1 statute mile
5280 ft
1 nautical mile
6080 ft
1 league
3 nautical miles
1 yard
3 ft
1 meter
3.281 ft
1 foot
12 in
1 in
2.54 cm
1 rod
5.5 yards
1 furlong
220 yards
1 cable length
720 ft
1 fathom
6 ft
1 chain
66 ft
1 furlong
660 ft
1 span
9 in
1 light year
9.46 × 10¹² m
1 knot
1 nautical mile/hr
1 m/s
3.6 km/h
9.81 m/s²
32.2 ft/s²
1 acre
660 ft × 66 ft
1 acre
1 furlong × 1 chain
1 are
100 m²
1 hectare
10,000 m²
1 rev
2π rad
1 rev
1 rev
400 grad
1 rev
400 gons
1 rev
6400 mils
1 quart
2 pints
1 US gallon
3.785 liters
1 US gallon
4 quarts
1 BRITISH gallon
277.42 in³
1 ft³
7.48 US gallons
1 barrel (bbl)
42 gallons
1 ganta
3 liters
1 ganta
8 chupas
1 cavan
25 gantas
1 tonne
1 metric ton
1 metric ton
1000 kg
1 short ton
2000 lbm
1 long ton
2240 lbm
1 kg
2.21 lbm
1 lb
16 oz
1 slug
32.2 lbm
1 kg/L
62.4 lb/ft³
1 ppm
1 mg/L
1 ppm
1 mg/kg
1 Newton
10⁵ dynes
1 kgf
9.81 N
1 lbf
4.448 N
1 atm
101.325 kPa
1 atm
14.7 psi
1 atm
760 mmHg
1 atm
29.92 inHg
1 atm
1.032 kg/cm²
1 atm
760 torr
1 bar
100 kPa
778 ft-lb
252 cal
1055 J
1 kcal
4.187 kJ
1 J
10⁷ erg
1 erg
1 dyne-cm
1.8 BTU
1 ev
1.602 × 10¹⁹ J
1 hp
0.746 kW
1 hp
550 lb-ft/s
1 hp
33,000 lb-ft/min
1 hp
2545 BTU/hr
1 hp
42.4 BTU/min
1 hp
1.014 Mhp
1 boiler hp
35,322 kJ/hr
3.516 kW
12,000 BTU/hr
1 metric hp (mhp)
0.736 kW
1 reyn
1 lb-s/in²
1 poise
1 dyne-s/cm²
1 poise
0.1 Pa-s
1 stoke
1 cm²/s
Universal gas constant, R
8.314 J/mol-K
Universal gas constant, R
1545 lbf-ft/lbm-mol-R
Universal gas constant, R
0.0821 L-atm/mol-K
Gravity, g
9.81 m/s²
Gravity, g
32.2 ft/s²
Avogadro’s number, Na
6.022 × 10²³ per mol
Stefan-Boltzmann constant, σ
5.67 × 10⁻⁸ W/m²-K⁴
Speed of light, c
3 × 10⁸ m/s
Solar constant, S
1353 W/m²
Planck’s constant, h
6.626 × 10⁻³⁴ J-s
Gravitational constant, G
6.664 × 10¹¹ N-m²/kg
Radius of the Earth
6.38 × 10⁶ m
Velocity to escape the Earth
11.2 km/s
Human heat
225 BTU/hr
Cp of air
1 kJ/kg-K
Cp of air
0.24 BTU/lb-R
Cv of air
0.7186 kJ/kg-K
Cv of air
0.1714 BTU/lb-R
Gas constant of air
0.287 kJ/kg-K
Gas constant of air
53.34 lbf-ft/lbm-R
Compression ratio of cold air
Compression ratio of hot air
Density of air
1.2 kg/m³
Density of air
0.075 lb/ft³
Compression ratio of He and noble gases
Compression ratio of CO2
Compression ratio of N2
Cp of water
4.187 kJ/kg-K
Cp of water
1 BTU/lb-R
Cp of ice
2.093 kJ/kg-K
Cp of ice
0.5 BTU/lb-R
Latent heat of fusion of ice, Lf
334 kJ/kg
Latent heat of fusion of ice, Lf
144 BTU/lb
Latent heat of vaporization of water, Lv
2,257 kJ/kg
Latent heat of vaporization of water, Lv
970 BTU/lb
Surface tension of water at 0°C
0.076 N/m
Surface tension of water at 100°C
0.059 N/m
Specific gravity of mercury (Hg)
Specific gravity of sea water
Bulk modulus of elasticity of steel, E
30 × 10⁶ psi
Bulk modulus of elasticity of steel, E
210 GPa
Bulk modulus of rigidity of steel, G
12 × 10⁶ psi
Bulk moduls of rigidity of steel, G
83 Gpa
Coefficient of thermal expansion of steel, α
11.7 × 10⁻⁶ per °C
Coefficient of thermal expansion of steel, α
6.5 × 10⁻⁶ per °F
Density of steel
7850 kg/m³
Density of steel
490 lb/ft³