Control of Food Intake Flashcards
Key definitions
satiety appetite hunger aphagia hyperphagia/polyphagia
- Satiety: State of being full after eating food
- Appetite: Describes the desire to satisfy the body’s needs of food
- Hunger: Discomfort caused by lack of food and the desire to eat – a strong craving for food
- Aphagia: The inability or refusal to swallow
- Hyperphagia/polyphagia: An abnormal desire for food (extreme unsatisfied drive to eat)
why is there no voluntary control with storage of food
ANS = storage of food in the stomach WITHOUT voluntary control
What happens to stomach in fasting state?
what chnages when food enters?
what happens when we are full?
what will relaxtions and contractions lead to?
- Fasting state: Stomach = small volume.
- Presence of food = accommodation to occur (VIP and NO IMPORTANT HERE).
- When full = satiety -> short term // long term depending on how full we are.
- Relaxations//contractions -> will empty the stomach = feel hunger (stimulated by GHRELIN).
Main Control of Food Intake?
how does weight change with age?
what are 2 reasons for differences in BMI?
Main control = hypothalamic control
Young people = maintain a constant body weight, BUT decreases with age (middle aged spread)
Reasons for differences in BMI
o Genes
o How much we eat and its consumption
Accommodation of Food
what are the three types of relaxtion? How do they turn on or come about?
what is vagotomy? what does it do? why do patients get early satiety? why does it do this?
3 types of relaxation:
- Receptive relaxation
o Mechanical stimuli IN PHARYNX -> sent to the vagal nerve. - Vagal reflex = relaxation to occur via INHIBITORY VAGAL FIBRES = release NO and VIP.
- Adaptive relaxation
o Food in stomach = adaptation. Further felt by TENSION RECEPTORS -> furthers relaxation.
- Vagotomy impairs accommodation // emptying -> early satiety in some patients.
- Caused by disturbance to fundic tone -> ↓contractility -> stasis and bloating.
- Vagotomy ↓ accommodation // gastric compliance.
Hypothalamic control
how does hunger, satiation and satiety help us?
where in the hypothalamus is this control? what do they control?
2 other inputs that control feeding behaviour?
Hunger, satiation, and satiety = cues -> tell you when to start and stop eating.
- Hunger -> START EATNG -> satiation -> STOP EATING -> Hunger
Base of the hypothalamus = several nuclei = regulate energy homeostasis//controlling appetite //size of portions // ingestive behaviour.
Other inputs = control feeding behaviour:
• Orexigenic neurotransmitters: ↑appetite
• Anorexigenic neurotransmitters: ↓ appetite
Relaxation of the reservoir (fundus) is mediated by reflexes and can be differentiated into 3 types
name one component mediator: name these
What mediate these reflexes?
receptive (mechanical stimulation of pharynx – mechanoreceptors, sight),
adaptive (vagal innervation (NO/VIP), tension of stomach)
feedback (nutrients, CCK).
mediated by non-adrenergic, non-cholinergic (NANC) mechanisms (i.e., inhibition involving NO, VIP, etc.) as well as by reflex chains involving release of noradrenaline.
Summary of factors that influence food intake
3 key categories? name a few things for these
External factors- e.g., food availability, variety of food available, social eating, daily routines.
Emotional state - stress, anxiety, depression.
Physiological regulation
Feeding behaviour/food intake = modulated by: Hypothalamic nuclei
Name them
hunger centre?
satiety centre? what does it work with? how can this go wrong?
energy intake - hunger centre? what does it release and effect?
modulates feeding bahaviour? what does it work with? what is their effect? what is released and their effects?
orexigenic signals? what is released?
mood to drive to eat? what does it control? what may alter feeding behaviour?
last nucleus? where is it? what does it regulate and via what?
Hypothalamic nuclei
• Lateral hypothalamus (LH) = hunger centre
o Hypothalamus = hunger
• Ventromedial nucleus (VMN) = satiety centre
o Works with the LH to restrain/promote feeding
o Ability to restrain feeding if required; lesion -> ↑ appetite, with persist weight gain
• Dorsomedial nucleus (DMN) = Energy intake (hunger centre)
o Release Neuropeptide Y into DMN -> ↑ feeding
• Paraventricular nucleus (PVN) = modulates feeding behaviour
o Works in conjunction with the perifornical hypothalamus
o Control feeding behaviour
o NPY, opioids, GABA, etc. -> ↑ feeding leptin ->↓ food intake
• Arcuate nucleus
o Neurons -> orexigenic signals (NPY, the opioids, dynorphin, β-endorphin, POMC, galanin, amino acids, GABA and glutamate)
• Suprachiasmatic nucleus
o Appetite or the sensation of hunger → mood/drive to eat
o Perception of the light-dark cycle (circadian rhythms) = human body clock
o Individual-based requirements (e.g., neural, metabolic, and hormonal) may alter feeding behaviour
• Medial amygdaloid nucleus
o It is a sub-region of the amygdaloid complex
o Regulation of food intake
o 5-HT (via 5-HT2C and 5-HT1A): regulates appetite and food intake
Regulation of appetite in the hypothalamus by 5-HT2C agonist
What is released to stimulate appetite?
what is released to suppress appetite? what is the precursor to this molecule? what receptor does it bind to?
