Contraires Flashcards
Absent, absent
Présent, present
Accepter, to accept
refuser, to refuse
Acheter, to buy
vendre, to sell
L’ami (m.), friend
L’ennemi (m.), enemy
Ancien, old, ancient
nouveau, new/ moderne, modern
Arriver, to arrive
partir, to leave
L’automne (m), autumn
le printemps, spring
Avant, before
après, after
Avec, with
Sans, without
Bas, low
Haute, high, loud
Beau, handsome, beautiful
Laid, ugly
Beaucoup, much
Peu, little
Bien, well
mal, badly
Bon, good
mauvais, méchant, bad, naughty, wicked
Le bruit, noise
le silence, silence
Chaud, hot
Froid, cold
Cher, dear
bon marché, cheap
Le commencement, beginning
la fin, end
Commencer, to begin
finir, to finish
Court, short
long, long
Debout, standing
assis (e), sitting, seated
Demander, to ask
répondre, to answer
Devant, in front of
derrière, behind
Donner, to give
prendre, to take/ recevoir to receive
Droite, right
gauche, left
Emprunter, to borrow
prêter, to lend
Entrer, to come in
sortir, to go out
L’est (m), east
l’ouest, west
L’été, summer
l’hiver, winter
Facile, easy
difficile, hard/difficult
Fermer, to close
ouvrir, to open
Fort, strong
faible, weak
Le garçon, boy
La jeune fille, young girl
Grand, tall
petit, short