Control Room HVAC Flashcards
Given the Control Room HVAC Train A is in service in the Normal mode and the following Control Room HVAC System components: 1. Recirculation Damper 0-3 2. Outside Air Intake Damper 0-1 3. Normal Supply Fan V-95 4. Normal Filter Unit VF-95 5. Backdraft Damper 0-4 6. Modulating Damper 0-2 Which ONE of the following lists the components in the proper order of flowpath? A. 2,6,4,3,5,1 B. 6,2,4,5,1,3 C. 3,5,4,1,2,6 D. 4,3,5,1,6,2
A. 2,6,4,3,5,1
Which ONE of the following describes the proper damper positions when the Control
Room HVAC System (Train 1) is operating in the Emergency Mode?
A. Outside Air Dampers 0-1, 0-2, AND 0-7 closed, Recirc Dampers 0-3 OR 0-6 open.
B. Outside Air Dampers 0-1, 0-2 OR 0-7 open, Recirc Dampers 0-3 AND 0-6 closed.
C. Outside Air Dampers 0-1 AND 2 open, 0-7 closed, Recirc Dampers 0-3 OR 0-6 closed.
D. Outside Air Damper 0-1 OR 2 closed, 0-7 open, Recirc Dampers 0-3 AND 0-6 open.
D. Outside Air Damper 0-1 OR 2 closed, 0-7 open, Recirc Dampers 0-3 AND 0-6 open.
The following plant conditions exist:
• A Loss of Coolant Accident (LOCA) is in progress.
• No operator actions have been taken.
• No Technical Specification Tests are in progress.
• Containment Pressure Indications (Safety Channels) are indicating 3.2 psig and
• Containment Radiation Monitor indications have risen and are indicating 8.3 R/hr.
Based on these conditions, the Control Room Ventilation System is operating in:
A. Normal Mode
B. Recirculation Mode
C. Emergency Mode
D. Purge Mode
A. Normal Mode
Given the following conditions:
• There is a fire at the north end of the Service Building.
• This fire is generating a significant amount of smoke.
• No radiological event is in progess.
• Wind direction is from due North at 5 to 10 miles per hour.
For these conditions, there is a need to operate the Control Room HVAC system in the
Recirculation mode because it will…
A. pressurize the Control Room envelope, thereby preventing entry of smoke and
other contaiminants.
B. filter out smoke through the charcoal filters, thereby preserving habitability of the
Contro Room envelope.
C. minimize smoke intake in the Control Room envelope, and also protect the charcoa
D. maximize fresh air intake and purge the Control Room envelope of any smoke
C. minimize smoke intake in the Control Room envelope, and also protect the charcoa
V-96, CRHVAC Air Handling Unit, and VC-10, CRHVAC Chiller, are in service when a
design basis accident occurs. Assuming all equipment functions as designed with no
operator actions, which one of the following lists the expected indications for the CRHVAC system 5 minutes after the event?
V-95, VC-11, V-96, VC-10
Given the following conditions:
There is a fire at the north end of the Service Building.
This fire is generating a significant amount of smoke.
NO radiological event is in progress.
Wind direction is from due North at 5 to 10 miles per hour.
For these conditions, there is a need to operate the Control Room HVAC system in the
Recirculation mode because it will …
A. pressurize the Control Room envelope, thereby preventing entry of smoke and
other contaminants.
B. filter out smoke through the charcoal filters, thereby preserving habitability of the
Control Room envelope.
C. minimize smoke intake in the Control Room envelope, and also protect the charcoal
D. maximize fresh air intake and purge the Control Room envelope of any smoke
C. minimize smoke intake in the Control Room envelope, and also protect the charcoal
a. Correctly believes prevention of smoke entry is desireable, but misses the concern
for charcoal filter protection.
b. Certain filters do filter out smoke, but this is not the design function of these
charcoal filters.
c. CORRECT· Since smoke is outside and wind is blowing it toward the HVAC
intake, shutting off this intake will minimize smoke in the Control Room.
d. Correctly believes prevention of smoke particles is desireable, but misses the
importance of NOT bringing in fresh air since the location of the intake is where the
smoke is being generated.
The plant was tripped due to a Main Steam line break inside containment.