Name a agonist to regulate appetite? where does it bind and where is this located?
How can the appetite stimulating pathway stimulate appetite?
What is zimelidine?
what happens when you give zimelidine to fasted and fed rats? how does it change with conc?
On side A, the appetite suppressing pathway is not stimulated (POMC neuron) because there is no 5-HT2C agonist released into the environment.
This means that it does not bind to its receptor (MC4R) so that receptor is free.
The appetite stimulating pathway is stimulated releasing neurotransmitters = NPY // AgRP and receptor is free -> ↑ appeitite.
On side B, there is an agonist (mCPP) which can bind to its receptor. (5-HT2C)
This stimulates the POMC neuron.
POMC is active -> metabolised to αMSH -> gets secreted it binds to MC4R = decreased appetite.
Zimelidine is a drug – a 5-HT2C neuronal uptake inhibitor and allows it to persist in the synaptic cleft.
- If you expose rats to 5-HT and keep some of them fasted and then feed the rest while also exposing to different concentrations of zimelidine (dissolved in αCSF) – the fed rats have decreased food intake generally.
- With the fasted rats, there is a pattern – higher concentrations of zimelidine leads to decreased food intake. This is because the drug promotes decreased appetite.
Central control of food intake
Name some anorexigenic factors
what is the Diurnal variation in food intake?
Anorexigenic factors
5-HT (5-HT2C and 5-HT1A), dopamine, GABA →↓ appetite
Diurnal variation in food intake
- Carbohydrates metabolised during the day
- Fats metabolised at night
- Hypothalamus responds to the switch between carbohydrate and fat metabolism
Executive control of food intake
Name the 2 main systems
which one is to do with instinct and mood? which one inetgrates sensory info? hwo are they connected? what do they do?
Prefrontal cortex
The prefrontal cortex = integration of sensory information from inside and outside the body. It receives emotional and cognitive information from the limbic system.
Helps make choices by translating all of the homeostatic and environmental information into adaptive behavioural response.
Limbic system
The limbic system = complex system of nerves and networks in the brain; areas concerned with instinct and mood. It may control emotions, pleasure (fear, anger, etc.).
So cortico-limbic mechanisms of reward appear to be under executive control – they can be modulated to some extent depending on how hungry one is. The satiation of feeding behaviour is associated with motor planning and execution
Control of food intake: integration of many signals
what nerves tell the brain how much we have eaten and when to stop eating?
what part of the hypothalamus modulates energy intake? what if this was destroyed? what three molecules will stimulate appetite? what are these molecules called?
from where does this area recieve projections from? what neurones? what cells does it have?
what is a very sensitive area for NPY-induced eating? at what levels is NPY found? what if NPY was injected to hypothalamus?
What is the c-shaped bundle of nerve fibres in the brain? where does it carry nerves from and to where? what is this part of the brain involved in?
What is the hunger or feadding centre?
what is the satiety centre?
which part of the brain releases regulatory hormones? what is this integral to? where is this?
Where is arc?
- Stomach nerves are responsible for telling the brain how much food a person has eaten, and when to stop eating.
- DMN - dorsomedial nucleus – modulates energy intake; its destruction → hyperphagia & obesity; injection of GABA, NPY, galanin (orexigenic agents) stimulates appetite/food intake.
- DMN also receive projections from agRP/NPY neurons from ARC; it also has NPY-expressing cells.
- PFA = perifornical area – a very sensitive hypothalamic site for NPY-induced eating; NPY is found in high concentrations within neurons of hypothalamus – if injected into the hypothalamus, it stimulates powerful stimulus to eat.
- FX: C-shaped bundle of nerve fibres in the brain that carries signals from the hippocampus to the mammillary bodies (- are a pair of small round bodies, located on the under surface of the brain that, as part of the diencephalon, form part of the limbic system; it is for re-collective memory) and then to the anterior nuclei of thalamus. It is part of the limbic system – involved in memory and recall therfore carries signals; re-collective memory (remember what that food tastes like and could decide to have it again or not; but of course, we are also sometimes adventurous – try new things).
- LHA: lateral hypothalamic area = hunger or feeding centre.
- VMN = ventromedial nucleus = satiety centre.
- ME: median eminence - part of the hypothalamus from which regulatory hormones are released; integral to the hypophyseal portal system
- ARC: arcuate nucleus, also called infundibular nucleus= aggregation of neurons in the medio-basal hypothalamus.
