COPD Flashcards
COPD 2 forms
Chronic Bronchitis
Chronic Bronchitis
Build up of goblet cells along the lining of the airway
Spending your life irritating your lungs (smoking, work)
Keep building those goblet cells!!! FULL OF MUCOUS
Loss of elasticity in the lungs
Breathe in no problem
No elastic recoil of alveoli
Add breath…
More air in alveoli than in their mouth
Negative pressure resources
Smaller airways shut = air trapped
Breathe in…
Diaphragm down
Intercostals out
Air is pulled in
Alveoli collapsing w/ elasticity forcing air out
Emphysema CO2 is usually
Low because they breathe so fast, PEEP themselves
Chronic hypoxemia you develop
polycthemia - makes blood heavy increasing the work load on heart (Cor Pulmonale)
Tx for asthma/COPD
Position of comfort
>90% for asthma
@ 90% for COPD
What is SABA
Short acting beta adrenergic
Beta 2 - Increased RR and bronchodilate
Problem with SABA
Will have Beta 1 stimulation as well
Drugs that don’t affect Beta 1 as much
Anticholinergic (Atrovnet)