Conversation Questions Flashcards
Nice to meet you
Watashi wa Samira desu
I’m Samira
Doozo yoroshiku onegaishimasu
I’m glad to meet you (please favor me)
Watashi no meishi desu
Here’s my business card
Okuni wa dochira desu ka
Which country are you from
O shigoto wa nan desu ka
What is your occupation
Watashi no kuni wa Amerika desu
I’m from America
Shigoto wa animator desu
I’m an animator
O namae wa nan desu ka
What’s your name?
Uchi wa doko desu ka
Where do you live?
Uchi wa doko desu ka
Where do you live (where is your house)
Uchi wa stepney green desu
I live in stepney green
Hai, soo desu
Yes, I am
Ahh, soo desu ka
Ah, that’s right
Matt-San wa
How about you Matt?
Nan sai desu ka
How old are you
Niju kyu desu
I’m 29
Ogenki desu ka
How are you
Watashi mo genki desu
I’m fine too
Denwa banngoo wa nan ban desu ka
What’s your phone number
Shumi wa nan desu ka
What’s your hobby
Shumi wa video game ya dokusho
I like video games and reading
Kore wa ikura desu ka
How much is this
Sono tokei wa ikura desu ka
How much is that watch
Ano pikcha wa ikura desu ka
How much is that pikachu over there