Central control of food intake: where is the switch?
where is the satiety centre?
what will stimulation and lesions cause?
Where is the feeding centre?
what will stimulation and lesions cause?
What do opiods and ghr do for appepite? how?
what is the hedonic system?
What is the glucostat? what does it do?
REMEMBER that the satiety centre is part of the hypothalamus and the ventromedial wall of paraventricular nucleus. Stimulation of ventromedial wall of paraventricular nucleus → aphagia. Lesions of ventromedial wall of paraventricular nucleus → hyperphagia (increased appetite or excessive hunger).
REMEMBER that the feeding centre is part of the lateral hypothalamus. Stimulation of lateral hypothalamus → ↑ feeding. Lesion of this region → aphagia.
The brain has a glucostat that measures the amount of glucose that reaches it. This is because the brain heavily relies on glucose to function.
Opioids, growth hormone releasing hormone →↑ appetite. It is argued that opioid receptor agonism generally enhances food intake by increasing the positive hedonic valence of food, while opioid receptor antagonism reduces or blocks this effective response.
Control of food intake
what modulate resposnes to both cna and peripheral cues?
Factors that affect if food is sought or not and the type we ingest
how does circadian rhythmn affect food intake?
Signals from periphery and CNS control nutrient intake
Higher functions modulate responses to both CNS and peripheral cues → inhibition or stimulation of intake
Factors that affect if food is sought or not and the type we ingest: Food preferences Emotions Environment Life style
Circadian rhythm – limits food intake to certain times (in some people)
-> Stomach nerves ‘act as a clock’ to coordinate food intake - The activity of stomach nerves has a circadian rhythm, which may limit our food intake to certain times throughout the day
Control of food intake: what signals our appetite?
what 4 main things may signal our appetite? and why?
Why do diabetic patients feel hungry despite ↑[glucose]blood?
how does glucagon compare to insulin?
what does calcitonin do?
• Blood glucose concentration
[glucose]blood: Stimulates gluco-receptors in hypothalamus
o ↓[glucose]blood →up-regulation of hunger
o ↑[glucose]blood → up-regulation of satiety
o Diabetic patients feel hungry despite an ↑[glucose]blood because there it is not controlled by insulin, therefore is being wasted and not being taken up. -> This is because blood glucose is not entering the cells, and therefore cannot be sensed by the body. Individuals with insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM) are hyperphagic, but they are not obese as insulin is required for adipocytes to store fat. As such, excess calories consumed are wasted via inefficient utilization as well as via excretion in the urine.
Glucagon’s metabolic functions are in many respects opposite to those of insulin. Its primary function is to stimulate glucose production via hepatic glycogenolysis or gluconeogenesis, helping to maintain euglycemia (normal glucose levels) during states of rapid glucose utilisation or fasting, respectively.
Calcitonin reduces appetite: It may have CNS effects involving the regulation of feeding and appetite – shown to inhibit food intake in rats and monkeys.
• Cold environments simulate feeding while hot environments inhibit appetite. This is useful as it allows fat to be put on when cold.
• Afferent inputs
o Distension of a full stomach inhibits appetite; contraction of an empty one stimulates appetite
• Deposition of fat may control appetite , as fat tissue has ability to release leptin (more fat = more leptin).
Control of food intake: role of pancreatic hormones
where is insulin secreted from? where does a small amount go? what 2 effects could this have? how is insulin related to adipose fat?
what 3 hormones are secreted from pancreas and participate with energy homeostasis? where do they act?
o Insulin is secreted into the blood from the pancreas in direct proportion to the amount of fat stored in white adipose tissue.
o As it circulates through brain capillaries, a small amount of insulin is transported into the brain where it acts on insulin receptors on neurons with either net catabolic or anabolic activity, for example in the arcuate nucleus of the hypothalamus.
o These neurons in turn influence energy homeostasis (food intake and energy expenditure) and ultimately the amount of fat stored in the body by exerting a net catabolic action.
o Insulin, glucagon and amylin are all secreted from the endocrine pancreas, and all participate in the regulation of energy homeostasis.
o Insulin acts at both the liver and the forebrain to reduce energy intake as well as to suppress hepatic glucose production.
o Glucagon acts mainly at the liver where it increases glucose production while generating a signal to reduce energy intake that is relayed to the hindbrain.
amylin, is co-secreted with insulin from pancreatic B-cells; amylin acts as a satiety signal
Amylin and CCK have been reported to interact synergistically to reduce meal size
Amylin helps reduce food intake through the medulla of the brainstem and by delaying gastric emptying
Hormones and factors are released coincident (at same time) with a meal play a role in regulating food intake
Which hormone does fat ingestion cause the release of? where does it act? what will it do in the brain if injected?