Containment pressure rose to 4.5 psig.
Right channel Containment High Pressure (CHP) activated however left channel CHP did not activate.
At the time of the plant trip the Control Room HVAC System was lined up in the PURGE MODE.
Which of the following describes the status of the Control Room HVAC System prior to any manual actions required due to the failure of the left channel of CHP to activate?
CR HVAC Train Status; Purge Fan V-94; Toilet Exhaust Fan V-16
A. Only EMER Train ‘A’ I/S; Tripped; Tripped
B. Only EMER Train ‘B’ I/S; Running; Tripped
C. Both EMER Train I/S; Tripped; Tripped
D. Neither EMER Train I/S; Running; Running
C. Both EMER Train I/S; Tripped; Tripped
A. INCORRECT. Either left channel or right channel of CHP align both channels of
CRHVAC to the Emergency Mode and trip both V-94 and V-16.
B. INCORRECT. See explanation for discriminator ‘A’ above.
C. CORRECT. Either left channel or right channel CHP aligns both Emergency
Trains of CRHVAC. V-94 and V-16 are tripped by both channels of CHP.
D. INCORRECT. Both Emergency Trains are placed liS by either left or right
channels and both channels trip V-94.
Which ONE of the following are the actuation setpoints for automatic shifting of the
Control Room HVAC System into the Emergency Mode of operation?
Containment Pressure A. 3.7 psig B. 3.7 psig C. 4.0 psig D. 4.0 psig
Containment Radiation 10 Rlhr 15 Rlhr 10 Rlhr 15 Rlhr
C. 4.0 psig; 10R/hr
Which of the following will result in the automatic alignment of the Control Room HVAC System in the Emergency Mode?
Containment High Pressure (CHP) A. 3 psig B. 4 psig C. 1 psig D. 0.8 psig
Containment High Radiation (CHR) 5 R/hr 10 R/hr 10 R/hr 1 R/hr
B. 4 psig; 10 R/hr
The Plant is in MODE 4 with the following plant conditions:
• LCO 3.7 .11.A is in effect due to Control Room Ventilation Cooling Train A (VC-11)
Compressor being inoperable (entered yesterday at 1000 due to leaking gasket on
• The Auxiliary Operator making rounds informs the Control Room that VC-1 0
compressor has no indication of oil level, and VC-10 compressor is stopped.
• Control Room temperature is 72°F
What action(s) if any is required by Technical Specifications?
A. No action is required since Control Room Ventilation Cooling Trains are NOT
required in current Mode.
B. Restore one Control Room Ventilation Cooling Train to operable within 24 hours.
C. No action required since Control Room temperature is normal.
D. Enter LCO 3.0.3 immediately
D. Enter LCO 3.0.3 immediately
(SRO ONLY) The Control Room HVAC System is designed to maintain the control
room habitable for _ days following a Design Basis Accident.
A. 7
B. 15
C. 30
D. 45
C. 30
SOP-24 contains the following Plant Requirement:
“If one Control Room Noble Gas Monitor is inoperable, then the affected Control Room
HVAC Train shall be immediately placed in the Emergency Mode OR the opposite
Control Room HVAC Train placed in service ANO the affected Control Room HVAC
Train be Caution Tagged to run only in emergency”.
Which ONE of the following describes the reason for this action?
A. Auto start in emergency mode of the unaffected train will not occur unless BOTH Noble Gas Monitors are operable.
B. Interlock prevents the affected train from starting in manual unless the Noble Gas Monitor is operable.
C. Affected Train air intake dampers 0-1 (0-8) and 0-2 (0-9) will not automatically close on a CHP/CHR with the Noble Gas Monitor inoperable.
D. With the affected train Noble Gas Monitor inoperable and operating in the Normal
Mode, radioactivity entering from the outside environment will not be detected.
D. With the affected train Noble Gas Monitor inoperable and operating in the Normal
Mode, radioactivity entering from the outside environment will not be detected.
With the plant in Mode 2, BOTH Control Room Noble Gas Monitors have been
declared inoperable.
Which ONE of the following describes the action(s) to be taken?
A. Restore at least one Control Room Noble Gas Monitor to operable status within 8
hours or be in Mode 4 within the next 6 hours.
