COPD Flashcards
define COPD
common, preventable and treatable disease that is characterized by persistent respiratory symptoms and airflow limitation that is due to airway and/or alveolar abnormalities usually caused by significant exposure to noxious particles or gases
what are the most common respiratory symptoms of COPD?
dyspnea, cough, and/or sputum production
main risk factor for COPD?
tobacco smoking
biomass fuel exposure and air pollution may contribute
what host factors predispose individuals to develop COPD?
genetic abnormalities
abnormal lung development
accelerated aging
what is required to make the diagnosis of COPD?
what are the goals of COPD assessment?
determine the level of airflow limitation
impact of disease on the pt’s health status
risk of future events (exacerbations, hospitalizations, or death)
what are concomitant chronic diseases that occur frequently in COPD pts?
cardiovascular disease skeletal muscle dysfunction metabolic syndrome osteoporosis depression anxiety lung cancer
what are other symptoms of COPD?
wheezing/chest tightness fatigue weight loss anorexia syncope rib fractures ankle swelling depression anxiety
classify GOLD 1-4 for the severity of airflow limitation
GOLD 1 - mild, FEV1 80% or more
GOLD 2 - moderate, FEV1 50-79%
GOLD 3 - severe, FEV1 30-49%
GOLD 4 - very severe, FEV1 <30%
what are examples of diagnostic tools for COPD?
COPD assessment test (CAT)
chronic respiratory questionnaire (CRQ)
how to treat mild COPD?
how to treat moderate COPD?
SABAs plus antibiotics and/or oral corticosteroids
how to treat severe COPD?
hospitalization or visits ER
what may also predict exacerbation rates in pts treated with LABA without ICS?
blood eosinophil count
ABCD assessment stool takes into account what?
exacerbation history
symptom score based on either CAT or mMRC
define mMRC scores from 0-4
0 - none, only breathlessness with strenuous exercise
1 - mild, SOB hurrying or walking up a hill
2 - moderate, walks slower than age group or has to stop for breath when walking on level ground at own pace
3 - severe, stops for breaths after walking 100 meters or a few minutes on level ground
4 - very severe, breathless when dressing/undressing or too breathless to leave the house
what does A mean on COPD severity assessment?
less symptoms low risk, FEV 1 50% or greater, 0-1 exacerbations in last year
<10 CAT score OR 0-1 mMRC
what does B mean on COPD severity assessment?
more symptoms FEV1 50% or greater 0-1 exacerbations in last year 10 or greater CAT score 2 or greater mMRC socre
what does C mean on COPD severity assessment?
less symptoms, high risk FEV1 less than 50% 2 or more exacerbations OR 1 or more exacerbations leading to hospital admission in past year CAT score <10 mMRC score 0-1
what does D mean on COPD severity assessment?
more symptoms, high risk FEV1 <50% 2 or more exacerbations or 1 or more leading to hospital admission 10 or greater CAT score 2 or more mMRC score
what genetic deficiency is associated with COPD?
alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency (AATD) in emphysema particularly less than 45 y/o
what is the key preventative measure against COPD?
smoking cessation
which vaccinations decrease lower respiratory tract infections?
flu vaccination
pneumococcal vaccination
in pts with severe resting chronic hypoxemia, what improves survival?
long-term O2
in pts with severe chronic hypercapnia and a hx of hospitalization for acute respiratory failure, what may decrease mortality and prevent re-hospitalization?
long-term non-invasive ventilation
pts with advanced emphysema refractory to optimized medical care should try what treatments?
surgical or bronchoscopic interventional treatments
between LABA and LAMA, which has a greater effect on exacerbation reduction?