controlled substances Flashcards
controlled substance
a drug which has been declared by federal or state law to be illegal for sale or use, but may be dispensed under a physician’s prescription
bases for control and regulation is danger of addiction abuse physical and mental harm, including death, trafficking by illegal means, and the dangers from actions of those who have used the substances
controlled substances act of 1970
five categories
schedule I
no currently accepted medical use in US, lack of accepted safety for use under medical supervision and a high potential for abuse
heroin, LSD, marijuana
schedule II
high potential for abuse which may lead to severe psychological or physical dependence
opium, codeine, oxycodone
schedule III
potential for abuse less than substances in schedule I or II and abuse may lead to moderate or low physical dependence or high psychological dependence
buprenorphine, codeine w/tylenol
schedule IV
low potential for abuse relative to substances in schedule III
alprazolam, carisoprodol
schedule V
low potential for abuse relative to schedule IV and consist primarily of preparations containing limited quantities of certain narcotics
amphetamine and methamphetamine
schedule II stimulant
first medical product for head colds
prescription in 1951
2009 DEA estimated mexican cartels controlled 80% all meth in US
manufacturing meth
three ways
red P
nazi method
one pot shake n bake
red p
pseudo tablets
red phosphorous
Hydrogen peroxide
strong base
HCl gas or sulfuric acid
tablet pull, red P + iodine + pseudo + water, base then solvent, salting out, icing
icing is last step, last stage of processing
trying to make pdt look pretty
ingredients: water, acetone, cutting agent
nazi method
tablets, ammonia anhydrous, lithium, water, solvent, HCl
one pot shake n bake
tablets, ammonium nitrate or fertilizer, strong base, solvent, lithium, water
dangers of meth lab
harsh chemicals
sodium hydroxide, lithium, phosphine gas, solvent toxicity, white phosphorous (looks like meth but actual explosive)
vapors at icing lab
closed refrigerator and light bulb
one pot: explosion
TATP (triacetate triperoxide)
hydrogen peroxide, sulfuric acid, acetone, organic solvent
looks like meth
winning the war on drugs?
combat methamphetamine act 2005
OTC meds contain gin ehh/pseudo restricted behind counter
daily and monthly purchase limits
form of identification
comprehensive meth control act 1996
alternate chemicals in OTC drugs, phenylephrine
alternate processes P2P
side notes for meth
meth mouth, salivary flow reduction
saliva flushes away bacteria
meth users might be soda junkies too
bruxism, teeth grinding
soaked cards/letters, big rig axles, unlimited ways of bringing It in
schedule I, narcotic analgesic
history heroin
opium used for medicinal purposes by assyrians
1803 isolation of morphine
1800s opium used to treat diarrhea and suppress tuberculosis coughs
1974, synthesis of heroin
opiates vs opioids
opiates are natural opiods
opioids are all natural, semi-synthetic, and man made
production of heroin
specific poppy
papaver somniferum
Afghanistan Myanmar and mexico
heroin synthesis
extract raw opium from poppy
dissolve in water and add lime
calcium morphenate
add ammonium chloride or ethyl acetate
morphine base
add acetic anhydride and Na2CO3
heroin base
dissolve in ethyl enter for black tar heroin
add HCL for brown heroin
dissolve in ethyl ether add HCL and EtOH for white heroin