B. Declare both Control Room HVAC trains inoperable and enter Technical
Specification 3.0.3.
C. Restore both Control Room Noble Gas Monitors to operable status within 7 days or
be in Mode 4 within the next 6 hours.
D. Place one Control Room HVAC Train in the Emergency Mode. Caution Tag both
Trains to be run only in Emergency Mode.
D. Place one Control Room HVAC Train in the Emergency Mode. Caution Tag both
Trains to be run only in Emergency Mode.
Given the following conditions:
• The plant is at full power.
• “A” Train of Control Room HVAC is in service in Normal Mode.
• The following alarm annunciates:
• It is determined that RIA-1818A has failed and is inoperable.
What are the consequences of continuing to operate the ‘A’ Train Control Room HVAC
system and what actions will be taken to mitigate this condition?
A. If radiation entered the Control Room envelope, the ‘A’ train would not be able to
automatically swap to Emergency Mode. The affected CRHVAC Train (A) shall be
placed in Emergency Mode within 1 hour, OR the opposite CRHVAC train (B) must
be started within 1 hour, AND the affected train must be Caution Tagged to only run
in Purge Mode.
B. If radiation entered the Control Room envelope, the ‘A’ train would not be able to
automatically swap to Emergency Mode. The affected CRHVAC Train (A) shall be
placed in Emergency Mode immediately, OR the opposite CRHVAC train (B) must
be started immediately, AND the affected train must be Caution Tagged to only run
in Emergency Mode.
C. Any radioactive contamination entering the Control Room envelope from the
outside will not be detected. The affected CRHVAC Train (A) shall be placed in
Emergency Mode immediately, OR the opposite CRHVAC train (B) must be started
immediately, AND the affected train must be Caution Tagged to only run in
Emergency Mode.
D. Any radioactive contamination entering the Control Room envelope from the
outside will not be detected. The affected CRHVAC Train (A) shall be placed in
Emergency Mode within 1 hour, OR the opposite CRHVAC train (B) must be startec
within 1 hour, AND the affected train must be Caution Tagged to only run in Purge
C. Any radioactive contamination entering the Control Room envelope from the
outside will not be detected. The affected CRHVAC Train (A) shall be placed in
Emergency Mode immediately, OR the opposite CRHVAC train (B) must be started
immediately, AND the affected train must be Caution Tagged to only run in
Emergency Mode.
Continuous Air Monitor RIA-1818B for CRHVAC Unit V-96 on the Main Control Room
Ventilation System has caused Main Control Room Alarm EK0240, >CR HVAC Train B
RIA-1818B Hi Rad I Fail= to actuate. A detector failure was discovered which causes
this detector to be inoperable. What actions are required to be performed?
A. The affected CRHVAC Train shall be placed in Emergency Mode within 1 hour;OR
the opposite CRHVAC train must be started and the affected train must be Caution
Tagged to only run in Emergency Mode
B. The affected CRHVAC Train shall be placed in Emergency Mode immediately; OR
the opposite CRHVAC train must be started immediately and the affected train mus·
be Caution Tagged to only run in Emergency Mode
C. The affected CRHVAC Train can remain in operation in the Normal Mode for 30
days as long as an alternate means of sampling airborne radiation for the affected
train is established
D. The affected CRHVAC Train can remain in operation in the Normal Mode
indefinitely as long as an alternate means of sampling airborne radiation for the
affected train is established
B. The affected CRHVAC Train shall be placed in Emergency Mode immediately; OR
the opposite CRHVAC train must be started immediately and the affected train mus·
be Caution Tagged to only run in Emergency Mode
SOP 24, Plant Requirements states, “When conditions require Control Room HVAC
Emergency Mode operation, Switchgear Exhaust Fan V-47 shall NOT be operated.”
What is the Basis for this requirement?
A. Emergency Mode operation with Purge Fan V-47 in service would reduce or eliminate the positive pressure in the Control Envelope
B. With Purge Fan V-47 operating, changes in system flow result in inadequate air
velocity for heater operation during Emergency Mode.
C. V-47 operation during Emergency Mode results in inadequate flow past CAMs
RIA-1818A1B for monitoring radiological conditions.
