Control of Ventilation Flashcards
Neural studies on animals show what about the brain’s control of breathing in the higher brain?
Early animal studies were largely aimed at anatomically locating the integrator. Some studies involved neural transection where portions of the brain of an anesthetized animal was systemically removed to determine whether breathing rate or depth was altered. These studies showed that removal of the cerebral cortex and cerebellum (transection # 1) had little or no effect upon the breathing rate or depth, as shown in the figure. However, cutting the vagi, either before or after this transection, resulted in a slower breathing rate and an increase in tidal volume (VT). Likewise, a transection between the lower midbrain and upper pons also had no effect upon breathing rate or depth (transection # 2). Again, cutting the vagi resulted in a slower breathing frequency and an increased VT. These findings suggest that some sensors send signals via vagal afferent nerves to influence breathing rate and depth. However, these vagal afferents apparently innervate the brain below midbrain level.
Explain animal studies on the lower brain relating to breathing?
If a transection is made along the upper one-third of the pons, (figure, transection #3), breathing rate is slowed and VT is increased provided the vagi are intact. A breathing pattern similar to that of cutting the vagi alone (transection #1) is observed. However, if vagi are severed along with this pontine transection, an apneustic breathing pattern results. Apneusis is defined as the termination of breathing at end-inspiration, often manifested by inspiratory spasms and gasps.
Explain animals studies revealing the pneumotaxic and apneustic centers?
Results from neural transection studies suggest that the lower two-thirds of the pons encourages inspiration because without input from vagal afferents or the upper pons, apneusis was observed. Thus, the lower two-thirds of the pons is designated as the Apneustic Center, while the upper one-third is called the Pneumotaxic Center. The transection studies suggest that both the pneumotaxic center and vagal afferent nerves innervate the apneustic center to diminish inspiratory drive. One idea suggests that the apneustic center appears to continuously promote inspiration and requires periodic inhibition from the pneumotaxic center and vagal afferents for expiration to occur. As such, the pneumotaxic center and vagal afferents collectively constitute a “cut-off” switch for the apneustic center. When inspiration is terminated, expiration can occur.
Explain the medullary center?
Spontaneous, but irregular breathing, occurs after the brain stem is transected between the lower border of the pons and the medulla (transection #4). After this transection, the breathing pattern is characterized by a variable tidal volume and rate. Cutting the vagi after this transection has little influence on the breathing pattern. This suggests that vagal afferents likely innervate the pons as opposed to the medullary region. However, a transection across the lower border of the medulla (transection #5) results in apnea, or the termination of breathing at end expiration. These findings indicate that the minimal neuronal pools necessary for spontaneous breathing reside in the medullary portion of the brain stem. This brain stem region is appropriately called the Medullary Center. Although neuronal pools of the medullary center alone appear sufficient to initiate and maintain sequences of inspiration and expiration, input from the pontine pneumotaxic and apneustic centers appear to be essential for rhythmic and coordinated breathing.
Explain the integrator connections?
Neural interconnections between the integrating centers of the brain stem have been further explored using techniques like electrical stimulation, recording of neuronal signals, lesions placed in specific brain stem sites, and a variety of other interventions. Within the medulla, some neuron groups are primarily active during inspiration and are called inspiratory neurons. Other medullary neurons fire mostly during expiration and are termed expiratory neurons. Most medullary neurons that discharge in synchrony with either inspiration or expiration are fairly intermingled but located primarily in two areas, identified as the dorsal respiratory group (DRG) and ventral respiratory group (VRG) (see top figure). Several different models of varying complexity have been proposed to show how respiratory neurons might interconnect to generate a breathing rhythm
Explain the model of how integrators work?
One simple model of proposed pontine-medullary connections is shown (see bottom figure). In this model, motor neurons from the medullary inspiratory neuron pool initiate contraction of the inspiratory muscles (i.e., diaphragm and external intercostals). When active, medullary inspiratory neurons also appear to diminish activity of expiratory neuron pools in the medulla while facilitating activity of neurons in the pneumotaxic center. As the lung inflates, stretch receptors or proprioceptors in the lung are stimulated. Activation of stretch receptors, along with enhanced pneumotaxic center activity, tends to inhibit the apneustic center. This diminishes inspiratory drive and expiration commences. The spontaneous rhythmicity of breathing, originating from the brain stem centers, can be voluntarily overridden by input from higher cortical centers. In fact, higher brain centers regularly modify the cycle of inspiration and expiration during such activities as speaking, singing, playing a wind instrument, sneezing, coughing and during emotional stress. However, the brain stem centers will eventually dominate the breathing pattern as dictated by the need for CO2, removal or O2 uptake, or acid-base balance ofextracellular fluids.
explain muscles for breathing and their innervation?
Output from the brain stem integrator descends the spinal cord and exits via motor neurons to innervate the diaphragm, intercostal, and abdominal muscles. The diaphragm, the primary effector of breathing, is innervated by the phrenic nerve formed by the union of motor nerves exiting the spinal cord from C3 to C6. The external intercostals are innervated by the intercostal nerves that leave the cord at T1 to T12. The respiratory muscles most important to expiration are the internal intercostals and the abdominal muscles, which are innervated by nerve fibers originating at T1 through T11 and T4 to L3, respectively.
Neurogenic reflexes in the lungs stem from? how many are there?
A large number and variety of sensors are located in the lungs, the cardiovascular system, skeletal muscles, and the muscles and tendons of respiratory muscles. Each conveys information to the brain stem integratorto inform it of the effectiveness of respiratory muscle work or the adequacy of ventilation in terms of O2 uptake or CO2 removal. At least eight different sensor reflexes have been identified according to the receptor location, structure, or afferent pathway.
