Coordination Flashcards
Enroute to Woomera Tower
Procedural Coord
Also provided TWR with
- Estimate for restricted area boundary
- SSR codes for departing aircraft
- details of arriving flights that are unable to quote a valid approval number
Emergency Access to WRX or YPWR
- Centre to advise SM3, provide ETA and other relevant details.
When may Woomera Restricted Airspace be released to ML Centre
a) to assist an aircraft subject to an emergency
b) during periods of inactivity of more than two hours
c) if activities cease prior to the NOTAM end time for daily activities
CUTA Airspace Requests
Forward all CUTA airsapces requests to the JACC for de-confliction purposes
NAPM Voiceless coord.
50NM Voiceless if identified prior to 15min from boundary and will remain identified
15min if not identified.
20NM Voiceless. Surveillance tracks only.
AUG and SPN (Class G)
20NM or 5 min Voiceless
R265 Transits Not Available
AFL will advise AUG.
AUG must advise SPN/TBD/KSC
Barossa - Adelaide Inbound Non-Coordination Routes
a) via a STAR to:
i: RWY23 during non-curfew RRM
ii: a duty runway nominated on the Adelaide ATIS; or
iii: Edinburgh
b) H309 (KAKLU)
c) H345 (DRINA)
d) V259 (INTOG)
e) V175 (ELROX)
f) H84 (MARGO)
g) H135 (KLAVA)
Barossa - Adelaide - Outbound Non-Coordination Routes
a) via a Procedural SID:
i: from RWY 23 during RRM; or
ii: from the duty runway nominated on the ATIS
b) H246 (ORBUN)
c) V361 (UPROT)
d) H247 (AVDEN)
e) V255 (BENDO)
f) V504 (EEMUE)
g) Q33 (GILES)
Heads up coordination is not required from Barossa to Adelaide TCU for aircraft on the following routes:
a) W325 (BEVSO)
b) N640 (ATNAR)
c) T20 (AGROS)
Heads-up coordination is not required from Adelaide TCU to Barossa for aircraft on the following routes:
a) W426 (VILAD)
b) W519 (ALBUT)
c) J15 (TEDUS)
d) A585 (AREPA)
e) W238 (RUKNA)
How must Barossa clear IFR aircraft that overfly Adelaide TMA, between A090 and FL240 inclusive?
a) via the defined inbound routes; and,
b) from overhead Adelaide via defined outbound routes
What must Barossa do regarding Adelaide overflyers below A090?
a) advise IFR flights that have not planned on defined inbound routes to expect a clearance via an inbound route; and
b) amend the FDR accordingly
Who is responsible for any coordination to KSC for aircraft inbound to AD TCU?
Outbound aircraft on a non or conditional coordination route may be re-cleared without further coordination, provided that the aircraft are:
a) cleared direct to a navigation aid, turning point or reporting point on the cleared route within 55NM Adelaide or direct to ALBUT or BOLAM
b) separated from aircraft on inbound non or coordination routes, or previously coordinated traffic from Barossa; and
c) crosses the AD - Barossa boundary within 3NM of the original route or the nominal procedural SID track.
How may Barossa coordinate available non-compulsory direct tracking to AD TCU?
By entering the point available for direct tracking into the GLOBAL_OPS_INFO field of aircraft entering Barossa airspace.
Who is responsible for coordinating with Barossa controllers affected by non-compulsory direct tracking via AD TCU.
The initiating Barossa controller
Where non-compulsory direct tracking is occurring who is responsible for coordination with affected AD TCU sectors?
The AD TCU controller implementing the direct tracking
Barossa sectors are not to interact with the GLOBAL_OPS_INFO field until when?
Until departing aircraft have coupled in Eurocat.
For aircraft departing the adelaide terminal area for a destination beyond 36NM AD and within 90NM AD, clearance to track direct to destination is available provided that:
a) the aircraft is initially cleared via an approved outbound route
b) the aircraft is established outbound and clear of conflicting TCU traffic and opposite direction Barossa traffic
c) appropriate coordination and approval is issued by Barossa
R265 standard release
a) R265A/B/F from FL250 and above; and
b) All of R265C/D
R279 standard release
Outside 36NM AD
Augusta will advise which sectors when AUG/SPN is split or recombined?
Barossa and Bass
NAPM Voiceless with a 20NM change parameter between TBD/KSC and MLE in CTA for surveillance tracks only
In G, voiceless per NAPM - 20nm or 5 min
Barossa and Central
NAPM Voiceless
GLOBAL_OPS_INFO field may be used in lieu of standard voice coordination between Barossa and Central adjoining sectors when appropriate.
Must include:
- identifier of sector initiating the coordination
- statement of concurrence or restrictions in standard NAPM annotations
Who will advise AUG/SPN when OPL/WRA is split?
Who will advise AUG/SPN when BKE/BOG is split?
Barossa and Grampians
NAPM Voiceless 50NM
Standard Assignable Level Adelaide/Enroute: Outbound - non and conditional coord routes
FL 240 or the RFL if below 240.
A level lower than the initial RFL does not require coordination, but a level higher must be coordinated with ENR
Standard Assignable Level Adelaide/Enroute: Outbound - coord routes
A080 initially, then after coordination with ENR
a) FL240
b) RFL if below 240; or
c) coordinated level
Standard Assignable Level Adelaide/Enroute: Arrivals at an aerodrome within the TCU
Can ENR or TCU change the direction of vertical travel of an aircraft within the other unit’s airspace without coordination?
However, aircraft that are accepted whilst maintaining a level are subject to normal clean hand off procedures.
When is there no requirement to coordinate a CFL above the standard assignable level for inbound aircraft?
When an aircraft:
a) causing a restriction has been accepted by the same executive controller; or
b) has been previously coordinated by either Barossa or Adelaide TCU as a ‘restriction for inbound traffic’ in relation to either a specific route or a specific portion of airspace.