COPD Flashcards
What are the common examination findings?
Inspection - O2, inhalers, SOB and using accessory musclesPlethoric, barrel chest
Hands - Tar Staining, c02 flap
JVP - May be raised in cor pulmonale
Face - May show cyanosis
Trachea - Central but decreased distance
Expansion - reduced but hyperexanded
Percussion - Hyper resonant
TVF - Normal
Auscultation - Decreased breath sounds, widespread expiratory wheeze
Legs - Ankle swelling due to cor pulmonale due to RHF
What are the investigations?
By the bed - History, obs, peak flow, cardiovascular exam, spirometry and sputum
Bloods - FBC (anaemia or infection), CRP for infection
Other - CXR, ECG, ABG for respiratory failure
What are the key investigation findings?
Bloods - May be polycythaemic
CXR - Hyperexpansion, flattened diaphragms, increased lung markings
ABG - Type 1 or type 2 respiratory failure
Spirometry - Obstructive picture with low Fev1:FVC ratio (low Fev1, low or normal FVC)
What is the treatment?
Conservative - education, smoking cessation and annual immunisations and oxygen at home. Regular reviews
Keep fit so exercise
Home rescue kits
Medical - Follow stepwise protocol so SABA/SAMA then depending on Fev1 escalate this
What are causes of COPD
Occupational - dust
Alpha 1 anti trypsin deficiency