D. V-47 flow is greater than either Air Handling Units (V-26A1B) flow resulting in inadequate air flow paths for cooling of electronic components.
A. Emergency Mode operation with Purge Fan V-47 in service would reduce or eliminate the positive pressure in the Control Envelope
A. CORRECT. V-47 takes suction from 1-0 Bus, Cable Spreading Room and 1-C
Bus Rooms and discharges to the roof. If in operation would reduce or eliminate
the positive pressure in the Control Envelope due to leaks between the Control
Room and The Cable Spreading Area.
B. INCORRECT. This is true for the CRHVAC System when it is in Recirculation
Mode, not Emergency Mode.
C. INCORRECT. CAMs are out of the flow path by design when in Emergency
Mode and the Recirculation Mode.
D. INCORRECT. V-47 is rated at 7800 CFM whereas the V-26s are rated at
12,500 CFM each.
SOP-24 Precaution & Limitation 5.1.6 states “Control Room Air Handling Heaters
(VHX-95 NHX-96) are maintained in the disconnect position”.
Which ONE of the following is the reason for this?
A. The Condensing Units (VC-1 ONC-11) cannot handle the additional heat load from the heaters.
B. Heater operation causes excessive static electricity buildup in the Control Room atmosphere.
C. Control Room air flow rate during PURGE MODE is not sufficient to allow continuous operation of the heaters.
D. Heater does not automatically trip on a CHP/CHR condition.
C. Control Room air flow rate during PURGE MODE is not sufficient to allow continuous operation of the heaters.
Which ONE of the following is the reason for maintaining a positive pressure in the
Control Room, TSC, Viewing Gallery, and Mechanical Equipment Room?
A. Minimize dust/dirt from plating out on electronic components and circuits thus reducing the potential for short circuits.
B. Prevent infiltration of unfiltered air and maintain a habitable environment following a design basis accident.
C. Prevent rapid depressurization due to the effects of a tornado in the vicinity of the plant.
D. Minimize freon absorption of oil due to higher control room air temperature.
B. Prevent infiltration of unfiltered air and maintain a habitable environment following a design basis accident.
Which ONE of the following correctly describes the effect of a loss of instrument air on
the Control Room HVAC System when operating in the normal mode?
A. Control Room pressure will rise to greater than 0.125” H20.
B. Control Room pressure will lower to less than 0.0” H20 (become negative).
C. Emergency Air Inlet Damper D-7 (D-14) opening will maintain Control Room positive pressure at setpoint.
D. System will fail to the full recirculation mode and depressurize.
D. System will fail to the full recirculation mode and depressurize.
Which ONE of the following events would cause the Control Room HVAC system to fail to the recirculation mode and result in Control Room depressurization? A. Containment High Pressure (CHP). B. Loss of Instrument Air. C. Containment High Radiation (CHR). D. Loss of Bus 1E.
B. Loss of Instrument Air.
Which one of the following correctly describes a potential effect of a loss of instrument
air on the Control Room HVAC System while operating in the Normal Mode?
A. CRHVAC Emergency Fan, V-26A(B), will start.
B. Control Room pressure will rise to greater than 0.125” H20.
C. System will automatically shift to the Emergency mode of operation.
D. Compressor VC-11 (10) will trip due to a low suction pressure condition.
D. Compressor VC-11 (10) will trip due to a low suction pressure condition.
A significant break in the Instrument Air line to the Aux Building has resulted in a loss of air to many components including the air supplies for the Control Room HVAC System. Maintenance has determined it will require approximately 2 hours to restore air to the components affected.
When the loss of air occurred the Control Room HVAC System was lined up for Normal Flow operation.
Which of the following describes the status of Control Room ventilation and cooling if
air is not restored to the CR HVAC components?
Condensing Unit / Emer Inlet Dampers / Norm Flow Dampers
A. will trip / open / open
B. will trip / closed / closed
C. runs / open / closed
D. runs / closed / open
B. will trip / closed / closed
When the Control Room HVAC Train A is placed in the Recirculation Mode, Control Room Alarm EK-3349 “CONTROL ROOM LOW PRESSURE DPIC-1659/1660” is received.
Which ONE of the following is the reason for this alarm?
