COPD Flashcards
Describe chronic bronchitis:
a CLINICAL diagnosis based on the presence of a cough and sputum production for ON MOST DAYS FOR AT LEAST 3 MONTHS DURING 2 CONSECUTIVE YEARS.
describe emphysema:
a pathologic diagnosis based on permanent abnormal dilation and desctruction of aveolar ducts and airs spaces distal to the terminal bronchiols.
describe the conditions and diagnostic eval of PFTs
FEV1/FVC will always be less than 70%
Mild: FEV1>80% predicted
Mod: 30<50 with evidence of respiratory failure or Right Heart Failure
describe the conditions and diagnostic eval of CXR for E
Emphysema: hyperlucency small heart flat diaphragm Hyperinflation increased retrosternal space increased AP diameter Bullae formation (on CT)
describe the conditions and diagnostic eval of CXR for CB
increased lung markings, cardiomegaly, pulmonary HTN, cor pulmonale
Pink Puffer:
thin, exertional dyspnea, minimal cough, hyperinflation, flat diaphragm on CXR, small heart decreased 02 and C02, PURSED LIP BREATHING,
Blue Bloater
stocky obese, dsypnea on exertion AND rest, cough and sputum, increased lung markings, big heart, decreased 02 and ELEVATED C02. Blue hands, tongue, pulmonary htn, cor pulmonale
What is the single most preventative cause of premature death in the US
what therapy can help improve the life span of someone with COPD?
Smoking cessation options
nictotine replacemnts
antidepressents: welbutrin, and nortryptiline
chantix: non-nictonie, but many side effects
Common medications for long term management of COPD, for acute exacerbations, and smoking cessation
- inhaled beta 2 agonists, anticholinergics
- corticosteroids (long term)
3 may want abx for infections/exacerbations
4make them get the flu and pneumococcal vaccine
5.theyophylline–> not really used anymore