Conversational Latin 1-3 Flashcards
Collection of the conversational Latin pieces at the end of chapters 1-3
Hoc est conclāve scholasticum
This is the classroom
Cōnsīdātis in sellīs!
Sit down (pl) in your seats!
Surgās et ad tabulam scriptōriam veniās.
Get up and come to the board
In tabulā scriptōriā
I am writing on the board
Scrībō crētā
I am writing with chalk
Scrībō calamō coāctilī
I am writing with a board marker
Ēiice hoc in scirpiculum!
Throw this into the garbage can!
Nōlī susurrāre!
Do not whisper
Nōlīte susurrāre!
Do not whisper (pl.)
Favēte linguīs
Licetne mihi īre ad locum secrētum (or lātrīnam)?
May I go to the bathroom?
You may
Nōn licet
You may not
Licetne habēre mappulam chartāceam (nāsutergium)?
May I have a tissue?
Quōmodo tē vocant?
How do they call you?
Mē vocant Menaechmum.
They call me Menaechmus.
Quod est nōmen tibi?
What is your name?
Mihi nōmen est Marīa.
My name is Maria.
Quod vērō nōmen tibi est?
And what is your name?N
Quō nōmine appellāris?
By what name are you called?
Laura appellor.
I am called Laura.
Cūiās es?
Where are you from?
Cūiātēs estis?
Where are you all from?
Unde es ortus/orta?
Where do you come from (masc/fem)?