What are the hering-breuer reflexes?
Two reflexes discovered by Hering and Breuer in 1868 appear to help regulate the work of breathing on a breath-to-breath basis. The Hering-Breuer Inflation reflex (also called inhibito-inspiratory reflex) is initiated by stretch receptors (sensors) located in the smooth muscles surrounding both large and small airways. With lung inflation, these stretch receptors are stimulated and send neural signals via vagal afferents that appear to be inhibitory to the pontine apneustic center. Thus, they function to facilitate termination of inspiration, as previously noted in the neural transection studies. There is also a Hering-Breuer Deflation reflex (or excito-inspiratory reflex). This reflex is initiated either by decreased activity in the same airway stretch receptors involved in the inflation reflex or by stimulation of other proprioceptors that are activated by lung deflation. This information is also conveyed via vagal afferents to the brain stem respiratory centers to encourage inspiration. While Hering-Breuer reflexes are readily demonstrated in anesthetized animals, they are more difficult to demonstrate in humans, except at large tidal volumes. These reflexes are detectable in infants and are probably important in regulating the work of breathing.
what is the J-receptor reflex?
The Pulmonary Jreceptors, an abbreviated name for the pulmonary juxtapulmonary-capillary receptors, are located in, or near, the walls of pulmonary microvessels. They appear to be stimulated by vascular emboli, interstitial edema, and certain chemicals (phenyldiguanide or capsaicin). Information from the J-receptors is also delivered via vagal afferents in the brain stem. Their stimulation results in rapid shallow breathing (tachypnea). These receptors are thought to be responsible for the psychological sensation of “air hunger”, also known as dyspnea. Dyspnea is characterized by the sensation of labored breathing and “shortness” of breath.
List several other respiratory neurogenic reflexes?
Irritant receptorsin the upper airway are stimulated by deformation, dust, smoke, or toxic gases. Afferent signals from irritant receptors are transmitted via the vagus, trigeminal, or olfactory nerve to the integrator to initiate coughing or sneezing. The arterial baroreceptors (carotid sinus and aortic arch) also can reflexly alter breathing rate. A reduction in arterial blood pressure tends to stimulate breathing, while a rise in blood pressure decreases ventilation. Reflexes also arise from stretchor proprioceptorslocated in skeletal muscles, tendons, and joints. When stimulated by movement, these receptors increase ventilation. They may be important in stimulating the increase in ventilation associated with exercise and help in adjusting ventilation to the external work load. However, the arterial chemoreceptors are the most important sensors in regulating ventilation according to the metabolic needs for O2 uptake and CO2 excretion.
What are the chemoreceptor reflexes in the lungs?
The chemoreceptors are specialized cells capable of detecting changes in the concentration of physically dissolved O2, CO2, or hydrogen ion (H+) in the extracellular fluid immediately surrounding them. These chemosensitive cells are divided functionally, anatomically and geographically into the peripheral and central chemoreceptors. They function to regulate ventilation so CO2 is maintained nearly constant and at a level consistent with CO2 production and O2 consumption by the tissues of the body.
Explain the carotid and aortic bodies?
The peripheral chemoreceptors are located in discrete structures known as the carotid and aortic bodies. The carotid body is a small nodule (5 mm long) located on the bifurcation of the common carotid artery just above the carotid sinus baroreceptors (figure). The aortic bodies are located above and below the aortic arch. In man, the carotid bodies appear to be more important than the aortic bodies, although this may relate to their greater accessibility for study. The peripheral chemoreceptors have a high metabolic rate but also have an exceedingly high blood flow of about 2000 ml/100 g of tissue. As a result, its difficult to detect a PO2 difference between the blood entering and leaving the carotid body. The carotid bodies are comprised of several cell types, with glomus cells being the principal constituent.
Explain the stimulation of peripheral chemoreceptors?
Thecarotid and aortic bodies are able to monitor the physically dissolved O2 and CO2 and the H+ concentration of arterial blood. These chemoreceptors are stimulated by a decline in the PO2, especially when it falls below 60 Torr (figure). They are also stimulated by an increase in the arterial blood H+ concentration (decreased pH) or an increase in physically dissolved CO2 (or PCO2). While it is not clear precisely how increases in H+ or CO2 or decreases in the PO2 stimulate the chemoreceptors, the peripheral chemoreceptors are the only sensors capable of detecting a fall in the PO2. Thus, the peripheral chemoreceptors account for increases in ventilation resulting from hypoxemia. However, these chemoreceptors only detect levels of physically dissolved O2 and not the O2 that is chemically attached to hemoglobin.
Explain the stimulation of central chemoreceptors?
The central chemoreceptors have been located physiologically but not anatomically. Chemosensitive areas (CSA) are located along the ventrolateral surface of the medulla near the cerebral spinal fluid (CSF) of the 4th ventricle of the brain. At least three areas of the brain stem appear capable of chemodetection. Like the arterial chemoreceptors, the central chemoreceptors are stimulated by an increase in the PCO2 or H+ concentration, but not O2. These central chemosensitive areas appear to be more sensitive to changes in the H+ or PCO2 of CSF than of cerebral blood. The blood brain barrier (BBB), that separates blood from the CSF, limits access of certain blood constituents, such as HCO3- and H+ to the CSF. In contrast to the peripheral receptors, the central chemoreceptors are not sensitive to changes in the PO2 of cerebral blood or CSF.