Control of radioactive substances, incidents and emergencies Flashcards
How are sources (Open & Sealed) catergorised?
Determined by the A/D value based on IAEA categorisation methodology in their Safety Guide.
What does the A and D stand for in the A/D value?
A = Source Activity
D = Activity at which the source becomes dangerous
How is the catergory defined for multiple source holding?
Overall source/store/premises holding category is determined by ADDING A/D values for each source.
Define all the numbered source categories
Cat1, Cat2, Cat3&4 and Cat5
Cat1: most dangerous e.g. medical teletherapy, gamma knife
Cat2: industrial radiography sources, high/medium dose rate brachytherapy
Cat3&4: density moisture gauges, low dose rate brachytherapy
Cat5: Any practice with A/D < 0.01 (excluding source categories 1-4); includes some HASS
What are the different Security Levels?
Security levels A-D which are dependant on source category.
What is Security Level D?
Minimum security where duties are imposed by IRR17 & EPR2016. Excludes HASS sources.
What are the additional security measures required for security Levels A-C (HASS sources)?
Security culture, awareness of the threat and need to Deter, Detect, Delay, Respond
* Site security plan
* Extendibility of security measures dependent upon the terrorist threat level
* Information security plan
* Personnel background checks
* Specified number of physical security measures (delay source access)
* Timely detection of unauthorised access by monitored intruder alarm
* Timely police response to alarm
* Mobile sources in use require close personal supervision & possibly appropriate communication links
What is the purpose of the Radiation (Emergency Preparedness and Public Information) Regulations 2019 (REPPIR)?
To establish a framework of emergency preparedness measures ensuring employees and the public are properly informed and prepared for radiation emergencies.
What is considered a “radiation emergency” under REPPIR?
A non-routine event likely to result in a member of the public receiving an effective dose of >/= 1 mSv during the year immediately following the emergency.
Who oversees compliance with REPPIR?
The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) and the Office for Nuclear Regulation (ONR).
What regulatory frameworks relate to REPPIR2019?
* Reg. 8 (radiation risk assessment in emergency response)
* Reg. 22 (dose assessment) & Reg. 24 (dose recording)
* Reg. 25 (dosimetry for accidents (or emergencies) and medical surveillance).
Civil Contingencies Act (CCA):
* The CCA provides the overarching framework for civil emergency preparedness and response.
* REPPIR emergency arrangements must dovetail with other arrangements made under the CCA.
What are the Legal Duties under REPPIR2019?
Operators: of premises where work with ionising radiation is carried out e.g. licensed nuclear sites (compliance with the Nuclear Installations Act will meet REPPIR
requirements), hospitals, universities, ports, airports, factories
Transporters: of RAS through a public place (but not those using standard forms of transport such as road (CDG2009), rail, inland waterway, sea, air, or through a pipeline) e.g. movement via pipelines.
All local authorities: not just those that have REPPIR operators within their boundaries
Employers: of people who intervene in a radiation emergency,
such as the emergency services e.g. police, ambulance etc.
Operators/LAs/Employers: to co-operate (Regs. 13-15)
Where does REPPIR not apply for radioactive sources?
- RAS activity concentration ** < 100Bq/g **;
- Non-dispersible sources (certificate not expired);
- RAS conforming to the specifications for #special form RAM (certificate not expired); and
- RAS in Type B and C packages;
- Excludes RAM Transport except for Reg.22
What is an emergency exposure?
One which may exceed the dose limits in IRR17 (i.e.
20 mSv) during intervention in a radiation emergency and are incurred by emergency workers, who act to bring help to endangered people, prevent exposure of a large number of people, and prevent harm to the environment or save valuable property, plant or goods. These employees are usually operator employees or emergency service personnel required to intervene/respond.
What are reference levels?
Operator’s & LA’s emergency plans must record
reference levels for persons or groups of persons that may be affected by the radiation emergency (e.g. the public) and/ or for those persons with specific roles in responding to a radiation emergency.