• Fat ingestion causes CCK release and slowing of gastric emptying giving a feeling of fullness
o Hence CCK (from I cells in the intestine or nerve endings) inhibits further food intake; can be described as a satiety factor
o Injection of CCK in the brain therefore could reduce appetite
o Possibly could use CCK derivatives in obesity
where does leptin come from? why could it be called a lipostat? how does it control fat stores?
what does leptin increase expression of?
What does leptin stimulate and what does it inhibit? what is the overall effect of this?
Link between obesity and leptin?
interaction between cck and leptin
how do insulin and leptin work together?
Leptin comes from white adipose tissue and can be said to be a lipostat as it signals fat stores in adipose tissue. The more leptin there is, the more fat there is in the body. Leptin controls fat stores by operating a feedback mechanism between adipose tissue and brain, increased adipose tissue size increases leptin secretion.
Leptin increases the expression of anorexigenic factors including: pro-opiomelanocortin (POMC), cocaine and amphetamine regulated transcript (CART), corticotrophin-releasing hormone (CRH), neurotensin) (don’t have to worry about memorising these)
Leptin also stimulates metabolic rate and inhibits neuropeptide Y, a stimulant of feeding. This causes inhibition of feeding.
Some people may become resistant to the effects of leptin, leading to binge eating despite having high leptin levels, leading to growing of adipose tissue (obesity).
There is synergistic interaction between Leptin and CCK to reduce short-term food intake in lean mice. When leptin and CCK are put together there is synergistic effect (i.e. the effects of both agents together are much greater than either on its own).
Insulin and leptin act agonistically in reducing food intake via action on receptors within the brain
In leptin or insulin abundance the anorexigenic pathways prevail: increase of energy expenditure, increase of thermogenesis, diminished food intake.
Decreased leptin and insulin serum concentrations lead to the activation of orexigenic pathways: low metabolic rate and enhanced appetite.
where is it released from? when does it increase and when does it decrease? what is it’s effect and how fast does it act?
what does it increase and what does it inhibit? how can it’s secretion be inhibited?
how can obesity affect ghrelin?
how can you lose ghrelin activity?
Ghrelin is an appetite-inducing hormone (an orexin). It is fast acting and stimulates food intake. It is released by the stomach, pancreas and adrenals in response to nutritional status. Circulating levels of Ghrelin will increase before meals (preprandially) and decrease after a meal.
Ghrelin increases central orexins (e.g. neuropeptide Y, agouti-related protein (AgRP) and cannabinoids). It also suppresses the ability of leptin to stimulate anorexigenic factors. Ghrelin secretion can also be inhibited by Leptin. Both AgRP and NPY generate hunger signals by stimulating orexigenic neuron.
A loss of ghrelin activity often demonstrates a success of gastric bypass. It is possible that the ability of leptin to reduce ghrelin secretion lost is lost in obesity.
what is it produced by?
what is it encoded by?
effect of this hormone?
what does it antagonise? (2)
how can the balance of these two hormones play a role in obesity?
Obestatin is produced by epithelial cells of stomach.
It is encoded by ghrelin gene but acts in opposing direction to ghrelin in that it suppresses food intake (suppresses appetite, so decreases body weight gain).
Thus, it antagonises ghrelin induced good intake (and growth hormone secretion).
Imbalance of ghrelin and obestatin may have a role in obesity and a decreased ghrelin/obestatin ratio characterizes obesity in women. Obestatin mediates its effects via different receptors to ghrelin.
Summary of control of food intake
effect of fat mass
effect of exercise
what stimulates appetite? where does it act?
what stimulates satiety? Where does it act?
body composition
fat free mass high -> increase metabolic rate -> increase energy demand and drive to eat
increased fat mass -> increased leptin -> tonic inhibition of energy intake
increase exercise -> increase appetite stimulating hromones -> increased ghrelin
decrease exercise -> decrease appetite inhibiting hormones -> decrease CKK, pYY, GLP-1
what stimulates appetite?
ghrelin and cortisol
where does it act?
central stimuli therefore NPY, orexin-A and cannabinoids (hypothalamus)
what stimulates satiety?
glucose/aa/ffa, CCK, PYY, Insulin and Leptin
where does it act?
central inhibitors in hypothalamus
How is food intake controlled?
Some players at the cross-roads of energy metabolism? short and long term?
Depends on the detection and integration of a variety of signals
Energy stores and energy fluxes
Inputs received (gut-brain axis): palatability, emotional, circadian, social/situational, habitual, GI handling of the food
Some players at the cross-roads of energy metabolism:
Short-term: insulin, amylin, glucagon, CCK, NPY
Long-term: leptin, ghrelin, obestatin; insulin (and amylin)?
The hormones have GI, metabolic and behavioural effects by modulating meal size and food intake
The possibility that some of the mediators (leptin, NPY, etc.) mediates their effects via noradrenaline has been suggested