Controllers Flashcards
Where are controllers stored? (by default)
Create a controller using Artisan!
php artisan make:controller NAME
Given a controller named “UserController” and the route “/user/{id}”, create a Route::get that uses the show method of said controller!
Route::get('/user/{id}', [UserController::class, 'show']);
What should the method name be if you have a controller dedicated to a singular action?
(in class of said controller)public function \_\_invoke() { // ... }
Given the route “/server” and the single function controller “ProvisionServer”, make a Route::post that invokes the function!
Route::post('/server', ProvisionServer::class);
Assign the middleware “auth” to this route:
Route::get(‘/profile’, [UserController::class, ‘show’]);
Route::get('/profile', [UserController::class, 'show'])->middleware('auth');
Which interface should you implement to specify middleware within your controller class?
Create a controller using Artisan, that assigns the “create”, “read”, “update” and “delete” routes to said controller!
php artisan make:controller ExampleController --resource
Register a resource’s CRUD (create, read, update and delete) methods in a route!
Route::resource('example', ExampleController::class);
Which method should you call while defining a resource route to not let the page go to the default 404 page when a resource model is not found?
Include soft deleted models in this resource route:
Route::resource(‘photos’, PhotoController::class);
Route::resource('example', ExampleController::class)->withTrashed();
Make a controller using Artisan, that type-hints a model instance!
php artisan make:controller ExampleController --model=ExampleModel --resource
Which option do you need to add to your Artisan command for the generation of a form request class for a controllers storage and update methods!
How can you limit the actions of a resource route to a specific subset of actions?
INSERT ROUTE->only([ 'action one', 'action two', ... ]);
How can you exclude specific actions of a resource route?
INSERT ROUTE->except([ 'action one', ... ]);
Declare a resource route that will be consumed by APIs!
Route::apiResource('example', ExampleController::class);
Register multiple API resource controllers at once!
Route::apiResources([ 'example1' => Example1Controller::class, 'example2' => Example2Controller::class, ]);
Generate an API resource controller using Artisan!
php artisan make:controller ExampleController –api
What do you need to do to define a route to a nested resource?
What will the URIs look like?
Route::resource('examples.beispiele', ExampleController::class); /examples/{example}/beispiele/{beispiel}
Which method enables automatic scoping for a nested model binding?
What is shallow nesting?
Often, it is not entirely necessary to have both the parent and the child IDs within a URI since the child ID is already a unique identifier. When using unique identifiers such as auto-incrementing primary keys to identify your models in URI segments, you may choose to use “shallow nesting”
Which method do you need to use to use shallow nesting?
INSERT ROUTE->shallow();
How can you name the actions of controllers?
INSERT ROUTE->names([ 'example' => 'examples.beispiele' ]);
Create a scoped nested resource!
What will the URIs look like?
Route:.resource('examples.beispiele', ExampleController::class)->scoped([ 'beispiel' => 'spezifischesbeispiel', ]); /examples/{example}/beispiele/{beispiel:spezifischesbeispiel}
Which language will Route::resource create resource URIs in by default?
How can you localize the action verbs of a Route::resource?
Localize the actions “create” and “edit” into German!
(at the beginning of the boot method within App\Providers\AppServiceProvider)
Route::resourceVerbs([ 'create' => 'erstellen', 'edit' => 'bearbeiten', ]);
What are resources, that only have a singular instance, called?
Singleton resources
Register a singleton resource controller route!
Route::singleton('example', ExampleController::class);
Which method should you use so that you can turn a singleton resource route into something, that also has a DELETE route?
Which 3 action routes are not registered for singleton resources, that do exist for singleton…->creatable resources?
create, store and destroy
What should you use instead of “creatable()” if you don’t want create and store action routes to be defined, but do want the registration of the destroy route?
Create a singleton resource for an API!
Route::apiSingleton('example', ExampleController::class);
How can you register the store and destroy routes for an API singleton resource?