Controversies around Derivatives Flashcards
Where can derivatives be traded?
- on a recognised futures exchange
2. or between two parties in an over the counter (OTC) transaction.
What’s wrong with OTCs?
not usually margined and hard to price
Positives of ags commodity derivatives trading as futures on registered future exchanges
increase price transparency, contracts are margined on a daily basis reducing risk of contagion
who does the efficient allocation of risk help?
the consumer. it reduces the cost of getting food to the table.
derivatives also help…
facilitate price discovery
how do derivatives help facilitate price discovery?
allocates world’s resources by determining prices needed to match supply and demand
what do futures market prices depend on?
a continuous flow of information from around world and require lots of transparency
what is a squeeze?
cornering a market/ market cornering.
What’s an example of a market corner
When someone takes a long position in an expiring future position that is bigger than available supply of underlying commodity. The hedgers/specukators who are short of the contract would not be able to deliver. They would have no choice but to buy back their short position on the futures at a price set by the long
If someone hedged her physical longs by selling futures, why can’t they just deliver those physical longs and not be forced to buy back the futures?
That can only happen if the person is short because they shorted to hedge physical longs has the EXACT amount to the Exact specification.
The futures short may own physical sugar against his future position….
But he may not have the warehouse space to have it available in the 75 day shipment period
How do exchange regulators stop market cornering?
They limit the size of the positions held by any one party on the futures market
They check that the trader has the offsetting physical position to justify the futures position
What does the trader have to prove going into the expiry of the futures contract?
That her futures position was a hedge and not speculation
What if the trader can’t prove its not speculation?
They have to reduce or liquidate or reduce their position?
What is false messaging?
Sending incorrect price signals to market participants
What is wash trading?
When two parties execute prearranged trades in an effort to print the market higher or lower. Or the prearranged trade eclipses other market participants from the opportunity to trade, bypassing competitive execution requirements
What’s is spoofing
Someone could place an order to buy 1000t of cocoa on futures even though they don’t actually want it. They do this to make it seem like more demand is there
Who gets the most blame for spoofing?
Computers. They might place an order to sell 1000 futures on coffee futures market but then turn around and start to buy as soon as the order was filled.
What does a spoofing by a computer do on the market? If they sell futures and then buy them back as soon a sthey start getting filled?
It could push the market higher and force real buyers to pay more
What is front running?
Buying or selling in front of a genuine market when you warn each other if a large order is about to hit allowing front team members to front run the order
What would is excessive volatility?
Sharp price movements that occur when there is insufficient liquidity in the market
When does excessive volatility occur?
When unexpected news comes out, leaving insufficient time to place offsetting orders
Or if a big hedge fund comes into the market on a quiet day and sells out a large speculative position. The selling could make a big drop in the market.
How do exchanges stop excessive volatility?
With circuit breakers.
How does the CFTC improve transparency?
They publish a number of commitment to traders reports - COT - that details positions held in each market
What different market participants are there?
Commercials, large noncommercials, index funds and unreportables
What’s a commercial?
Producer, trader, consumers who hedge their physical transactions on the futures market
What’s a large non commercial?
Hedge funds or banks that take speculative position
What’s unreportables?
Small traders, usually speculators, who’s position size falls below minimum reporting level set by CFTC
What is the market make up?
Who holds what positions.
When does the COT report come out?
Every Friday
What does the COT include?
Options, separate out index funds, futures only
What is a commodity index fund?
The money in the fund is invested in futures contracts based on a commodity price index
What is the value of these indexes based on?
The value fluctuates in line with the prices of the underlying commodity futures, and thus value can be traded on an exchange
What is the price index indicative of?
The broad commodity asset class or a specific subset of commodities like energy or agriculture
No single commodity can compose less than/more than
No less than 2pc or more than 15pc of the index