Conversation Flashcards
Does everything make sense so far? The new ERP system is a bit complicated but in the long run, it’ll be worth it. The integrated system will make things more efficient.
Production is running a very efficient system and we know precisely what’s going on in our department.
What I want to say is that the new ERP system will make everything more efficient for the entire company.
The finance department is on top of things, too. If we change things around, I’m afraid it’ll mess everything all up.
瑪麗安,我懂妳所說的,但 ERP系統還是有它的好處。舉例來說,雖然生產部門人員對每項單一產品的生產情況都很清楚,但財務部人員卻無從得知其訊息,因而無法追蹤產品物流情況以適時開出發票。妳懂嗎?
I get what you are saying Marian, but the ERP has its benefits, too. For example, though people in production know what’s going on with every single product, people in finance can’t access the information and therefore can’t track where products are in the supply chain to appropriately send out invoices. Do you follow?
I guess, though I still don’t know why we are changing systems. I personally don’t see the point.
所以我們必須討論用什麼方式架設ERP最適合我們公司。我們差不多已將全面導入法(big bang approach)排除,對我們來說工程太浩大也太冒險了。
So what we have to discuss is what the best method is to install ERP at our company. We’ve pretty much ruled out the big bang approach. It’s far too ambitious and risky for us.
George, you’ve lost me.
我換個方式來說好了 當考慮實施ERP系統時,我們有三種選擇。基本上,若使用全面導入法,我們就要淘汰我們舊有的系統,並立即在全公司安裝單一的 ERP系統。
Let me put it another way. We have three options when considering implementation of ERP. Basically, using the big bang approach, we would cast off our legacy systems and in one shot install a single ERP system across the entire company.
Sounds risky. What are our other options?
我們可以考慮強力置入法(slam-dunk approach),安裝套裝式ERP系統而不採用客製化應用程式。
We can consider the slam-dunk approach and install a pre-designed ERP system without custom-made applications.
How is that better than what we are using now?
我正好也是這麼想,反正總還有分點推廣法(franchising strategy)可選擇。
That’s exactly what I was thinking. There’s always the franchising strategy.
The franchising strategy?
In this case, we would install independent ERP systems in each of our business units and link common processes such as bookkeeping. Are you with me?