn only
Position- bad
Blocks marked crosswalk in stopping
Position- bad
Stops in intersection on first stop
Position- bad
Leaves parked vehicle curbside wheels more than 18” from curb
Position- bad
Enters intersection on amber light
Position- bad
Interferes with other vehicles having right of way
Position- bad
Stops 0 to 3 ft behind waiting vehicle
Position- bad
Follows too close for speed existing conditions, etc.
Position- bad
Cutting in at too sharp of an angle
Position- bad
Drives on left side of roadway or straddles double center stripegoing forward or backing except when overtaking or making permissible left turn
Position - fail
Vehicle climbs curb
Position - fail
Trurns from wrong lane
Position - fail
Enters intersection on red light
Position - fail
Forces other vehicles to stop by failing to yield right of way
Position - fail
Overtakes in 2 lane intersection in violation of the law
Position - fail
Overtakes on the right when in violation of the law
Position - fail
No signal given for slowing down suddenly
Signal - fair
Signal changed to correct
Signal - fair
No signal with horn when needed
Signal - fair
Signal given 75 to 100 feet from turn, stopping point, or for less than 5 second before exiting parked position.
Signal - fair
Indistinct or inadequate signal
Signal - fair
Does not signal intentions for stop or turns
Signal - bad
Incorrect signal given
Signal - bad
Signal continued after turn completed
Signal - bad
Signal given less than 75 ft from turn, stop, or less than 3 second before exiting a parked position
Signal - bad
Uses horn for signaling friends
Signal - bad
Blows horn at intersection to hurry drivers at intersection
Signal - bad
Does not respond to other Driver’s signals
Signal - bad
Fails to signal correct signal whn other traffic is directly affected by movements
Signal - fail