A. This aligns a smaller supply duct resulting in less makeup air flow to Control Room
B. BOTH normal and emergency outside makeup air supplies to the control room are isolated.
C. Half of the Turbine Building Supply Fans shutdown thereby reducing the Turbine
Building pressure.
D. Emergency Unit V-26A starts, Normal Unit V-95 shuts down, V-26A capacity is less than V-95.
B. BOTH normal and emergency outside makeup air supplies to the control room are isolated.
Which ONE of the following is the reason for minimizing the time the Control Room
HVAC System is operating in the Recirculation Mode?
A. RIA-1818A/B, Control Room Continuous Air Monitor, sample point is located between the Tornado Damper (TD-1/TD-2) and supply damper (D-1/D-8) and is isolated when these dampers are closed.
B. Interlock between DPIC-1659/1660 and RIA-1818A/B stops the sample pump P-968A/B when the DPIC is placed in manual.
C. RIA-1818A/B are not located at a point where they can detect radiation in the recirculation air flow path.
D. Minimize dust infiltration into the Control Room environment getting into control
panel electronic components.
C. RIA-1818A/B are not located at a point where they can detect radiation in the recirculation air flow path.
The following plant conditions exist:
• Plant is operating at full power
• Control Room HVAC Train A is operating in the Recirculation Mode.
Which ONE of the following correctly describes the response of the Control Room
HVAC System to a CHP/CHR actuation?
A. Train A continues to operate in the Recirculation Mode, Train B starts in the
Emergency Mode.
B. System will respond as required to the CHP/CHR with the exception that Control
Room pressure will be minimum due to DPIC being in manual.
C. System will respond as required to the CHP/CHR and maintain a positive pressure
of at least 0.125” H20.
D. Emergency Filter Units V-26A1B and Emergency Air Dampers D-7 and D-14 will
have to be operated from local panels C-186A1B.
C. System will respond as required to the CHP/CHR and maintain a positive pressure
of at least 0.125” H20.
Given the following conditions:
• Train ‘A’ Control Room HVAC is operating in NORMAL mode.
• A steam line break occurs inside Containment and Containment pressure rises to
8.0 psig.
• V-26A, Emergency Fan, starts and outside air is drawn into the Control Room
through HEPA and charcoal filters.
Which ONE of the following describes the response of the following Control Room
HVAC components to this event?
AHU Fan / Condensing Unit / Toilet Exhaust Fan A. running / tripped / isolates B. tripped / tripped / tripped C. running / running / isolates D. running / tripped / running
A. running / tripped / isolates
Plant conditions are as follows:
• Outside air temperature is 51°F
• Emergency Filter Train “B” (V-26B) has just been stopped due to completion of
Technical Specification Surveillance MO-33
• Control Room HVAC Train B is operating in Normal Mode
• Purge Fan V-94 has just been started
• Condensing Unit VC-1 0 has been stopped
The reason for stopping Condensing Unit VC-1 0 is:
A. Potential damage to Supply Fan V-96 due to higher air density with VC-10 and V-94 in service.
B. Potential for air moisture condensing in the air handling unit and duct work following completion of MO-33.
C. V-96 tripping on low air flow due to Recirc Damper D-10 and Modulating Damper D-9 closing.
D. Potential compressor damage during cold weather conditions.
D. Potential compressor damage during cold weather conditions.
SOP 24, Plant Requirements states, “When conditions require Control Room HVAC
Emergency Mode operation, Switchgear Exhaust Fan V-47 shall NOT be operated.”
What is the Basis for this requirement?
A. Emergency Mode operation with Purge Fan V-47 in service would reduce or eliminate the positive pressure in the Control Envelope
B. With Purge Fan V-47 operating, changes in system flow result in inadequate air
velocity for heater operation during Emergency Mode.
C. V-47 operation during Emergency Mode results in inadequate flow past CAMs
RIA-1818NB for monitoring radiological conditions.
D. V-47 flow is greater than either Air Handling Units (V-26NB) flow resulting in
inadequate air flow paths for cooling of electronic components.
A. Emergency Mode operation with Purge Fan V-47 in service would reduce or eliminate the positive pressure in the Control Envelope