Conventions Flashcards
After 1 no trump opener:
Hold five card major
Respond 2 Diam(s) demanding opener bid 2 hearts
Respond 2 hearts demanding opener bid 2 spades
Opening bid 1 no trump
With 4 card major and 8HCL, bid 2 clubs
Opener’s response:
Bid diamonds to show no 4 card major
Bid 2 Hearts to show 4 hearts
Bid 2 spades to show 4 spades
Weak two bid open
Open 2 diamonds, 2 hearts, 2 spades if:
6 –10 Hi Card points
6 in a suit
With two of top three honors or three of top five honors
Strong two bid open
Open 2 clubs if:
Balanced hand with 22HCP
Unbalanced hand on which you wish to go to game
Take out double
Roman Keycard
Partner bids 4 no trump:
Respond 1430 rule:
5 clubs shows 1 or 4 key cards
5 diamonds shows 3 or zero key cards
5 hearts shows two key cards, no queen of trumps
5 spades shows two key cards and queen of trumps
Rule of 15
Open if:
Fourth position
High card points and number of spades equals 15
Law of total tricks (law of total trump tricks)
Don’t bid beyond the trick level equal to the partnership’s total trumps.
Preemptive bids
Open up the three level if:
Seven cards in a suit and one honor
Open at the four level if:
Eight cards in a suit and one honor
No other point requirements.
Short Club
Open 1 club if:
Minimum 2 clubs
Minimum 12 points
No five card major
Partner response:
2 diamonds, no four card major
2 hearts, 4 card major in hearts; maybe 4 spades
2 spades, 4 card major in spades, denies 4 hearts oh
Gerber Convention
Jump bid to 4 clubs:
Four diamonds, 1 or 4 aces
Four hearts, 3 or zero aces
Four spades, 2 aces
If bid goes to 5 clubs:
Four diamonds, 1 or 4 kings
Four hearts, 3 or zero kings
Four spades, 2 kings
Cappelletti (Simple Hamilton)
Purpose: Interfere with opponents’ bidding
Bid: 2 clubs over 1 no trump or 3 clubs over 2 no trump
2 clubs: strong 5 card suit or 6 card suit sluts