conversation starters Flashcards
how do you say what is your name
ki lo ru ko e
what does ki lo ru ko e mean
what is your name
how do you say my name is
oruko mi ni
what does oruko mi ni mean
my name is
how do you say where did you come from
ni bo lo ti wa
what does ni bo lo ti wa mean
where did you come from
how do you say i come from
mo wa la ti
what does mo wa la ti mean
i come from
how do you say I am happy to meet you
inu mi dun la ti mo e
enu-me doon-la-tea-more-air
what does inu mi dun la ti mo e mean
i am happy to meet you
how do you say can i see you again
se mo le tun ri e si
what does se mo le tun ri e si mean
can i see you again
how do you say talk slower
rora ma soro
what does rora ma soro mean
talk slower
how do you say i didnt hear what you said
mi o gbo inkan to so