COPD Flashcards
Symptoms of COPD
Shortness of breath
Chronic cough
COPD risk factors
Indoors and outdoor pollution
What is required to establish diagnosis of COPD
Dyspiea with COPD
Progressive over time
Worse during exercise
Chronic cough with COPD
Maybe intermittent and unproductive
Presents with recurrent wheezing
Chronic sputum production and COPD
Any form may indicate COPD
Recurrent lower respiratory tract infection
Indicates COPD
History of Risk factors
Genetic factors
Congenital or developmental abnormalities
Smoke from other source
Occupational dust, fumes, gases, vapors and other chemical
Family history or childhood factors
Low birth weight
Childhood respiratory infection
Mild severity of COPD
FEV1 ≥ 80% predicted
Moderate severity
50% ≤ FEV1 ≤ 80% predicted
Severe severity
30% ≤ FEV1 ≤ 50% predicted
Very severe severity
FEV1 < 30% predicted
mMRC grade 0
Out of breath with strenuous exercise
mMRC grade 1
Speed walking on a leveled ground or walking up a slight hill
mMRC grade 2
Walker slower than age group because of breathlessness
Stop to catch a breath when walking at pace on a leveled ground
mMRC grade 3
Catch breath after 100 meters or few minutes while walking on a leveled ground
mMRC grade 4
Too breathless to leave the house or depressing or undressing
0 or 1 hospitalization
mMRC 0-1
CAT < 10
Group A
0 or 1 hospitalization
mMRC ≥ 2
CAT ≥ 10
Group B
≥ 2 or ≥ 1 hospitalization
mMRC 0-1
CAT < 10
Group C
≥ 2 or ≥ 1 hospitalization
mMRC ≥ 2
CAT ≥ 10
Group D
What are the non pharmacological therapy for COPD
Smoking cessation
Pulmonary rehabilitation
Physical activity
Appropriate inhaler technique and adherence